CD_SRVR.INI Parameter Values
Parameter Name | Parameter Definition | Values |
CD_SETUP_TYPE | Specifies the type of installation. Default configures a new installation. Upgrade migrates an existing installation. Custom and Default values have the same effect in silent installs. | Default | Custom | Upgrade |
CD_NODENAME | Local node name, from 1-16 characters, consisting of numbers, letters, @, #, $, -, underscore (_), and period (.) with no spaces or apostrophes. | If this field is blank, the parameter defaults to the first 16 characters of the computer where the server is installed. |
CD_UPGRADE_NODE | The version of software and node to upgrade. Valid only if CD_SETUP_TYPE=Upgrade. | Version number/node name. For example: CD_UPGRADE_NODE=v4.8.0\MYNODE. The default node is the first node of the most recent version installed. |
CD_UPGRADE_KEEPSRC_FLAG | Prevents the current version from being deleted before installing the new version. Valid only if CD_SETUP_TYPE=Upgrade. |
1=enabled. If the selected installation type is Upgrade/Migrate, the previously installed version is uninstalled by default. |
CD_HOST_IP | The IP address or host name of the server used for node-to-node communication. | Any valid IP address or host name. If blank, the IP address is obtained from the destination computer's IP address in the TCP/IP stack. |
CD_HOST_PORT | The port number that Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows, or user-written API programs, will use to establish client sessions with this Connect:Direct server for outgoing communications. | A numeric value in the format nnnn, where nnnn is a positive integer no larger than four digits. The default is 1364. |
CD_API_IP | The IP address or host name of the server used for API (client) connections. | Any valid IP address or host name. If blank, the IP address is obtained from the destination computer's IP address in the TCP/IP stack. |
CD_API_PORT | The port number that Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows or user-written API programs will use to establish client sessions with this Connect:Direct server. You must specify the port when it differs from the default. | A numeric value in the format nnnn, where nnnn is a positive integer no larger than four digits. The default is 1363. |
CD_ACTIVEDIR_FLAG | Registers the client IP address to active directory. | 1=enabled. Disabled by default. |
CD_NOTIFY_TYPE | Defines the Process completion notification type. | NT Broadcast | SMTP |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_HOST | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field identifies the IP address of the SMTP host. | Host address in the format |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_PORT | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field identifies the port used by the SMTP host. | Port number up to four characters. The default value is 25. |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_SENDER | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field identifies the e-mail address to identify the sender of the message | Valid e-mail address. |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_AUTHENTICATE | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field enables authentication. If this value is not set, the user ID and password fields are ignored. | 1=enabled. Disabled by default. |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_USERID | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field identifies the user ID to use to authenticate the server. | A valid user ID. |
CD_NOTIFY_SMTP_PWD | If CD_NOTIFY_TYPE = SMTP, this field identifies the user password to use to authenticate the server. | A valid user password. |
CD_USERAUTH_FILE | The path name and file name of a valid user authority file. | Any valid user authority file. For example: C:\Configurations\MyUserAuth.cfg |
CD_NETMAP_FILE | The path name and file name of a valid network map file. | Any valid network map file. For example: C:\Configurations\MyNetmap.cfg |
CD_INITPARMS_FILE | The path name and file name of a valid initialization parameter file. | Any valid Microsoft Windows directory and initialization parameter file name. For example: C:\Configurations\MyInitparms.cfg |
CD_SVC_ACCOUNT | Service user account. Installation fails if the user doesn't have the following privileges: act as part of the operating system, log on locally, log on as service, replace a process level token. | Domain\Username format. The default account is the local system account. |
CD_SVC_ACCOUNT_PWD | Service user account password. | |
CD_DATABASE_NAME | Specifies the name of the database. | The default database name is CDWINNT. |
CD_DATABASE_TYPE | Configures the TCQ and Statistics databases. MSSQL must be installed and configured prior to installing IBM Connect:Direct. PostgreSQL is optionally installed and configured during the install. | POSTGRESQL | MSSQL |
CD_POSTGRESQL_PORT | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = POSTGRESQL, this parameter specifies the PostgreSQL server port number. | The default port number is 23620. |
CD_POSTGRESQL_USERID | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = POSTGRESQL, this parameter specifies the user ID of the POSTGRESQL server administrator. | The default user ID is root. |
CD_POSTGRESQL_PWD | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = POSTGRESQL, this parameter specifies the PostgreSQL server system administrator's password. The password is required. | |
CD_SQL_SERVER | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = MSSQL, this parameter specifies the name of the SQL server. | Valid SQL Server |
CD_SQL_AUTHENTICATION | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = MSSQL, this parameter specifies the SQL authentication. | Disabled by default. |
CD_SQL_USERID | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = MSSQL, this parameter specifies the user ID of the SQL server system administrator. If SQL authentication is enabled, the SQL user ID and password are required. | |
CD_SQL_PWD | If CD_DATABASE_TYPE = MSSQL, this parameter specifies the SQL server system administrator's password. | Valid 1-30 character SQL Server System administrator password |
CD_SPE_DISABLE_FLAG | Disables the Secure+ Strong password encryption feature. | 1=disabled. Enabled by default. |
CD_KEYSTORE_FILE | Specifies the file name for Secure+ KeyStore file. | The file name should not include a path. The default file name is cdkeystore.p12. |
CD_KEYSTORE_PWD | Specifies the password for Secure+ KeyStore file. The password is required when Secure+ is installed. | |
CD_NETMAP_CHECK | Specifies the initialization parameter network map check settings. | Y | L | R | N |
CD_NODE_CHECK | Specifies the initialization parameter node check settings. | A | B | C |
CD_CLIENT_KEYCERT_FILE | Specifies the Secure+ Client Key Certificate file name. (PEM PKCS8). | |
CD_CLIENT_KEYCERT_PWD | Specifies the password for the Secure+ Client Key Certificate file. | |
CD_CLIENT_CIPHERSUITES | Enables the TLS or SSL cipher suites for the node record. Optional. | The default is (TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256) |
CD_ADMIN_USERID | Specifies the default Connect:Direct user authority. | Any valid user ID. |
Specifies the trusted certificates to be imported |
Specifies the file containing additional SPCLI commands to configure on CD. |
Specify the Agent port details here to configure the Agent listening port that Control Center Director will use to communicate with the Agent. |
Default: 1365 |
Use to enable the Install Agent |
Use to disable the Install Agent posting events to Control Center Director |
Use to store initparms configuration |
Provide the Event Repository URL to configure the Control Center Director Open Server Architecture (OSA) URL, the target location where Agent posts all the events to Control Center Director. |
None |
CD_PSWDEXIT_DLL | This is the Password Exit DLL File to enable the Password Exit feature. If the value is blank, the feature is disabled. |
This is a SHA256 hash of the Password Exit DLL file. Before Connect:Direct Windows loads the your
Password Exit DLL file, it will compute the SHA256 hash for the file. If the computed hash matches
the configure Password Exit DLL Hash, then Connect:Direct Windows will load the dll and use it to
obtain user passwords.
Note: This parameter is mandatory when CD_PSWDEXIT_DLL is enabled.
CD_PSWDEXIT_POLICYID | Optional It is sent to the Password Exit as a parameter. |
CD_PSWDEXIT_APPLID | Optional It is sent to the Password Exit as a parameter. |
CD_PSWDEXIT_URL | It is sent to the Password Exit as a parameter (Optional). |
CD_PSWDEXIT_OBJECT | CyberArk Object string. It is sent to the Password Exit as a parameter. |
CD_PSWDEXIT_SAFE | CyberArk Safe string. It is sent to the Password Exit as a parameter. |
CD_PSWDEXIT_USER_DEFINED | User field for one or more CyberArk query parameters. It is sent to the Password Exit
as a parameter (optional). Note: This parameter is mandatory if Password
Exit V3 is enabled.
CD_FILEAGENT_ENABLE | Specifies whether the Integrated File Agent is enabled to run or disabled. |
CD_FILEAGENT_FILE | Integrated File Agent configuration file in JSON format (.json) |
CD_HEALTH_CHECK_TRUSTED_ADDR | Specifies the IPv4/IPv6 address or hostname from which heath check connections are expected and allowed. |
CD_CDWS_PORT | The default port which Connect Direct Web Services uses to operate. | Default: 1368 |