Submit Processes

Use Submit and SubmitFile to submit Processes to a Node. These methods automatically create a Process object and associate it with the Node for the Submit.

Below is the standard SubmitFile method. stFileName is required and is the file specification of the Process to submit.

void SubmitFile(String stFileName)

The SubmitFile method allows more control of the submitted Process.

  • stFileName is required and defines the requirements for the Process.
  • holdOverride places the Process in the Hold queue.
  • startTime specifies when to run the Process.
  • symbolics define the substitution parameters to apply to the Process.
void SubmitFile(String stFileName, Hold holdOverride, String startTime, Dictionary<String, 
String> symbolics)

The Submit method is very similar to the SubmitFile method but instead of passing the file name of the Process to submit, you pass stText which is the text of a Process to submit.

void Submit(String stText, Hold holdOverride, String startTime, Dictionary<String, String> symbolics)