Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Copy Statement for Guardian Disk and Tape Files
The COPY statement allows you to copy files from one node to another.
The COPY statement contains a FROM parameter that specifies the source file name and a TO parameter that specifies the destination file name. Additional parameters and subparameters can be specified to customize the file transfer operation.
To copy from one IBM® Connect:Direct® platform to another, refer to the appropriate COPY FROM and TO pages for those platforms. For example, if the source file is located on a Connect:Direct for z/OS® node, refer to the Connect:Direct for z/OS COPY FROM information. If the destination node is Connect:Direct for HP NonStop, refer to the TO information for this platform.
If a time-out occurs before a tape is loaded on an adjacent node, the operator must cancel the tape mount. This action cancels the Process on the adjacent node.
The following is the Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Copy statement for Guardian Disk and Tape Files. See the Sterling Connect:Direct for HP NonStop Process Parameters for more information.
Label | Statement | Parameters | |
stepname | COPY | FROM | ( |
DSN=filename | FILE=filename | |||
DCB=([RECFM=record-format] [,BLKSIZE=no.-bytes] [,LRECL=no.-bytes | |||
DISP=([OLD | SHR] , [KEEP | DELETE]) | |||
IOEXIT=[exit-name | (exit-name [,parameter,...])] | [$process-name] | |||
SYSOPTS=["SET XLATE ON | YES | OFF | NO | table-name"] ["SET OPENFILEXMT Y"] | |||
) | |||
TO | ( | ||
DSN=filename | FILE=filename | |||
DCB=([BLKSIZE=no.-bytes]) [,DSORG=[U | 0] | [R | 1] | [E | 2] | [K | 3] [,KEYLEN=no.-bytes] [,LRECL=no.-bytes] [,RECFM=record-format] | |||
TYPE=typekey | |||
DISP=([NEW | OLD | MOD | RPL | SHR],, [KEEP | DELETE]) | |||
IOEXIT=[exit-name | (exit-name [,parameter,...])] | [$process-name] | |||
Note: For transfers from Microsoft Windows to HP NonStop, use single quotation marks around each SET statement. Omit the parentheses and enclose the entire SYSOPTS statement in double quotation marks. | SYSOPTS=(["SET TYPE [U | 0] | [R | 1] | [E | 2]
| [K | 3]"] ["SET CODE file-code"] ["SET EXT (extent.size) | (pri.ext.size , sec.ext.size)"] ["SET REC record-length"] ["SET BLOCK data-block-length"] ["SET [NO] COMPRESS"] ["SET FORMAT 0|1|2"] ["SET PART ( [sec.partition.num] [\$volume] [pri.ext.size] [sec.ext.size] [partial.key.value] )"] ["SET [NO] AUDIT"] ["SET [NO] DCOMPRESS"] ["SET [NO] ICOMPRESS"] ["SET KEYLEN key-length"] ["SET KEYOFF key-offset"] ["SET ALTKEY ([key-specifier]) ["SET [NO] PARTONLY"] ["SET ODDUNSTR"] ["SET [NO] REFRESH"] ["SET [NO] AUDIT"] ["SET MAXEXTENTS maximum-extents"] ["SET BUFFERSIZE unstructured-buffer-size"] ["SET [NO] BUFFERED"] ["SET [NO] AUDITCOMPRESS"] ["SET [NO] VERIFIEDWRITES"] ["SET [NO] SERIALWRITES"] ["SET [NO] BLOCKIO"] ["SET [NO] LARGEIO"] ["SET FAST.LOAD Y"] [FILE key-file-number] [KEYLEN key-length] [KEYOFF key-offset] [NULL | NO NULL] [[NO] UNIQUE] [[NO] UPDATE"] )"] ["SET ALTFILE key-file-number ,filename"] ["SET [NO] ALTCREATE"] ["SET FAST.LOAD.PRI priority"] ["SET FAST.LOAD.CPU cpu-number"] ["SET FAST.LOAD.SORTED Y"] ["SET XLATE ON | YES | OFF | NO | table-name"] ) ) |
CKPT=nK | nM | |||
COMPRESS [[PRIMEchar=X'xx' | X'20' | C'c' ] |
EXTended] Note: If the SNODE is B2B Integrator,
only COMRESS EXT is supported.