Trace Types
DEBUG Setting† | Trace Type | DDNAME Where Output is Directed |
80000000 | COPY Routine and RUN TASK trace | RADBDD01 |
08000000 | Session manager trace | RADBDD05 |
04000000 | Separate trace per task (Example: “R0000005” to trace TASK 5) | Rnnnnnnn |
02000000 | API session trace | RADBDD07 |
01000000 | DGADBSUB trace | RADBDD08 |
00400000 | TCQSH from DGADCPYR | DMCOPYRT |
00200000 | Make each SVC dump unique | N/A |
00100000 | SECURITY Trace Control | SECURITY |
00040000 | GETMAIN/FREEMAIN trace | RADBDD16 |
00008000 | I/O buffer trace | RADBDD21 |
00004000 | WTO all dynamic allocation parameters | RADBDD22 |
00002000 | IBM® Connect:Direct®/Plex traces | |
ACTION queue manager trace | CDPLXACT | |
CKPT queue manager trace | CDPLXCKP | |
TCQ queue manager trace | CDPLXTCQ | |
STATS queue manager trace | CDPLXSTA | |
First REQUEST queue manager trace | CDPLXREQ | |
Second and subsequent REQUEST queue manager trace (Example: “CDPLXR03” to trace third queue manager) | CDPLXRnn | |
JOIN queue manager trace | CDPLXJOI | |
00001000 | Workload balancing trace | CDPLXWLB |
00000800 | zIIP-related trace | CDZIIP |
00000100 | In-storage tracing only Note: The size of this
in-storage table is controlled by TRACE.BUFFER
N/A |
00000080 | RPL trace – long | RPLOUT |
00000040 | RPL trace – short | RPLOUT |
00000020 | Version 2 session trace | RADBDD33 |
00000008 | Logon exit trace | RADBDD35 |
00000004 | Logon processor trace | RADBDD36 |
00000002 | SCIP exit trace | RADBDD37 |
00000001 | SNMP Trap trace | SCTRAPDD |
00000400 | ESTA* trace | CDESTAE |
† The DEBUG=X‘nnnnnnnn' initialization parameter turns on a specific trace option
or any combination of options, where nnnnnnnn represents the debug setting in hexadecimal. |
Note: The Modify command requests the same output as the DEBUG
initialization parameter.