VTAM Definitions
Before starting IBM® Connect:Direct®, the VTAM application definitions must be active, the mode table entries must be completed, and the cross-domain resources must be active. This section explains how to set up VTAM definitions for IBM Connect:Direct.
The following VTAM definitions may be required for each node. The member name of each definition is listed in parentheses. The sample definitions are in the file $CD.SDGACNTL.
- VTAM definitions for IBM Connect:Direct DTF (DGACAPPL)
- VTAM definitions for IUI or batch interface (DGACIAPP)
- Mode table used with IBM Connect:Direct (DGACMODT)
- Cross-domain resource manager node (DGACCDRM)
- Cross-domain resource definition for other nodes (DGACCDRS)
- VTAM definition for PNODE=SNODE, also known as loop-back, processing (DGACAPPL)
If you are setting up VTAM definitions for mainframe-to-PC-only connections, disregard the information about multiple z/OS or VM sites within the IBM Connect:Direct network and VTAM cross-domain definitions.
Note: If you went through the installation process and generated the
network map, refer to the member DGAJNET0 in $CD.SDGACNTL for network
map definitions that use the VTAM definitions.