Suppressing an Automatic Reboot
About this task
During an installation of Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows (or its prerequisites), the Windows installer can determine when a reboot of the system is necessary. Commonly, a reboot is required because the installer is attempting to install a file that is currently being used. While you are prompted with a request to reboot during an interactive installation, the installer initiates the reboot automatically during a silent installation.
This section explains how to suppress most automatic reboots during an installation, allowing more control on scheduling a necessary reboot at your own convenience. It applies to new installations, as well as to upgrades from an older version or maintenance updates. Follow these steps to suppress most automatic reboots during the installation of IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows and detect when a reboot is necessary:
Example batch file snippet for a new silent installation
call cdw_install.exe /v"REBOOT=ReallySuppress CD_SRVR_INI_FILE=C:\cd_srvr.ini /l*v CDWinInst.log /qn" /s /w /clone_wait
if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 3010 (
echo The installation requires a reboot. Please reboot the system as soon as poosible.
) else if %ERRORLEVEL% equ 0 (
echo The installation completed successfully. No reboot required.
) else (
echo The installation has failed with RC=%ERRORLEVEL%