Security Violations Report
The IBM® Connect:Direct® for z/OS® Security Violations Report lists the following types of violations for a specified time period:
Signon security failures—Failure caused by an invalid user ID or password that signed on to IBM Connect:Direct. Each violation is recorded.
Process security failures—This failure is caused when a Process does not run due to an invalid security authorization. An example is a Process that does not run because the user is not defined in the IBM Connect:Direct authorization file at the remote node.
Data set access security failures—Failure due to insufficient authority to access a data set.
A sample report follows:
You can specify the start date and time and the stop date and time.
- IBM Resource Access Control Facility (RACF)
- CA-ACF2 and CA-TOP SECRET by Computer Associates, Inc.
The following table contains a description of the report fields:
Report Field | Description |
NODE | IBM Connect:Direct node where the statistics file is examined. |
USERID | IBM Connect:Direct user ID that created the security violation. |
CC | IBM Connect:Direct completion code in hexadecimal format. |
MSG ID | Security system message ID: IBM Connect:Direct, ACF2, RACF, or TOP SECRET. |
DATE | Date security violation occurred. |
TIME | Time security violation occurred. |
VIOLATION TYPE | Type of security violation. Valid types are SIGNON, PROCESS, and DATASET. |