Customizing Submit Screens
About this task
When you type variables into a submit screen, the IUI builds a SUBMIT command, and the command goes to a dialog for handling. As delivered on the installation tape, the primary IUI panel, DGA@PRIM, directly invokes the IUI submit panel, DGA@UBMT, when the SB option is selected. You can construct a customized submit screen to contain customized submit options. All menus can contain as many choices as screen space permits. To customize the submit function, modify DGA@PRIM to invoke DGA@SM03 instead of DGA@UBMT, when the SB option is selected, and perform the following procedure.
The following general steps are illustrated in an example which describes how to create a custom SUBMIT screen that copies a file to the existing file at another site at noon every day. You are notified when the Process is complete.