Installing IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX using an IBM Certified Container Software
IBM Certified Container Software (CCS) can be installed on the Kubernetes based cluster.
Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration engine to automate the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications. This application release has been qualified and certified on an on-premise Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform (OCP) which is an enterprise-ready Kubernetes container platform with full-stack automated operations to manage the deployment life-cycle.
IBM CCS offers a container image and a helm chart. It meets the standard criteria for the packaging and deployment of containerized software. In addition, the container image is Red Hat certified.
Below are the step by step guide to plan and install the IBM Certified Container Software (CCS) in your cluster. Go through each links one by one and perform the operations as applicable for your deployment needs.
- Verifying system requirements
- Application license requirements
- IBM Licensing and Metering service
- Certificates files for Secure Plus
- PSP and SCC requirements
- Hardening RedHat OpenShift cluster
- Encrypting etcd data
- Running external utilities/tools
User Roles
Role | Task |
Cluster Administrator |
Project Administrator |
Verifying System Requirements
Before you begin the deployment process, verify that your system meets the hardware and software requirements specified for this release.
The Certified Container Software for IBM Connect:Direct® for UNIX has been verified on Red Hat Linux and requires the following minimum hardware and software resources:
Hardware Requirements
- 1 GB Disk space
- 500m CPU core
- 2 GB RAM
- 100 MB for Persistent Volume
- 3-5 GB of ephemeral storage
- 100 MB is minimum requirement for fresh deployment.
- For upgrade, make sure you have sufficient space on persistent volume so that backup of application data could reside on persistent volume.
- For Production, double all of the above requirements and make Persistent Volume size at least 1 GB.
Software Requirements
- Kubernetes >=v1.24.0 and <=1.30.0
- helm (client) v2.17 and >=3.0 and <=v3.13
- compatible kubectl client tool
- Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) >=v4.11 and <=4.16
- helm (client) v2.17 and >=3.0 and <=v3.13
- compatible oc client tool
A certified container deployment strictly enforces the following system requirements. If any of the above requirements are not met, the deployment may fail. If the deployment fails, then review the deployment log for a list of non-compliant items.
Azure Kubernetes Cluster Platform
Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) is a managed Kubernetes service designed for deploying and managing containerized applications. It requires minimal container orchestration expertise, as AKS reduces complexity and operational overhead by offloading much of the management to Azure. AKS is ideal for applications needing high availability, scalability, and portability. It supports deploying applications across multiple regions, using open-source tools, and integrating with existing DevOps tools. For more information, refer to Deploy an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster using Azure portal.
If the node taint is by default set to critical=true:NoSchedule
, it will
only serve requests to critical pods. To allow scheduling of all pods on the nodes, use
the following command:
az aks nodepool update \
--cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME \
--name $NODE_POOL_NAME \
--node-taints ""
az aks nodepool list --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME --cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME
For more details, you can refer to Creating storage for Data Persistence.
Installing OpenShift Container platform
It is an on-premise platform service that uses Kubernetes to manage containers built on a foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For more information on how to setup an OpenShift container platform cluster environment, see Installing OpenShift.
Brief about IBM Certified Container Software
- A Helm chart is organized as a collection of files inside a directory by the
name of the Chart itself. For more information see, Helm Charts.
Example Helm Chart
<Name of a Chart/> Chart.yaml # A YAML file containing information about the Chart. LICENSE # OPTIONAL: A plain text file containing the license for the Chart. # OPTIONAL: A README file. requirements.yaml # OPTIONAL: A YAML file listing dependencies for the Chart. values.yaml # The default configuration values for this Chart. Charts/ # A directory containing any Charts upon which this Chart depends. templates/ # A directory of templates that, when combined with values, generates valid Kubernetes manifest files. templates/NOTES.txt # OPTIONAL: A plain text file containing short usage notes.
- This Helm chart deploys IBM Connect:Direct for Unix on a container
management platform with the following resource deployments:
- statefulset pod <release-name>-IBM-connect-direct-0
1 replica by default
- configMap <release-name>-ibm-connect-direct
This is used to provide default configuration in cd_param_file.
- service <release-name>-ibm-connect-direct
This is used to expose the IBM Connect:Direct services for accessing using clients.
- service-account
This service will not be created if serviceAccount.create is false.
- persistence volume claim
<release-name>-ibm-connect-direct.Note: If the release name is greater than 15 characters then the pod name may be truncated.
- statefulset pod <release-name>-IBM-connect-direct-0
- This Helm chart deploys IBM Connect:Direct for Unix on a container
management platform with the following resource deployments:
- Certified Container Software commands
For more information on other commands and options, see Helm Commands.
- To install a Chart
$ helm install
- To upgrade to a new release
$ helm upgrade
- To rollback a release to a previous
$ helm rollback
- To delete the release from
$ helm delete
- To install a Chart
Application license requirements
You must read the IBM Connect:Direct for Unix License agreement terms before deploying the software. The license number is 'L-MTAE-C5RR2U'.
To accept the license, set license
variable to true
at Helm CLI
installation command. If license
variable is set to false
deployment of IBM Certified Container Software for
Connect:Direct for UNIX would not be successful.
For more information see, Configuring - Understanding values.yaml .
The IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX is deployed as non-production by default. You can override this default behavior by changing the licenseType variable to prod. The licenseType value would be used to annotate the IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX, which would be eventually used by Licensing and Metering service tool.
IBM Licensing and Metering service
The IBM Certified Container Software for Connect Direct UNIX has been integrated with IBM Licensing and Metering service using Operator. This service collects information about license usage of IBM Certified Container Software for Connect Direct UNIX.
You can use the `ibm-licensing-operator` to install the IBM Licensing and Metering service on any Kubernetes based cluster. License Service collects information about license usage of IBM Containerized Products. You can retrieve license usage data through a dedicated API call and generate an audit snapshot on demand cluster without IBM Cloud Pak.
For the installation overview see, License Service deployment.
For retrieving the licensing information see, Track license usage .
Standard User Mode in IBM Connect:Direct for Unix Containers
- Connect:Direct Administrator user role- The administrative Connect:Direct user who installs IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX and own its files/directories. This user will be focused on Connect:Direct Administrative tasks like configuration changes, etc.
- Connect:Direct Non-Administrative role- A non-administrative Connect:Direct user focused on actual file transfer, etc.
From IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX container perspective, cdadmin will have Connect:Direct Administrator user role capability and appuser will have Connect:Direct Non-Administrative user role capability. Note that these are real users in IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX container. All files/directories will be owned by cdadmin and Connect:Direct service would be started as appuser so processes (cdpmgr, statmgr, ndmsmgr, etc) will run as appuser only.
In Standard User Mode, the Pod Security Policy
(PSP) and Security Context Constraints (SCC) also has lesser linux capabilities. Now, it
is more closer to the restricted SCC. A new templating parameter has been added to the
helm chart that controls the mode of IBM
Connect:Direct for UNIX operations.
The parameter name is oum.enabled
and its default value is
"y" which means Standard User Mode is enabled.
- appuser password is mandatory to enable Standard User Mode. Refer Creating secret for providing appuser password during deployment.
- The admin login to IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX node with Standard User Mode enabled on IBM Connect:Direct® Web services will be supported only through Certificate based authentication. After login, this user can perform all administrative tasks like configuration updates, etc. However, this user should not submit any file transfer request as it's not supported.
- Login from IBM Connect:Direct® Web services using user/password to IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX container with Standard User Mode is limited to appuser only.
- The basic configuration setting of Integrated File Agent should be configured to use appuser for submitting file transfer.
- The Standard user mode is supported only in new installation of Certified Container Software (CCS). CCS versions lower than IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX 6.3.0 should not be upgraded with Standard User Mode enabled. They should only be upgraded with oum.enabled="n" ie setting Standard User Mode as disabled.
- LDAP support is not available in Standard User Mode.
PNODEID/SNODEID in process to be submitted is only supported as appuser. No other user can be authenticated as PNODEID/SNODEID.
Certificates files for Secure Plus
The IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct UNIX application provided enhanced security for IBM Connect:Direct and is available as a separate component. It uses cryptography to secure data during transmission. By default security protocols are TLS 1.2 and TLS.13.
For configuring Secure Plus while installing IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct UNIX you need certificate file. You must ensure valid certificates files are used during the deployment. Keep the certificates files handy during the IBM Certified Container Software for Connect Direct UNIX deployment. For more information on Secure plus and certificate file, refer Introduction to Connect:Direct Secure Plus for UNIX and Certificate Files.
Pod Security Standard, Pod Security Policy and Security Context Constraints requirements
With Kubernetes v1.25, the Pod Security Admission (PSA) controller has been introduced replacing the older Pod Security Policy (PSP). Kubernetes has defined Pod Security Standards (PSS) which can be applied at the namespace level. This helm chart is compatible with baseline standards with enforce security level. For more information on PSS, refer - Pod Security Standards.
So, if deployment is planned on Kubernetes v1.25 and above, then consider PSS. Else, Pod Security Policy should be the way to go.
If planning to upgrade from older Kubernetes to v1.25 and above, refer to Kubernetes Migrate from PSP documentation to understand the migrating from PSP to the built-in PSA controller.
Both Pod Security Policy (PSP) and Security Context Constraints (SCC) are cluster-level resource and allows the administrator to control the security aspects of pods in Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift clusters respectively.
Depending on the cluster environment, IBM Certified Container Software for Connect Direct UNIX requires PSP or SCC to be tied to the target namespace prior to deployment. Since, it is a cluster level resource, discuss this with your Cluster Administrator as they are needed to create these resources.
For more information on PSP see, Creating Pod Security Policy for Kubernetes cluster and Security Context Constraints for OpenShift cluster.
Hardening RedHat OpenShift Cluster
This is not a mandatory requirement for IBM CCS installation but a security aspect to be understood to make your cluster more secure.
If you are planning to deploy on OpenShift cluster then, there are certain guidelines by OpenShift. See here for more details, Hardening RedHat OpenShift cluster.
Encrypting etcd data
This is not a mandatory requirement for IBM CCS installation but a security aspect to be understood to make your cluster more secure.
By default, etcd data is not encrypted in Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster. You can enable etcd encryption for your cluster to provide an additional layer of data security (data at rest). For example, it can help protect the loss of sensitive data if an etcd backup is exposed to the incorrect parties. For more information, refer Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift.
Running External Utilities/Tools
Most cloud providers allow their command-line tools, such as AWS CLI, Azure CLI, Google Cloud CLI, and IBM Cloud CLI, to be installed in a custom directory. You can install these tools in a specific storage location and use them in IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for UNIX Containers.
- Install and set up the required cloud CLI in a custom directory on your storage, which can be mounted on the pod.
- Mount the custom directory to the pod using chart-parameterized values during deployment (install or upgrade) to ensure that the CLI tools are accessible inside the pod.
- When referring to the CLI inside the container, always specify the full path. For example, when using the tool in runtask or runjob in a process, specify the full path of the CLI and use it as needed.
After reviewing the system requirements and other planning information, you can proceed to install IBM Certified Container Software for Connect Direct UNIX.
The following tasks represent the typical task flow for performing the installation:
Setting up your registry server
To install IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX, you must have a registry server where you can host the image required for installation.
Using the existing registry server
If you have an existing registry server, you can use it, provided that it is in close proximity to cluster where you will deploy IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX. If your registry server is not in close proximity to your cluster, you might notice performance issues. Also, before the installation, ensure that pull secrets are created in the namespace/project and are linked to the service accounts. You will need to properly manage these pull secrets. This pull secret can be updated in values.yaml file `image.imageSecrets`.
Using Docker registry
Kubernetes does not provide a registry solution out of the based. However, you can create your own registry server and host your images. Please refer to the deployment of registry server.
Setting up Namespace or project
To install IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX, you must have an existing namespace/project or create a new if required.
You can either use an existing namespace or create a new one in Kubernetes cluster. Similarly, you either use an existing project or create a new one in OpenShift cluster. A namespace or project is a cluster resource. So, it can only be created by a Cluster Administrator. Refer the following links for more details -
For Kubernetes - Namespaces
For Red Hat OpenShift - Working with projects
The IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX has been integrated with IBM Licensing and Metering service using Operator. You need to install this service. For more information, refer to License Service deployment without an IBM Cloud Pak.
Installing and configuring IBM Licensing and Metering service
License Service is required for monitoring and measuring license usage of IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX in accordance with the pricing rule for containerized environments. Manual license measurements are not allowed. Deploy License Service on all clusters where IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX is installed.
The IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX contains an integrated service for measuring the license usage at the cluster level for license evidence purposes.
The integrated licensing solution collects and stores the license usage information which can be used for audit purposes and for tracking license consumption in cloud environments. The solution works in the background and does not require any configuration. Only one instance of the License Service is deployed per cluster regardless of the number of containerized products that you have installed on the cluster.
Deploying License Service
Deploy License Service on each cluster where IBM FHIR Server is installed. License Service can be deployed on any Kubernetes based orchestration cluster. For more information about License Service, how to install and use it, see the License Service documentation.
Validating if License Service is deployed on the cluster
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces | grep ibm-licensing | grep -v operator
oc get pods --all-namespaces | grep ibm-licensing | grep -v operator
The following response is a confirmation of successful deployment:
1/1 Running
Archiving license usage data
Remember to archive the license usage evidence before you decommission the cluster where IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX Server was deployed. Retrieve the audit snapshot for the period when IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX was on the cluster and store it in case of audit.
For more information about the licensing solution, see License Service documentation.
Downloading the Certified Container Software
Before you install IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX, ensure that the installation files are available on your client system.
Depending on the availability of internet on the cluster, the following procedures can be followed. Choose the one which applies best for your environment.
Online Cluster
- Create the entitled registry secret: Complete the following steps to create a
secret with the entitled registry key value:
- Ensure that you have obtained the entitlement key that is assigned to your ID.
- Log in to My IBM Container Software Library by using the IBM ID and password that are associated with the entitled software.
- In the Entitlement keys section, select Copy key to copy the entitlement key to the clipboard.
- Save the entitlement key to a safe location for later
use.To confirm that your entitlement key is valid, click View library that is provided in the left of the page. You can view the list of products that you are entitled to. If IBM Connect:Direct for Unix is not listed, or if the View library link is disabled, it indicates that the identity with which you are logged in to the container library does not have an entitlement for IBM Connect:Direct for Unix. In this case, the entitlement key is not valid for installing the software.
Note: For assistance with the Container Software Library (e.g. product not available in the library; problem accessing your entitlement registry key), contact MyIBM Order Support. - Set the entitled registry information by completing the following steps:
- Log on to machine from where the cluster is accessible
- export
- export ENTITLED_REGISTRY_KEY=<entitlement_key>
- This step is optional. Log on to the entitled registry with the following docker
- Create a Docker-registry
kubectl create secret docker-registry <any_name_for_the_secret> --docker-username=$ENTITLED_REGISTRY_USER --docker-password=$ENTITLED_REGISTRY_KEY --docker-server=$ENTITLED_REGISTRY -n <your namespace/project name>
- Update the service account or helm chart image pull secret configurations using `image.imageSecrets` parameter with the above secret name.
- Ensure that you have obtained the entitlement key that is assigned to your ID.
- Download the Helm chart: You can follow the steps below to download the helm
chart from the repository.
- Make sure that the helm client (CLI) is present on your machine. Execute/run helm
CLI on machine and you should be able to see the usage of helm
- Check the
repository in your helm CLI.
If thehelm repo list
repository already exists with URL
, then update the local repository else add the repository. - Update the local repository, if
repository already exists on helm CLI.helm repo update
- Add the helm chart repository to local helm CLI if it does not
helm repo add ibm-helm
- List ibm-connect-direct helm charts available on
helm search repo -l ibm-connect-direct
- Download the latest helm
At this point we have a locally present helm chart and an Entitled registry secret. Make sure you configure the helm chart to use the Entitled registry secret to download the required container image for deploying the IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX chart.helm pull ibm-helm/ibm-connect-direct
- Make sure that the helm client (CLI) is present on your machine. Execute/run helm
CLI on machine and you should be able to see the usage of helm
Offline (Airgap) Cluster
You have a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster but it is a private cluster which means it does not have the internet access. Depending upon the cluster, follow the below procedures to get the installation files.
For Kubernetes Cluster
- Get an RHEL machine which has
- Download the Helm chart by following the steps mentioned in the Online installation section.
- Extract the downloaded helm
tar -zxf <ibm-connect-direct-helm chart-name>
- Get the container image
erRepo=$(grep -w "repository:" ibm-connect-direct/values.yaml |cut -d '"' -f 2)
erTag=$(grep -w "tag:" ibm-connect-direct/values.yaml | cut -d '"' -f 2)
- This step is optional if you already have a docker registry running on this machine. Create a docker registry on this machine. Follow Setting up your registry server.
- Get the Entitled registry entitlement key by following steps a and b explained in Online Cluster under Create the entitled registry section.
- Get the container image downloaded in docker
docker pull $erImgTag
Note: Skip step 8, 9 and 10, if the cluster where deployment will be performed is accessible from this machine and cluster can fetch container images from registry running on this machine. - Save the container
docker save -o <container image file name.tar> $erImgTag
- Copy/Transfer the installation files to your cluster. At this point you have both downloaded container image and helm chart for IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX. You need to transfer these two file to a machine from where you can access your cluster and its registry.
- After transferring the files, load the container image into your
docker load -i <container image file name.tar>
For Red Hat OpenShift Cluster
If your cluster is not connected to the internet, the deployment can be done in your cluster via connected or disconnected mirroring.
If you have a host that can access both the internet and your mirror registry, but not your cluster nodes, you can directly mirror the content from that machine. This process is referred to as connected mirroring. If you have no such host, you must mirror the images to a file system and then bring that host or removable media into your restricted environment. This process is referred to as disconnected mirroring.
Before you begin
- Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform requires you to have cluster admin access to run the deployment.
- A Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform cluster must be installed.
Prepare a host
If you are in an air-gapped environment, you must be able to connect a host to the internet and mirror registry for connected mirroring or mirror images to file system which can be brought to a restricted environment for disconnected mirroring. For information on the latest supported operating systems, see ibm-pak plugin install documentation.
Software | Purpose |
Docker | Container management |
Podman | Container management |
Red Hat OpenShift CLI (oc) | Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform administration |
- Install Docker or Podman.To install Docker (for example, on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®), run the following commands:Note: If you are installing as a non-root user you must use sudo. For more information, refer to the Podman or Docker documentation for installing as a non-root user.
yum check-update yum install docker
To install Podman, see Podman Installation Instructions.
- Install the
Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform CLI tool. - Download and install the most recent version of IBM Catalog Management Plug-in for IBM
Cloud Paks from the IBM/ibm-pak. Extract the binary file by entering
the following command:
tar -xf oc-ibm_pak-linux-amd64.tar.gz
Run the following command to move the file to the /usr/local/bin directory:Note: If you are installing as a non-root user you must use sudo. For more information, refer to the Podman or Docker documentation for installing as a non-root oc-ibm_pak-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/oc-ibm_pak
Note: Download the plug-in based on the host operating system. You can confirm thatoc ibm-pak -h
is installed by running the following command:oc ibm-pak --help
The plug-in usage is displayed.
For more information on plug-in commands, see command-help.
Your host is now configured and you are ready to mirror your images.
Creating registry namespaces
Top-level namespaces are the namespaces which appear at the root path of your private
registry. For example, if your registry is hosted at
then mynamespace
defined as a top-level namespace. There can be many top-level namespaces.
When the images are mirrored to your private registry, it is required that the top-level namespace where images are getting mirrored already exists or can be automatically created during the image push. If your registry does not allow automatic creation of top-level namespaces, you must create them manually.
When you generate mirror manifests, you can specify the top-level namespace where you want
to mirror the images by setting TARGET_REGISTRY
which has the benefit of needing to
create only one namespace mynamespace in your registry if it does not allow automatic
creation of namespaces. The top-level namespaces can also be provided in the final registry
by using --final-registry
If you do not specify your own top-level namespace, the mirroring process will use the ones
which are specified by the CASEs. For example, it will try to mirror the images at
- cp
There can be more top-level namespaces that you might need to create. See section on Generate mirror manifests for information on how to
use the oc ibm-pak describe
command to list all the top-level
Set environment variables and download CASE files
If your host must connect to the internet via a proxy, you must set environment variables on the machine that accesses the internet via the proxy server.
export https_proxy=http://proxy-server-hostname:port
export http_proxy=http://proxy-server-hostname:port
# Example:
export https_proxy=
export http_proxy=
- Create the following environment variables with the installer image name and the
export CASE_NAME=ibm-connect-direct
To find the CASE name and version, see IBM: Product CASE to Application Version.
- Connect your host to the intranet.
- The plug-in can detect the locale of your environment and provide textual helps and
messages accordingly. You can optionally set the locale by running the following
oc ibm-pak config locale -l LOCALE
where LOCALE can be one of
de_DE, en_US, es_ES, fr_FR, it_IT, ja_JP, ko_KR, pt_BR, zh_Hans, zh_Hant
. - Configure the plug-in to download CASEs as OCI artifacts from IBM Cloud Container
oc ibm-pak config repo 'IBM Cloud-Pak OCI registry' -r --enable
- Enable color output (optional with v1.4.0 and
oc ibm-pak config color --enable true
- Download the image inventory for your IBM Cloud Pak to your host.Tip: If you do not specify the CASE version, it will download the latest CASE.
oc ibm-pak get \ $CASE_NAME \ --version $CASE_VERSION
By default, the root directory used by plug-in is ~/.ibm-pak
. This means
that the preceding command will download the CASE under
. You can configure this root
directory by setting the IBMPAK_HOME
environment variable. Assuming
is set, the preceding command will download the CASE under
The logs files will be available at
Your host is now configured and you are ready to mirror your images.
Mirroring images to your private container registry
The process of mirroring images takes the image from the internet to your host, then effectively copies that image to your private container registry. After you mirror your images, you can configure your cluster and complete air-gapped installation.
- Generate mirror manifests
- Authenticating the registry
- Mirror images to final location
- Configure the cluster
- Install IBM Cloud® Paks by way of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform
Generate mirror manifests
If you want to install subsequent updates to your air-gapped environment, you must do a
CASE get
to get the image list when performing those updates. A registry namespace suffix can optionally be specified on the target registry to group mirrored images. -
Define the environment variable
by running the following command:export TARGET_REGISTRY=<target-registry>
refers to the registry (hostname and port) where your images will be mirrored to and accessed by the oc cluster. For example setting TARGET_REGISTRY
will create manifests such that images will be mirrored to the top-level namespacemynamespace
. - Run the following commands to generate mirror manifests to be used when mirroring from a bastion host (connected mirroring):Example
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests \ $CASE_NAME \ $TARGET_REGISTRY \ --version $CASE_VERSION
directory structure for connected mirroringThe~/.ibm-pak
directory structure is built over time as you save CASEs and mirror. The following tree shows an example of the~/.ibm-pak
directory structure for connected mirroring:tree ~/.ibm-pak /root/.ibm-pak ├── config │ └── config.yaml ├── data │ ├── cases │ │ └── YOUR-CASE-NAME │ │ └── YOUR-CASE-VERSION │ │ ├── XXXXX │ │ ├── XXXXX │ └── mirror │ └── YOUR-CASE-NAME │ └── YOUR-CASE-VERSION │ ├── catalog-sources.yaml │ ├── image-content-source-policy.yaml │ └── images-mapping.txt └── logs └── oc-ibm_pak.log
Notes: A new directory
is created when you issue theoc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests
command. This directory holds theimage-content-source-policy.yaml
, andcatalog-sources.yaml
files.Tip: If you are using a Red Hat® registry and need to mirror images to a specific organization in the registry, you can target that organization by specifying:export ORGANIZATION=<your-organization> oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests $CASE_NAME $TARGET_REGISTRY/$ORGANIZATION --version $CASE_VERSION
: oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests \
--version $CASE_VERSION
--final-registry $FINAL_REGISTRY
In this case, in place of a single mapping file (images-mapping.txt), two mapping files are created.
- images-mapping-to-registry.txt
- images-mapping-from-registry.txt
- Run the following commands to generate mirror manifests to be used when mirroring from a file system (disconnected mirroring):Example
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests \ $CASE_NAME \ file://local \ --final-registry $TARGET_REGISTRY
directory structure for disconnected mirroringThe following tree shows an example of the~/.ibm-pak
directory structure for disconnected mirroring:tree ~/.ibm-pak /root/.ibm-pak ├── config │ └── config.yaml ├── data │ ├── cases │ │ └── ibm-cp-common-services │ │ └── 1.9.0 │ │ ├── XXXX │ │ ├── XXXX │ └── mirror │ └── ibm-cp-common-services │ └── 1.9.0 │ ├── catalog-sources.yaml │ ├── image-content-source-policy.yaml │ ├── images-mapping-to-filesystem.txt │ └── images-mapping-from-filesystem.txt └── logs └── oc-ibm_pak.log
Note: A new directory~/.ibm-pak/mirror
is created when you issue theoc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests
command. This directory holds theimage-content-source-policy.yaml
, andcatalog-sources.yaml
argument and image grouping. The
argument provides the ability to customize which images are
mirrored during an air-gapped installation. As an example for this functionality
CASE can be used, which contains groups
that allow mirroring specific variant of ibm-cloud-native-postgresql
(Standard or Enterprise). Use the --filter
argument to target a variant
of ibm-cloud-native-postgresql
to mirror rather than the entire library.
The filtering can be applied for groups and architectures. Consider the following
command: oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests \
ibm-cloud-native-postgresql \
file://local \
--final-registry $TARGET_REGISTRY \
--filter $GROUPS
The command was updated with a --filter
argument. For example, for
equal to ibmEdbStandard
the mirror manifests
will be generated only for the images associated with
in its Standard variant. The resulting image
group consists of images in the ibm-cloud-native-postgresql
image group as
well as any images that are not associated with any groups. This allows products to include
common images as well as the ability to reduce the number of images that you need to
oc ibm-pak describe $CASE_NAME --version $CASE_VERSION --list-mirror-images
- Mirroring Details from Source to Target Registry
Mirroring Details from Target to Final Registry. A connected mirroring path that does not involve a intermediate registry will only have the first section.
Note down the
Registries found
sub sections in the preceding command output. You will need to authenticate against those registries so that the images can be pulled and mirrored to your local registry. See the next steps on authentication. TheTop level namespaces found
section shows the list of namespaces under which the images will be mirrored. These namespaces should be created manually in your registry (which appears in the Destination column in the above command output) root path if your registry does not allow automatic creation of namespaces.
Authenticating the registry
Complete the following steps to authenticate your registries:
Store authentication credentials for all source Docker registries.
Your product might require one or more authenticated registries. The following registries require authentication:
You must run the following command to configure credentials for all target registries that require authentication. Run the command separately for each registry:
command only needs to run once.export REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE=<path to the file which will store the auth credentials generated on podman login> podman login <TARGET_REGISTRY>
Important: When you log in
, you must specify the user ascp
and the password which is your Entitlement key from the IBM Cloud Container Registry. For example:podman login Username: cp Password: Login Succeeded!
For example, if you export REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE=~/.ibm-pak/auth.json
, then
after performing podman login
, you can see that the file is populated with
registry credentials.
docker login
, the authentication file is typically located at
on Linux or
on Windows. After docker
you should export REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE
to point to that
location. For example in Linux you can issue the following
command:export REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE=$HOME/.docker/config.json
Directory | Description |
~/.ibm-pak/config |
Stores the default configuration of the plug-in and has information about the public GitHub URL from where the cases are downloaded. |
~/.ibm-pak/data/cases |
This directory stores the CASE files when they are downloaded by issuing the
oc ibm-pak get command. |
~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror |
This directory stores the image-mapping files, ImageContentSourcePolicy
manifest in image-content-source-policy.yaml and CatalogSource
manifest in one or more catalog-sourcesXXX.yaml . The files
images-mapping-to-filesystem.txt and
images-mapping-from-filesystem.txt are input to the oc
image mirror command, which copies the images to the file system and from
the file system to the registry respectively. |
~/.ibm-pak/data/logs |
This directory contains the oc-ibm_pak.log file, which
captures all the logs generated by the plug-in. |
Mirror images to final location
Complete the steps in this section on your host that is connected to both the local Docker registry and the Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform cluster.
Mirror images to the final location.
For mirroring from a bastion host (connected mirroring):
Mirror images to theTARGET_REGISTRY
:oc image mirror \ -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/images-mapping.txt \ --filter-by-os '.*' \ -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE \ --insecure \ --skip-multiple-scopes \ --max-per-registry=1 \ --continue-on-error=true
If you generated manifests in the previous steps to mirror images to an intermediate registry server followed by a final registry server, run the following commands:
Mirror images to the intermediate registry server:
oc image mirror \ -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/images-mapping-to-registry.txt \ --filter-by-os '.*' \ -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE \ --insecure \ --skip-multiple-scopes \ --max-per-registry=1 \ --continue-on-error=true
Mirror images from the intermediate registry server to the final registry server:
oc image mirror \ -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/images-mapping-from-registry.txt \ --filter-by-os '.*' \ -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE \ --insecure \ --skip-multiple-scopes \ --max-per-registry=1 \ --continue-on-error=true
oc image mirror --help
command can be run to see all the options available on the mirror command. Note that we usecontinue-on-error
to indicate that the command should try to mirror as much as possible and continue on errors.oc image mirror --help
Note: Sometimes based on the number and size of images to be mirrored, theoc image mirror
might take longer. If you are issuing the command on a remote machine it is recommended that you run the command in the background with a nohup so even if network connection to your remote machine is lost or you close the terminal the mirroring will continue. For example, the below command will start the mirroring process in background and write the log tomy-mirror-progress.txt
.nohup oc image mirror \ -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/images-mapping.txt \ -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE \ --filter-by-os '.*' \ --insecure \ --skip-multiple-scopes \ --max-per-registry=1 \ --continue-on-error=true > my-mirror-progress.txt 2>&1 &
You can view the progress of the mirror by issuing the following command on the remote machine:tail -f my-mirror-progress.txt
For mirroring from a file system (disconnected mirroring):
Mirror images to your file system:export IMAGE_PATH=<image-path> oc image mirror \ -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/images-mapping-to-filesystem.txt \ --filter-by-os '.*' \ -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE \ --insecure \ --skip-multiple-scopes \ --max-per-registry=1 \ --continue-on-error=true \ --dir "$IMAGE_PATH"
refers to the local path to store the images. For example, in the previous section if providedfile://local
as input during generate mirror-manifests, then the preceding command will create a subdirectory v2/local inside directory referred by<image-path>
and copy the images under it.
The following command can be used to see all the options available on the mirror command. Note that
is used to indicate that the command should try to mirror as much as possible and continue on errors.oc image mirror --help
Note: Sometimes based on the number and size of images to be mirrored, theoc image mirror
might take longer. If you are issuing the command on a remote machine, it is recommended that you run the command in the background withnohup
so that even if you lose network connection to your remote machine or you close the terminal, the mirroring will continue. For example, the following command will start the mirroring process in the background and write the log tomy-mirror-progress.txt
.export IMAGE_PATH=<image-path> nohup oc image mirror \ -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/images-mapping-to-filesystem.txt \ --filter-by-os '.*' \ -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE \ --insecure \ --skip-multiple-scopes \ --max-per-registry=1 \ --continue-on-error=true \ --dir "$IMAGE_PATH" > my-mirror-progress.txt 2>&1 &
You can view the progress of the mirror by issuing the following command on the remote machine:
tail -f my-mirror-progress.txt
For disconnected mirroring only: Continue to move the following items to your file system:
- The
directory you specified in the previous step - The
file referred by$REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE
- The
For disconnected mirroring only: Mirror images to the target registry from file system
Complete the steps in this section on your file system to copy the images from the file system to the
. Your file system must be connected to the target docker registry.Important: If you used the placeholder value ofTARGET_REGISTRY
as a parameter to--final-registry
at the time of generating mirror manifests, then before running the following command, find and replace the placeholder value ofTARGET_REGISTRY
in the file,images-mapping-from-filesystem.txt
, with the actual registry where you want to mirror the images. For example, if you want to mirror images
Run the following command to copy the images (referred in the
file) from the directory referred by<image-path>
to the final target registry:export IMAGE_PATH=<image-path> oc image mirror \ -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/images-mapping-from-filesystem.txt \ -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE \ --from-dir "$IMAGE_PATH" \ --filter-by-os '.*' \ --insecure \ --skip-multiple-scopes \ --max-per-registry=1 \ --continue-on-error=true
Configure the cluster
Update the global image pull secret for your Red Hat OpenShift cluster. Follow the steps in Updating the global cluster pull secret.
The documented steps in the link enable your cluster to have proper authentication credentials in place to pull images from your
as specified in theimage-content-source-policy.yaml
which you will apply to your cluster in the next step. -
Create ImageContentSourcePolicy
Before you run the command in this step, you must be logged into your OpenShift cluster. Using the
oc login
command, log in to the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform cluster where your final location resides. You can identify your specific oc login by clicking the user drop-down menu in the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform console, then clicking Copy Login Command.- If you used the placeholder value of
as a parameter to--final-registry
at the time of generating mirror manifests, then before running the following command, find and replace the placeholder value ofTARGET_REGISTRY
in file,~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/image-content-source-policy.yaml
with the actual registry where you want to mirror the images. For example, replaceTARGET_REGISTRY
- If you used the placeholder value of
Run the following command to create ImageContentSourcePolicy:
oc apply -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/image-content-source-policy.yaml
If you are using Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform version 4.7 or earlier, this step might cause your cluster nodes to drain and restart sequentially to apply the configuration changes.
Verify that the ImageContentSourcePolicy resource is created.
oc get imageContentSourcePolicy
Verify your cluster node status and wait for all the nodes to be restarted before proceeding.
oc get MachineConfigPool
$ oc get MachineConfigPool -w NAME CONFIG UPDATED UPDATING DEGRADED MACHINECOUNT READYMACHINECOUNT UPDATEDMACHINECOUNT DEGRADEDMACHINECOUNT AGE master rendered-master-53bda7041038b8007b038c08014626dc True False False 3 3 3 0 10d worker rendered-worker-b54afa4063414a9038958c766e8109f7 True False False 3 3 3 0 10d
After the
and global image pull secret are applied, the configuration of your nodes will be updated sequentially. Wait until allMachineConfigPools
are in theUPDATED=True
status before proceeding. -
Go to the project where deployment has to be done:
Note: You must be logged into a cluster before performing the following steps.export NAMESPACE=<YOUR_NAMESPACE>
oc new-project $NAMESPACE
Optional: If you use an insecure registry, you must add the target registry to the cluster insecureRegistries list.
oc patch --type=merge \ -p '{"spec":{"registrySources":{"insecureRegistries":["'${TARGET_REGISTRY}'"]}}}'
Verify your cluster node status and wait for all the nodes to be restarted before proceeding.
oc get MachineConfigPool -w
After the
and global image pull secret are applied, the configuration of your nodes will be updated sequentially. Wait until allMachineConfigPools
are updated.At this point your cluster is ready for IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX deployment. The helm chart is present in
directory. Use it for deployment. Copy it in current directory.cp ~/.ibm-pak/data/cases/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/charts/ibm-connect-direct-1.2.x.tgz .
Note: Replace with version information in above command. - Configuration required in Helm chart: To use the image mirroring in OpenShift cluster, helm chart should be configured to use the digest value for referring to container image. Set image.digest.enabled to true in values.yaml file or pass this parameter using Helm CLI.
Setting up a repeatable mirroring process
Once you complete a CASE
save, you can mirror the CASE
many times as you want to. This approach allows you to mirror a specific version of the IBM
Cloud Pak into development, test, and production stages using a private container
Follow the steps in this section if you want to save the CASE
to multiple
registries (per environment) once and be able to run the CASE
in the future
without repeating the CASE
save process.
Run the following command to save the
to ~/.ibm-pak/data/cases/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION which can be used as an input during the mirror manifest generation:oc ibm-pak get \ $CASE_NAME \ --version $CASE_VERSION
Run the
oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests
command to generate theimage-mapping.txt
:oc ibm-pak generate mirror-manifests \ $CASE_NAME \ $TARGET_REGISTRY \ --version $CASE_VERSION
Then add theimage-mapping.txt
to theoc image mirror
command:oc image mirror \ -f ~/.ibm-pak/data/mirror/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION/images-mapping.txt \ --filter-by-os '.*' \ -a $REGISTRY_AUTH_FILE \ --insecure \ --skip-multiple-scopes \ --max-per-registry=1 \ --continue-on-error=true
If you want to make this repeatable across environments, you can reuse the same saved
cache (~/.ibm-pak/$CASE_NAME/$CASE_VERSION) instead of executing a
save again in other environments. You do not have to worry about
updated versions of dependencies being brought into the saved cache.
Applying Pod Security Standard or Creating Pod Security Policy for Kubernetes Cluster
Pod Security Standard should be applied to the namespace if Kubernetes cluster v1.25 and above is used. This helm chart has been certified with baseline security standards with enforce security level. For more details, refer to Pod Security Standards.
- In Kubernetes the Pod Security Policy (PSP) control is implemented as optional (but
recommended). Click here for more information on Pod Security Policy.
CCS requires a custom Pod Security Policy (PSP) which defines the minimum set of
permissions/capabilities needed to deploy this helm chart and the Connect Direct for Unix
services to function properly. This is the recommended PSP for this chart and it can be
created by the cluster administrator.
The cluster administrator can either use the
snippets given below or the scripts provided in the Helm chart to create the PSP, cluster
role and tie it to the namespace where deployment will be performed. In both the cases,
same PSP and cluster role will be created. It is recommended to use the scripts in the
Helm chart so that required PSP and cluster role is created without any issue.Attention: If Ordinary User Mode (OUM) feature is enabled, PSP will be slightly different. For more information, look for the SCC below.
- Below is the Custom
snippet for CDU operating in Ordinary User Mode. For more information, refer to Standard User Mode in IBM Connect:Direct for Unix Containers.apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodSecurityPolicy metadata: name: ibm-connect-direct-psp labels: app: "ibm-connect-direct-psp" spec: privileged: false allowPrivilegeEscalation: true hostPID: false hostIPC: false hostNetwork: false requiredDropCapabilities: allowedCapabilities: - SETGID - SETUID - DAC_OVERRIDE - AUDIT_WRITE allowedHostPaths: runAsUser: rule: MustRunAsNonRoot runAsGroup: rule: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 4294967294 seLinux: rule: RunAsAny supplementalGroups: rule: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 4294967294 fsGroup: rule: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 4294967294 volumes: - configMap - downwardAPI - emptyDir - nfs - persistentVolumeClaim - projected - secret forbiddenSysctls: '*'
- Below is the Custom
snippet for CDU operating in Super User Mode:apiVersion: policy/v1beta1 kind: PodSecurityPolicy metadata: name: ibm-connect-direct-psp labels: app: "ibm-connect-direct-psp" spec: privileged: false allowPrivilegeEscalation: true hostPID: false hostIPC: false hostNetwork: false requiredDropCapabilities: allowedCapabilities: - CHOWN - FOWNER - SETGID - SETUID - DAC_OVERRIDE - AUDIT_WRITE - SYS_CHROOT allowedHostPaths: runAsUser: rule: MustRunAsNonRoot runAsGroup: rule: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 4294967294 seLinux: rule: RunAsAny supplementalGroups: rule: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 4294967294 fsGroup: rule: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 4294967294 volumes: - configMap - downwardAPI - emptyDir - nfs - persistentVolumeClaim - projected - secret forbiddenSysctls: '*'
- Custom ClusterRole for the custom
apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: "ibm-connect-direct-psp" labels: app: "ibm-connect-direct-psp" rules: - apiGroups: - policy resourceNames: - ibm-connect-direct-psp resources: - podsecuritypolicies verbs: - use
From the command line, you can run the setup scripts included in the Helm chart as cluster admin (untar the downloaded Helm chart archive).
ibm-connect-direct/ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install/clusterAdministration/ <pass 0 or 1 to disable/enable OUM feature>
ibm-connect-direct/ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install/namespaceAdministration/ <Namespace where deployment will be performed>
Note: If the above scripts are not executable, you will need to make the scripts executable by executing following commands:chmod u+x ibm-connect-direct/ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install/namespaceAdministration/
chmod u+x ibm-connect-direct/ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install/clusterAdministration/
Creating security context constraints for Red Hat OpenShift Cluster
- The IBM Connect:Direct for Unix chart requires an SecurityContextConstraints (SCC) to be tied to
the target namespace prior to
deployment.Based on your organization security policy, you may need to decide the security context constraints for your OpenShift cluster. This chart has been verified on privileged SCC which comes with Redhat OpenShift. For more info, please refer to this link.IBM CCS requires a custom SCC which is the minimum set of permissions/capabilities needed to deploy this helm chart and the Connect Direct for Unix services to function properly. It is based on the predefined restricted SCC with extra required privileges. This is the recommended SCC for this chart and it can be created by the cluster administrator. The cluster administrator can either use the snippets given below or the scripts provided in the Helm chart to create the SCC, cluster role and tie it to the project where deployment will be performed. In both the cases, same SCC and cluster role will be created. It is recommended to use the scripts in the Helm chart so that required SCC and cluster role is created without any issue.Attention: If Standard User Mode feature is enabled, PSP will be slightly different. For more information, look for the SCC below.
- Below is the Custom
snippet for Connect Direct for Unix operating in Standard User Mode. Fore more information, refer to Standard User Mode in IBM Connect:Direct for Unix Containers.apiVersion: kind: SecurityContextConstraints metadata: name: ibm-connect-direct-scc labels: app: "ibm-connect-direct-scc" allowHostDirVolumePlugin: false allowHostIPC: false allowHostNetwork: false allowHostPID: false allowHostPorts: false allowPrivilegedContainer: false allowPrivilegeEscalation: true allowedCapabilities: - SETUID - SETGID - DAC_OVERRIDE - AUDIT_WRITE defaultAddCapabilities: [] defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation: false forbiddenSysctls: - "*" fsGroup: type: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 4294967294 readOnlyRootFilesystem: false requiredDropCapabilities: - ALL runAsUser: type: MustRunAsNonRoot seLinuxContext: type: MustRunAs supplementalGroups: type: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 4294967294 volumes: - configMap - downwardAPI - emptyDir - nfs - persistentVolumeClaim - projected - secret priority: 0
- Below is the Custom
snippet for Connect Direct for Unix operating in Super User Mode.apiVersion: kind: SecurityContextConstraints metadata: name: ibm-connect-direct-scc labels: app: "ibm-connect-direct-scc" allowHostDirVolumePlugin: false allowHostIPC: false allowHostNetwork: false allowHostPID: false allowHostPorts: false allowPrivilegedContainer: false allowPrivilegeEscalation: true allowedCapabilities: - FOWNER - SETUID - SETGID - DAC_OVERRIDE - CHOWN - SYS_CHROOT - AUDIT_WRITE defaultAddCapabilities: [] defaultAllowPrivilegeEscalation: false forbiddenSysctls: - "*" fsGroup: type: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 4294967294 readOnlyRootFilesystem: false requiredDropCapabilities: - ALL runAsUser: type: MustRunAsNonRoot seLinuxContext: type: MustRunAs supplementalGroups: type: MustRunAs ranges: - min: 1 max: 4294967294 volumes: - configMap - downwardAPI - emptyDir - nfs - persistentVolumeClaim - projected - secret priority: 0
- Custom ClusterRole for the custom
apiVersion: kind: ClusterRole metadata: name: "ibm-connect-direct-scc" labels: app: "ibm-connect-direct-scc" rules: - apiGroups: - resourceNames: - ibm-connect-direct-scc resources: - securitycontextconstraints verbs: - use
- From the command line, you can run the setup scripts included in the Helm chart (untar the
downloaded Helm chart archive).
ibm-connect-direct/ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install/clusterAdministration/ <pass 0 or 1 to disable/enable OUM feature>
ibm-connect-direct/ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install/namespaceAdministration/ <Project name where deployment will be perfromed>
Note: If the above scripts are not executable, you will need to make the scripts executable by executing following commands:chmod u+x ibm-connect-direct/ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install/namespaceAdministration/
chmod u+x ibm-connect-direct/ibm_cloud_pak/pak_extensions/pre-install/clusterAdministration/
Creating storage for Data Persistence
- Kubernetes - Persistent Volumes
- Red Hat OpenShift - Persistent Volume Overview
- Azure - File Persistent Volume and Disk Persistent Volume
- Dynamic Provisioning using storage classes
- Pre-created Persistent Volume
- Pre-created Persistent Volume Claim
- The only supported access mode is `ReadWriteOnce`
Storage Class
You can create a Storage Class to support dynamic provisioning. Refer to the YAML template below for creating a Storage Class in an Azure Kubernetes Cluster and customize it as per your requirements.
kind: StorageClass
name: azurefile-sc-fips
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: Immediate
allowVolumeExpansion: true
skuName: Premium_LRS
protocol: nfs
Storage Class uses the provisioner
, with
set to Premium_LRS
and protocol
set to nfs
in the YAML file
because Premium SKU is required for NFS. For more information, see Storage class parameters for dynamic PersistentVolumes.Invoke the following command to create the Storage Class:
kubectl apply -f <StorageClass yaml file>
Dynamic Provisioning
- persistence.useDynamicProvisioning- It must be set to true. By default, it is set to false, which means dynamic provisioning is disabled.
- pvClaim.storageClassName- The storage class is blank by default. Update this parameter value using valid storage class. Consult your cluster administrator for available storage class as required by this chart.
- secret.certSecretName- Specify the certificate secret required for Secure plus configuration or LDAP support. Update this parameter with valid certificate secret. Refer Creating secret for more information.
Non-Dynamic Provisioning
Non-Dynamic Provisioning is supported using pre-created Persistent Volume and pre-created Persistent Volume Claim. The Storage Volume should have Connect:Direct for UNIX secure plus certificate files to be used for installation. Create a directory named "CDFILES" inside mount path and place certificate files in the created directory. Similarly, the LDAP certificates should be placed in same directory.
Using pre-created Persistent Volume- When creating Persistent Volume, make a note of the
storage class and metadata labels, that are required to configure Persistent Volume Claim's storage
class and label selector during deployment. This ensures that the claims are bound to Persistent
Volume based on label match. These labels can be passed to helm chart either by --set
or custom values.yaml
file. The parameters defined
for label name and its value are
and pvClaim.selector.value
kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
name: <persistent volume name>
labels: <persistent volume name> <release name> <service name> <chart name>
release: <release name>
purpose: cdconfig
storageClassName: <storage classname>
storage: <storage size>
- ReadWriteOnce
server: <NFS server IP address>
path: <mount path>
kubectl create -f <peristentVolume yaml file>
oc create -f <peristentVolume yaml file>
Using pre-created Persistent Volume Claim (PVC)- The existing PVC can also be used for
deployment. The PV for PVC should have the certificate files as required for Connect:Direct for UNIX
secure plus or LDAP TLS configuration. The parameter for pre-created PVC is
. One should pass a valid PVC name to this parameter else
deployment would fail.
Apart from required Persistent Volume, you can bind extra storage mounts using the parameters
provided in values.yaml
. These parameters are extraVolume and extraVolumeMounts.
This can be a host path or a NFS type.
- <install_dir>/work
- <install_dir>/ndm/security
- <install_dir>/ndm/cfg
- <install_dir>/ndm/secure+
- <install_dir>/process
- <install_dir>/file_agent/config
- <install_dir>/file_agent/log
Setting permission on storage
- Option A: The easiest and undesirable solution is to have open permissions on the NFS
exported directories.
chmod -R 777 <path-to-directory>
- Option B: Alternatively, the permissions can be controlled at group level leveraging the supplementalGroups and fsGroup setting. For example - if we want to add GID to supplementalGroups or fsGroup, it can be done using storageSecurity.supplementalGroups or storageSecurity.fsGroup.
Root Squash NFS support
Connect:Direct for UNIX helm chart can be deployed on root squash NFS. Since, the ownership of files/directories mounted in container would be mounted as nfsnobody or nobody. The POSIX group ID of the root squash NFS share should be added to Supplemental Group list statefulset using storageSecurity.supplementalGroup in values.yaml file. Similarly, if extra NFS share is mounted then proper read/write permission can be provide to container user using supplemental groups only.
Creating secret
Passwords are used for KeyStore, by Administrator to connect to Connect:Direct server, and to decrypt certificates files.
To separate application secrets from the Helm Release, a Kubernetes secret must be created based
on the examples given below and be referenced in the Helm chart as
- Create a template file with Secret defined as described in the example below:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: <secret name> type: Opaque data: admPwd: <base64 encoded password> crtPwd: <base64 encoded password> keyPwd: <base64 encoded password> appUserPwd: <base64 encoded password>
refers to the password that will be set for the Admin user 'cdadmin' after a successful deployment.crtPwd
refers to the passphrase of the identity certificate file passed in cdArgs.crtName for secure plus configuration.keyPwd
refers to the Key Store password.appUserPwd
refers to password for a non-admin Connect:Direct user. The password for this user is mandatory for IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX operating in Ordinary User Mode.- After the secret is created, delete the yaml file for security reasons.
Note: Base64 encoded passwords need to be generated manually by invoking the below command:
Use the output of this command in the <secret yaml file>.echo -n “<your desired password>” | base64
- Run the following command to create the
kubectl create -f <secret yaml file>
OpenShift:oc create -f <secret yaml file>
To check the secret created invoke the following command:kubectl get secrets
For more details see, Secrets.
Default Kubernetes secrets management has certain security risks as documented here, Kubernetes Security.
Users should evaluate Kubernetes secrets management based on their enterprise policy requirements and should take steps to harden security.
- For dynamic provisioning, one more secret resource needs to be created for all certificates
(secure plus certificates and
LDAP certificates). It can be created using below example as required:Kubernetes:
kubectl create secret generic cd-cert-secret --from-file=certificate_file1=/path/to/certificate_file1 --from-file=certificate_file2=/path/to/certificate_file2
OpenShift:oc create secret generic cd-cert-secret --from-file=certificate_file1=/path/to/certificate_file1 --from-file=certificate_file2=/path/to/certificate_file2
Note:- The secret resource name created above. It should be referenced by Helm chart for dynamic provisioning using parameter `secret.certSecretName'.
- For the K8s secret object creation, ensure that the certificate files being used contain the identity certificate. Configure the parameter cdArgs.crtName with the certificate file having the appropriate file extension that corresponds to the identity certificate.
Configuring- Understanding values.yaml
in Helm charts and are used to complete installation. Use the following steps to complete this
action:- Specify parameters that need to be overridden using the
--set key=value[,key=value]
argument at Helm install.Example:helm version 2helm install --name <release-name> \ --set cdArgs.cport=9898 \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz
helm version 3helm install <release-name> \ --set cdArgs.cport=9898 \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz
- Alternatively, provide a YAML file with values specified for configurable parameters when
you install a Chart. The values.yaml file can be obtained from the helm chart itself using the
following command-
For Online Cluster
helm inspect values ibm-helm/ibm-connect-direct > my-values.yaml
For Offline Clusterhelm inspect values <path to ibm-connect-direct Helm chart> > my-values.yaml
Now, edit the parameters in my-values.yaml file and use it for installation.Examplehelm version 2helm install --name <release-name> -f my-values.yaml ... ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz
helm version 3helm install <release-name> -f my-values.yaml ... ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz
To mount extra volumes use any of the following templates.
For HostpathextraVolumeMounts: - name: <name> mountPath: <path inside container> extraVolume: - name: <name same as name in extraVolumeMounts> hostPath: path: <path on host machine> type: DirectoryOrCreate
For NFS ServerextraVolumeMounts: - name: <name> mountPath: <path inside container> extraVolume: - name: <name same as name in extraVolumeMounts> nfs: path: <nfs data path> server: <server ip>
Alternatively, this can also be done using --set flag.
helm install --name <release-name> --set extraVolume[0].name=<name>,extraVolume[0].hostPath.path=<path on host machine>,extraVolume[0].hostPath.type="DirectoryOrCreate",extraVolumeMounts[0].name=<name same as name in extraVolume>,extraVolumeMounts[0].mountPath=<path inside container> \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz
ORhelm install --name <release-name> --set extraVolume[0].name=<name>,extraVolume[0].nfs.path=<nfs data path>,extraVolume[0].nfs.server=<NFS server IP>, extraVolumeMounts[0].name=<name same as name in extraVolume>,extraVolumeMounts[0].mountPath=<path inside container> \ ... ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz
If extra volume is mounted, please make sure container user (cdadmin/appuser) has proper read/write permission. The required permissions can be provided to the container user supplemental groups or fs groups as applicable. For example - if an extra NFS share is being mounted where customer user resides and its POSIX group ID 3535, then during deployment add this group ID as supplemental group to ensure container user to be member of this group.
The chart provides ways in form of node affinity, pod affinity and pod anti-affinity to configure advance pod scheduling in Kubernetes. See, Kubernetes documentation for details.
Understanding LDAP deployment parameters
- When the LDAP authentication is enabled, the container startup script automatically updates
configuration to support the PAM module. The following line is added toinitparam.cfg
- The following default configuration file (/etc/sssd/sssd.conf) is
added to the image.
[domain/default] id_provider = ldap autofs_provider = ldap auth_provider = ldap chpass_provider = ldap ldap_uri = LDAP_PROTOCOL://LDAP_HOST:LDAP_PORT ldap_search_base = LDAP_DOMAIN ldap_id_use_start_tls = True ldap_tls_cacertdir = /etc/openldap/certs ldap_tls_cert = /etc/openldap/certs/LDAP_TLS_CERT_FILE ldap_tls_key = /etc/openldap/certs/LDAP_TLS_KEY_FILE cache_credentials = True ldap_tls_reqcert = allow
- Description of the Certificates required for the configuration:
- Mount certificates inside CDU Container:
- Copy the certificates needed for LDAP configuration in the mapped directory which is used to share the Connect:Direct Unix secure plus certificates (CDFILES/cdcert directory by default).
- DNS resolution: If TLS is enabled and hostname of LDAP server is passed as “”, then it must be ensured that the hostname is resolved inside the container. It is the responsibility of Cluster Administrator to ensure DNS resolution inside pod's container.
- Certificates creation and configuration: This section provides a sample way to generate the certificates:
- LDAP_CACERT - The root and all the intermediate CA certificates needs to be copied in one file.
- LDAP_CLIENT_CERT – The client certificate which the server must be able to validate.
- LDAP_CLIENT_KEY – The client certificate key.
- Use the below new parameters for LDAP configuration:
- ldap.enabled
- ldap.port
- ldap.domain
- ldap.tls
- ldap.startTls
- ldap.caCert
- ldap.tlsReqcert
- ldap.defaultBindDn
- ldap.defaultAuthtokType
- ldap.defaultAuthtok
- ldap.clientValidation
- ldap.clientCert
- ldpa.clientKey
Note:The IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX container uses sssd utility for communication with LDAP and the connection between sssd and LDAP server is required to be encrypted.
TLS configuration is mandatory for user authentication which is required for file transfer using IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX.
- Mount certificates inside CDU Container:
Network Policy Change
Out of the box Network Policies
IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX comes with predefined network policies based on mandatory security guidelines. By default, all outbound communication is restricted, permitting only intra-cluster communication.
Deny all Egress Traffic
Allow Egress Traffic within the Cluster
Defining Custom Network Policy
enabled: true
acceptNetPolChange: false
# write your custom egress policy here for to spec
to: []
#- namespaceSelector:
# matchLabels:
# name: my-label-to-match
# podSelector:
# matchLabels:
# "connectdirect"
#- podSelector:
# matchLabels:
# role: server
#- ipBlock:
# cidr: <IP Address>/<block size>
# except:
# - <IP Address>/<block size>
#- protocol: TCP
# port: 1364
# endPort: 11364
In the latest release, a new Helm parameter,
, has been introduced. To proceed with
the Helm chart upgrade, this parameter must be set to true. By default, it is set to false,
and the upgrade won't proceed without this change.
Before this release, there was no Egress Network Policy. The new implementation might impact
outbound traffic to external destinations. To mitigate this, a custom policy allowing external
traffic needs to be created. Once this policy is in place, you can set the
parameter to true and proceed with the upgrade.
If you want to disable the network policy altogether, you can set
to false. Adjust these parameters based on your
network and security requirements.
Below is a table containing the supported configurable parameters in the Helm chart.
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
licenseType | Specify prod or non-prod for production or non-production license type respectively | prod |
license | License agreement. Set true to accept the license. | false |
env.extraEnvs | Specify extra environment variable if needed | |
env.timezone | Timezone | UTC |
arch | Node Architecture | amd64 |
replicaCount | Number of deployment replicas | 1 |
image.repository | Image full name including repository | |
image.tag | Image tag | |
digest.enabled | Enable/Disable digest of image to be used | false |
digest.value | The digest value for the image | |
image.imageSecrets | Image pull secrets | |
image.pullPolicy | Image pull policy | Always |
upgradeCompCheck | This parameter is intended to acknowledge a change in the system username within the container. Acknowledging this change is crucial before proceeding with the upgrade. | false |
cdArgs.nodeName | Node name | cdnode |
cdArgs.crtName | Certificate file name | |
cdArgs.localCertLabel | Specify certificate import label in keystore | Client-API |
cdArgs.cport | Client Port | 1363 | | Server Port | 1364 |
saclConfig | Configuration for SACL | n |
cdArgs.configDir | Directory for storing Connect:Direct configuration files | CDFILES |
oum.enabled | Enable/Disable Ordinary User Mode feature | y |
storageSecurity.fsGroup |
Group ID for File System Group | 45678 |
storageSecurity.supplementalGroups | Group ID for Supplemental group | 65534 |
persistence.enabled | To use persistent volume | true |
pvClaim.existingClaimName | Provide name of existing PV claim to be used | |
persistence.useDynamicProvisioning | To use storage classes to dynamically create PV | false |
pvClaim.accessMode | Access mode for PV Claim | ReadWriteOnce |
pvClaim.storageClassName | Storage class of the PVC | |
pvClaim.selector.label | PV label key to bind this PVC | |
pvClaim.selector.value | PV label value to bind this PVC | |
pvClaim.size | Size of PVC volume | 100Mi |
service.type | Kubernetes service type exposing ports | LoadBalancer | | API port name | api |
service.apiport.port | API port number | 1363 |
service.apiport.protocol | Protocol for service | TCP | | Server (File Transfer) Port name | ft |
service.ftport.port | Server (File Transfer) Port number | 1364 |
service.ftport.protocol | Protocol for service | TCP |
service.loadBalancerIP | Provide the LoadBalancer IP | |
service.loadBalancerSourceRanges | Provide Load Balancer Source IP ranges | [] |
service.annotations | Provide the annotations for service | {} |
service.externalTrafficPolicy | Specify if external Traffic policy is needed | |
service.sessionAffinity | Specify session affinity type | ClientIP |
service.externalIP | External IP for service discovery | [] |
networkPolicyIngress.enabled | Enable/Disable the ingress policy | true |
networkPolicyIngress.from | Provide from specification for network policy for ingress traffic | [] |
networkPolicyEgress. enabled | Enable/Disable egress policy | true |
networkPolicyEgress.acceptNetPolChange | This parameter is to acknowledge the Egress network policy introduction | false |
secret.certSecretName | Name of secret resource of certificate files for dynamic provisioning | |
secret.secretName | Secret name for Connect:Direct password store | |
resources.limits.cpu | Container CPU limit | 500mi |
resources.limits.memory | Container memory limit | 2000Mi |
resources.limits.ephemeral-storage | Specify ephemeral storage limit size for pod's container | "5Gi" |
resources.requests.cpu | Container CPU requested | 500m |
resources.requests.memory | Container Memory requested | 2000Mi |
resources.requests.ephemeral-storage | Specify ephemeral storage request size for pod's container | "3Gi" |
serviceAccount.create | Enable/disable service account creation | true | | Name of Service Account to use for container | |
extraVolumeMounts | Extra Volume mounts | |
extraVolume | Extra volumes | |
affinity.nodeAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.nodeAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
affinity.nodeAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.nodeAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
affinity.podAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
PodSpec.podAntiAffinity. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnored DuringExecution |
affinity.podAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. preferredDuringScheduling IgnoredDuringExecution |
affinity.podAntiAffinity.required DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. requiredDuringSchedulingIgnored DuringExecution |
affinity.podAntiAffinity.preferred DuringSchedulingIgnoredDuring Execution |
k8sPodSpec.podAntiAffinity. preferredDuringSchedulingIgnored DuringExecution |
startupProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Initial delay for startup probe | 5 |
startupProbe.timeoutSeconds | Timeout for startup probe | 5 |
startupProbe.periodSeconds | Time period between startup probes | 15 |
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Initial delay for liveness | 45 |
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Timeout for liveness | 5 |
livenessProbe.periodSeconds | Time period for liveness | 10 |
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds | Initial delays for readiness | 3 |
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds | Timeout for readiness | 5 |
readinessProbe.periodSeconds | Time period for readiness | 10 |
route.enabled | Route for OpenShift Enabled/Disabled | false |
ldap.enabled | Enable/Disable LDAP configuration | false | | LDAP server host | |
ldap.port | LDAP port | |
ldap.domain | LDAP Domain | |
ldap.tls | Enable/Disable LDAP TLS | false |
ldap.startTls | Specify true/false for ldap_id_use_start_tls | true |
ldap.caCert | LDAP CA Certificate name | |
ldap.tlsReqcert | Specify valid value - never, allow, try, demand, hard | never |
ldap.defaultBindDn | Specify bind DN | |
ldap.defaultAuthtokType | Specify type of the authentication token of the default bind DN | |
ldap.defaultAuthtok | Specify authentication token of the default bind DN. Only clear text passwords are currently supported | |
ldap.clientValidation | Enable/Disable LDAP Client Validation | false |
ldap.clientCert | LDAP Client Certificate name | |
ldap.clientKey | LDAP Client Certificate key name | |
extraLabels | Provide extra labels for all resources of this chart | {} |
cdfa.fileAgentEnable | Specify y/n to Enable/Disable File Agent | n |
Installing IBM Connect:Direct for Unix using Helm chart
helm install --name my-release --set license=true,image.repository=<reponame> image.tag=<image tag>,cdArgs.crtName=<certificate name>,image.imageSecrets=<image pull secret>,secret.secretName=<C:D secret name> ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz
helm install --name my-release ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz -f my-values.yaml
helm install my-release --set license=true,image.repository=<reponame> image.tag=<image tag>,cdArgs.crtName=<certificate name>,image.imageSecrets=<image pull secret>,secret.secretName=<C:D secret name> ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz
helm install my-release ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz -f my-values.yaml
This command deploys ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz chart on the Kubernetes cluster using the default configuration. Creating storage for Data Persistence lists parameters that can be configured at deployment.
Parameter | Description | Default Value |
license | License agreement for IBM Certified Container Software | false |
image.repository | Image full name including repository | |
image.tag | Image tag | |
cdArgs.crtName | Key Certificate file name | |
image.imageSecrets | Image pull secrets | |
secret.secretName | Secret name for Connect:Direct password store |
Validating the Installation
After the deployment procedure is complete, you should validate the deployment to ensure that everything is working according to your needs. The deployment may take approximately 4-5 minutes to complete.
Check the Helm chart release status by invoking the following command and verify that the
:helm status my-release
- Wait for the pod to be ready. To verify the pods status (READY) use the dashboard or through the
command line interface by invoking the following
kubectl get pods -l release my-release -n my-namespace -o wide
- To view the service and ports exposed to enable communication in a pod invoke the following
kubectl get svc -l release= my-release -n my-namespace -o wide
The screen output displays the external IP and exposed ports under EXTERNAL-IP and PORT(S) column respectively. If external LoadBalancer is not present, refer Master node IP as external IP.
Exposed Services
If required, this chart can create a service of ClusterIP for communication within the cluster. This type can be changed while installing chart using service.type key defined in values.yaml. There are two ports where IBM Connect:Direct processes run. API port (1363) and FT port (1364), whose values can be updated during chart installation using service.apiport.port or service.ftport.port.
DIME and DARE Security Considerations
This topic provides security recommendations for setting up Data In Motion Encryption (DIME) and Data At Rest Encryption (DARE). It is intended to help you create a secure implementation of the application.
- All sensitive application data at rest is stored in binary format so user cannot decrypt it. This chart does not support encryption of user data at rest by default. Administrator can configure storage encryption to encrypt all data at rest.
- Data in motion is encrypted using transport layer security (TLS 1.3). For more information see, Secure Plus.
Post-installation tasks
The post deployment configuration steps can be performed via:
• Connect Direct Web Services
- Login to the Connect Direct Web services using the Load Balancer or External IP address and the port to which container API port (1363) is mapped. For configuration steps, see Connect:Direct Web Services Help Videos.
Issue the following command to get the external IP address
kubectl get svc
Certificate based authentication in Connect Direct Web Services
While connecting to Connect:Direct server with Ordinary User Mode enabled, use certificate based authentication. It will authenticate IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Web Services request to connect to IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Unix using certificates. There are some simple steps which are divided into two separate sections for Browser's Settings for Certificate Configuration and Certificate Configuration Connect:Direct Web Services/Connect:Direct Unix below which can be followed to enable certificate based login:
Certificate Configuration Connect:Direct Web Services/Connect:Direct Unix:
- Login as Admin user into IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Web Services and create a node entry for IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Unix.
- CA certificate is required, this could be same certificate which IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Unix might be using for authenticating other IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Unix nodes in file transfer. If CA certificate is chained then separate them into individual certificates and import them to IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Web Services trust store individually.
- A key certificate should generated using the command
openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -days 365
Note: When entering the certificate details, enter the hostname as the common name. - Combine the key.pem and cert.pem to create a singe certificate and import it to IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Web Services key store. Then, import cert.pem to IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Unix node's.
- Then, if there is any key certificate which is used KeyCertLabel in secure plus configuration. Then, that certificate can be separated into two parts comprising of key part and the certificate part. Namely, cert_R.pem and key_R.pem.
- Create a fingerprint with the cert_R.pem file using below
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -inform pem -in cert_R.pem
- In IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Web Services, application properties file, configure SSL alias by setting server.ssl.key-alias=combined.pem and configure certificate fingerprint by setting certificate.finger.print=<Certificate Label>;<Fingerprint> and Save the application properties file.
- Go to the server and open userfile.cfg file, create an admin user record with client authentication set to y and user name as hostname of the machine.
- Restart IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Web Services and refresh the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Web Services link to see the certificate based authentication menu pop-up and select the node to login to it.
Browser's Settings for Certificate Configuration:
For Certificate-based Authentication from UI, the user needs to add their configured key certificate to a browser’s personal certificate. Since, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge use Microsoft keystore, you can also add a certificate to the Microsoft keystore directly.
- Using Google Chrome browser:
- Go to Advanced, click Manage device certificates to display Certificates window. , under
- Click Import to open Certificate Import Wizard and click Next.
- Follow the Certificate Import Wizard to import the certificate.
- After successful import, restart the browser.
- Using Mozilla Firefox:
- Go to Certificates, click View Certificates to display Certificate Manager window. , under
- Click Import, select an appropriate key certificate file and enter the password for the same to import the certificate.
- Restart the browser after successfully importing the certificate.
- Using Microsoft Edge:
- Go to Manage Certificates, click View Certificates to display Certificate Manager window. , under
- Click Import to open Certificate Import Wizard.
- Follow the Certificate Import Wizard to import the certificate.
- After successful import, restart the browser.
- After configuring the client certificate, enter the CDWS URL in address bar and press enter, Select a certificate pop-up displayed that shows the client certificate, select the appropriate client certificate.
- After selecting the appropriate client certificate, Select a Node pop-up displayed. One selected node must be configured for certificate-based authentication.
• Attaching to the container
- Issue the following command to get the pod
kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
- Issue the following command to attach to the
kubectl exec -it <pod name> bash
• Restarting Connect:Direct services inside container
- Sometime, few configurations of IBM
Connect:Direct for UNIX
needs its services to be restarted. To restart the Connect:Direct service in
container, access container terminal either from the command line or OCP
dashboard. Inside the container run the below
touch /cdinstall/.cdrecycle
- After creating this file in the container, CDPMGR services can be stopped by
login to direct prompt using the below
- Then type
; and press enter key. Connect:Direct service will be stopped inside container. - Verify the changes and then restart CDPMGR process using the below
/opt/cdunix/ndm/bin/cdpmgr -i /opt/cdunix/ndm/cfg/<nodename>/initparm.cfg
Note: Pass Connect:Direct Nodename of the container in the above command. - Consider, liveness and readiness probes configuration before stopping CDPMGR service. If Connect:Direct service remains unavailable beyond liveness and readiness configuration then it would result in pod restart.
After Connect:Direct service is restarted, delete the created file using the below command:
rm -f /cdinstall/.cdrecycle
Upgrade, Rollback, and Uninstall
- Upgrade, when you wish to move to a new release
- Rollback, when you wish to recover the previous release version in case of failure
- Uninstall, when you wish to uninstall
Upgrade – Upgrading a Release
- Since, upgrade takes backup of configuration data on the Persistent Volume. Ensure that you have
sufficient space available to accommodate the backup and running IBM Connect:Direct for UNIX data. A
copy of backup is kept on Persistent Volume to enable rollback in case of upgrade failures.
Example: The default minimum Persistent Volume size requirement for new deployment is 100Mi. We can just double it for upgrade ie. 200Mi.
- Re-run the PodSecurityPolicy/SecurityContextConstraints scripts to ensure that the any new changes are in-place in namespace/project on Kubernetes/OpenShift cluster respectively.
- Check the CD secrets are still valid and available on the cluster.
- Depending upon the accessibility of the public internet on the cluster. The upgrade procedure can be Online upgrade and Offline upgrade.
Upgrade Consideration
In IBM Certified Container Software for Connect:Direct for UNIX v1.3.2, an important update has been made to enhance clarity and relevance.
For System Username Change
To acknowledge this change a new helm parameter has been introduced named upgradeCompCheck whose default value is false. By default, the older helm releases cannot upgrade to this version without setting this new parameter to true which means you have read this section of document and understood the changes which have been introduced as part of this release.
- User Record Update:
- During the upgrade, a user record for cdadmin will be created
in the
. Existing cduser records will remain unmodified. Post a successful upgrade and testing, the Connect:Direct admin can delete the obsolete cduser records.
- Local ID Update:
- The Connect:Direct admin should manually update any user records where the is set to cduser to reflect the new user, cdadmin.
- Script and Client Updates:
- Any scripts, Connect:Direct clients, or configurations using cduser for file transfers should be modified to use the new user, cdadmin.
Network Policy Updates:
To update network polices, refer to and Network Policy Change.
Online upgrade
- Update the local repo:
helm repo update
- Download the newer helm chart:
The helm chart gets pulled in current directory.helm pull ibm-helm/ibm-connect-direct
- Untar the chart and run the PodSecurityPolicy/SecurityContextConstraints scripts to ensure any new required change is in-place on the cluster. Refer Applying Pod Security Standard or Creating Pod Security Policy for Kubernetes Cluster and Creating security context constraints for Red Hat OpenShift Cluster as applicable on the cluster.
- Upgrade the
helm upgrade my-release ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz -f myvalues.yaml
Offline upgrade
- After you have the installation files, go inside the charts directory used for downloading the
Download directory is directory where the installation files have been <download directory>/charts
- Untar the chart and run the PodSecurityPolicy/SecurityContextConstraints scripts to ensure any new required change is in-place on the cluster. Refer Applying Pod Security Standard or Creating Pod Security Policy for Kubernetes Cluster and Creating security context constraints for Red Hat OpenShift Cluster as applicable for the cluster.
- Upgrade the
Refer steps mentioned in Validating the Installation for validating the upgrade.helm upgrade my-release ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz -f myvalues.yaml
- Do not change/update the values of Connect Direct configuration parameters.
- If any new parameters are introduced in the new chart and you are upgrading using new chart. Then, all those new parameters should be either passed with "--set" option or using a yaml file with "-f" option. The parameter can have default values as specified in the new chart or you can change the values as per your configuration requirement.
- For root squash NFS deployment with custom UID/GID, let's suppose UID/GID was 1010/1010, then while upgrading to 1.3.x helm chart, update supplemental groups with 1010 also. Do not delete supplemental group already present in values.yaml file, just add 1010 also to its list. Then, trigger helm upgrade.
- The Ordinary User Mode (OUM) feature is not available in older releases of the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct. So, the upgrade from older releases should be done by disabling this feature by setting oum.enabled="n" in values.yaml file to avoid unexpected behavior.
Rollback – Recovering on Failure
Uninstall – Uninstalling a Release
helm delete --purge my-release
helm delete my-release
helm delete
command. Delete
these resources only if they are not required for further deployment of IBM Certified Container
Software for Connect:Direct UNIX. If deletion is required, you have to manually delete the following resources:- The persistent volume
- The secret
- The Config Map
Known Limitations
- Scalability is supported with the conventional Connect:Direct for Unix release with load balancer service.
- High availability can be achieved in an orchestrated environment.
- IBM Connect:Direct for Unix chart is supported with only 1 replica count.
- IBM Connect:Direct for Unix chart supports only the x64 architecture.
- Adding extra system users at runtime is not supported.
- Interaction with IBM Control Center Director is not supported.
- The container does not include X-Windows support, so SPAdmin cannot run inside the container. SPCli will run in the container and Connect Direct Web Services (CDWS) can be used outside the container in place of using SPAdmin.
- Extension of Connect:Direct containers by customers is not supported. If you want any modifications or updates to the containers you need to raise an enhancement request.
Migrating to Connect:Direct for UNIX using Certified Container Software
- Create a backupTo create a backup of configuration data and other information such as stats and TCQ, present in the persistent volume, follow the steps given below:
- Go to mount path of Persistent Volume.
- Make copy of the following directories and store them at a secured location:
- FALOGNote:
- Update the various values in
for the C:D installation path, hostname/IP and port numbers. The installation path is `/opt/cdunix/` , hostname would be <helm-release-name>-ibm-connect-direct-0 and client port is 1363 and server port is 1364. -
The nodename of Connect:Direct for Unix running on traditional system should be same while migrating it inside container.
- If Connect:Direct for UNIX is installed in a conventional mode, create a backup of the following
- <install_dir>/work
- <install_dir>/ndm/security
- <install_dir>/ndm/cfg
- <install_dir>/ndm/secure+
- <install_dir>/process
- <install_dir>/file_agent/config
- <install_dir>/file_agent/logA file must be created in a work directory before taking backup. The file can be created by invoking the following command:
<path to cdunix install directory>/etc/cdver > <path to cdunix install directory>/work/saved_cdunix_version
- Update the various values in
- Restore the data in a new deploymentTo restore data in a new deployment, follow the steps given below:
- Create a Persistent Volume.
- Copy all the backed-up directories to the mount path of Persistent Volume.
- For other prerequisites such as secrets see, cdu_pre_installation_tasks.html.
- Upgrade to Certified Container SoftwareCreate a new instance of chart using the following helm CLI command:Helm version 2
helm install --name <release-name> --set license=true,image.repository=<reponame> image.tag=<image tag>,cdArgs.crtName=<certificate name>,image.imageSecrets=<image pull secret>,secret.secretName=<C:D secret name> ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz
Helm version 3helm install <release-name> --set license=true,image.repository=<reponame> image.tag=<image tag>,cdArgs.crtName=<certificate name>,image.imageSecrets=<image pull secret>,secret.secretName=<C:D secret name> ibm-connect-direct-1.3.x.tgz
Migration from Helm 2 to Helm 3
This migration only applies if you have IBM Certified Container Software instances/releases that are running on Helm 2 and you want to use Helm 3 release. It is the responsibility of the Cluster Administrator to decide on the migration strategy according to deployment requirement and specific use case scenario. Although, there is a detailed and exhaustive documentation provided by the Helm on migration. Please refer the this link, Helm.