Upgrading Guidelines for IBM Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows

Observe the following guidelines:

  1. Before you perform any upgrade procedure, create backup copies of the following IBM® Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows installation files:
    • If you are upgrading from v6.2.0 to Release 6.3, the directory should be: C:\Program Files\IBM\Connect Direct v6.2.0.
    • If you are upgrading from v6.1.0, the directory should be: C:\Program Files\IBM\Connect Direct v6.1.0.
    • If you are upgrading from v6.0.0, the directory should be: C:\Program Files\IBM\Connect Direct v6.0.0.
    • If you are upgrading from v4.8.0, the directory should be:

      C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Connect Direct v4.8.0

    • If you are upgrading from 4.7.0, the Directory should be:

      C:\Program Files (x86)\Sterling Commerce\Connect Direct v4.n.n, where n.n represents your current version number.

    • Registry location for 6.n.n registry location: Where n.n represents your version number.

      64-bit OS
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sterling Commerce\Connect:Direct for Windows NT\v6.n.n
    • Registry location for 4.7.0 and 4.8.0: Where n.n represents your version number.
      32-bit OS
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Sterling Commerce\Connect:Direct for Windows NT\v4.n.n
      64-bit OS
      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Sterling Commerce\Connect:Direct for Windows NT\v4.n.n
  2. If you are upgrading from an earlier version of Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows, you must install the software to a new installation folder. Do not install the software into the same folder as the existing installation. Installing in the same location would overwrite old files with the new files which might lead to loss of configurations of the older version.
  3. Upgrading with the option of uninstalling the source Connect:Direct version (major upgrade), you can capture the uninstallation logs of the source version by providing the absolute path with log filename in parameter "CD_UNINSTALL_LOGS" in command line.
  4. To prevent conflicts between versions, especially during uninstallation, each version of Connect:Direct Windows uses a different DSN name for its ODBC drivers.
Note: In-place upgrades are not supported.