IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Activity Report

You can request reports in the following ways:

  • Through ARS screens using TSO/ISPF
  • Through a IBM® Connect:Direct® Process that is defined to automatically request reports
  • Through a pre-defined batch job stream that is run by a job scheduling subsystem

    The IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Activity Report lists IBM Connect:Direct activity by Process step. The ARS software sorts the steps for each secondary node (SNODE) location by user ID and then by Process number, for a specified time period.

You can specify the start date and time and the stop date and time. Following is an example of the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Activity Report:

The following table contains a description of the report fields.

Report Field Description
NODE IBM Connect:Direct node where the statistics file is being examined.
SNODE IBM Connect:Direct secondary node.
USERID IBM Connect:Direct user ID.
PROC # IBM Connect:Direct Process number.
PROC NAME IBM Connect:Direct Process name.
STEP NAME Name (or label) assigned to the Process step.
FUNCTION IBM Connect:Direct activity. Valid Process steps are COPY, RUN JOB, RUN TASK, and SUBMIT (within a Process).
ELAPSE TIME Function duration time in hh:mm:ss.hh format.
PNODE IBM Connect:Direct primary node.
CC IBM Connect:Direct completion code in hexadecimal format.
EXC Exception field is displayed “***” when a Process step does not complete successfully.
MSG ID IBM Connect:Direct message ID.
DATE When activity began. Date format is mm/dd/yyyy. Process start date does not conform to the DATEFORM initialization parameter.
CLASS IBM Connect:Direct Session Class