Send to a B2B Integrator Mailbox
To send to a B2B Integrator mailbox, use the following general syntax:
The following IBM® Connect:Direct® Process example copies yourSourceFile from your IBM Connect:Direct server to the B2B Integrator-Connect:Direct Server Adapter, your CDSANode, which passes the document to your mailbox. The SNODEID, yourUserID, is your B2B Integrator User ID.
There are three parts to the destination FILE name in this Copy step:
- mailbox is a reserved word and signals to B2B Integrator that you are copying to a Mailbox.
- yourMailbox includes the name of your B2B Integrator Mailbox.
- yourDestinationFile is the document that is passed to your mailbox by the Connect:Direct Server Adapter. This document is stored in the mailbox. This document can be retrieved by an SFTP client, business process or another IBM Connect:Direct process.
After you submit the IBM Connect:Direct Process, you can use IBM Connect:Direct Select Statistics to monitor your IBM Connect:Direct to B2B Integrator processes. For more information on how to use the SELECT STATISTICS command to determine the outcome of a completed Process, refer to the IBM Connect:Direct documentation for the platform you are using.
You can also view yourDestinationFile in your B2B Integrator mailbox. See IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Interoperability at for more information on this B2B Integrator procedure.
When setting up and organizing your B2B Integrator mailboxes, you may want to consider virtual roots. For more information, refer to Using Virtual Roots in a Mailbox Hierarchy in IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Interoperability at
For more IBM Connect:Direct Process examples, see B2B Integrator Connect:Direct Server Adapter Examples.