Initialization Errors
This section describes the causes of common errors associated with initializing IBM® Connect:Direct®.
Condition: Inadequate Storage
IBM Connect:Direct does not initialize because of inadequate storage (GETMAIN or FREEMAIN request failed).
Error Messages | |||||
SITA037I | SITA042I | SITA043I | SITA044I | SITA045I | SITA047I |
SITA049I | SITA050I | SITA078I | SITA080I | SITA096I | SITA097I |
SITA098I | SITA099I | SITA122I |
Use the following table to troubleshoot the storage problem.
Cause | Action | Data to Collect |
Inadequate address space is allocated to the IBM Connect:Direct DTF region. | Review the short and long text messages. Check the IBM Connect:Direct startup job stream and the amount of storage allocated to the IBM Connect:Direct region by checking the region parameter on the job card. Use REGION=0M or as advised by Customer Support. |
Condition: Server Initialization Error (SXTA101I) with ABEND U1024
The CDPLEX.MAXSERVER value has been exceeded by Server A.
Error | Cause | Action |
ABEND U1024 | The IBM Connect:Direct/Plex Server A (where A is the name of a particular server in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment) has been rejected by the IBM Connect:Direct Manager. Server A terminated with a User ABEND code of U1024. | Correct the CDPLEX.MAXSERVER global initialization parameter by increasing the value to cover the number of servers in the IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment, and restart the server. |
Condition: ABEND U0044
Use the following table to troubleshoot this abnormal end condition (ABEND).
Error | Cause | Action | Collect |
ABEND U0044 | GETMAIN failed |
If there is still an issue after taking the recommended actions, collect the SVCDUMP and job log. |
Condition: Error While Allocating or Opening Initialization Parameters File
An error occurs while allocating or opening the initialization parameters file.
Error Messages | |||||
SITA063I | SITA070I | SITA121I | SITA123I | SITA291I | SITA292I |
SITA293I | SITA294I | SITA501I | SITA502I | SITA505I |
Cause | Action | Data to Collect |
IBM Connect:Direct initialization parameters file does not exist, or the parameter on the EXEC statement is specified incorrectly. | Review the short and long text messages. Look at the IBM Connect:Direct startup JCL for the EXEC statement. Ensure that the specified initialization parameters dataset exists and is correct. |
Condition: Initialization Parameter Errors
IBM Connect:Direct does not initialize because of initialization parameter errors.
Error Messages | |||||
SITA003I | SITA014I | SITA018I | SITA021I | SITA038I | SITA039I |
SITA040I | SITA041I | SITA063I | SITA071I | SITA072I | SITA073I |
SITA079I | SITA082I | SITA083I | SITA084I | SITA085I | SITA086I |
SITA087I | SITA088I | SITA089I | SITA091I | SITA092I | SITA093I |
SITA094I | SITA095I | SITA104I | SITA105I | SITA106I | SITA148I |
SITA201I | SITA202I | SITA213I | SITA214I | SITA215I | SITA216I |
SITA217I | SITA220I | SITA221I | SITA222I | SITA223I | SITA224I |
SITA225I | SITA226I | SITA227I | SITA228I | SITA230I | SITA231I |
SITA232I | SITA233I | SITA234I | SITA242I | SITA250I | SITA251I |
SITA252I | SITA253I | SITA254I | SITA260I | SITA261I | SITA262I |
SITA263I | SITA270I | SITA271I | SITA272I | SITA273I | SITA280I |
SITA281I | SITA282I | SITA283I | SITA285I | SITA286I | SITA287I |
SITA300I | SITA506I | SITA507I | SITA508I | SITA509I | SITA510I |
SITA511I | SITA512I | SITA513I | SITA514I | SITA515I | SITA516I |
SITA517I | SITA518I | SITA540I |
Use the following table to troubleshoot the initialization parameters problem.
Cause | Action | Data to Collect |
Syntax errors or errors in the values specified exist for one or more initialization parameters. | Review the short and long text messages. Note the messages that you see on the console during initialization to determine the reason for the error. Verify that any comments preceding parameters are followed by ‘*/'. Refer to the appropriate IBM Connect:Direct installation guide for the valid parameter values. Correct the parameter in the initialization parameters file, and restart IBM Connect:Direct. |
Condition: IBM Connect:Direct VSAM File Error
IBM Connect:Direct does not initialize because of an error with one of the IBM Connect:Direct VSAM files: the message file, authorization file, type file, network map file, statistics file, checkpoint file, or TCQ file.
Error Messages | |||||
SITA055I | SITA056I | SITA057I | SITA059I | SITA060I | SITA061I |
SITA062I | SITA064I | SITA065I | SITA066I | SITA075I | SITA076I |
SITA077I | SITA100I | SITA101I | SITA102I | SITA103I | SITA110I |
SITA111I | SITA112I | SITA113I | SITA130I | SITA131I | SITA132I |
SITA133I | SITA160I |
Use the following table to troubleshoot the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® VSAM file error.
Cause | Action | Data to Collect |
An error occurred while opening the file, or VSAM encountered a physical or logical error. The VSAM file cannot be defined and loaded correctly, the name of the file might be specified incorrectly, or the file might be corrupted. | Review the short and long text messages. Verify that the name of the file is specified correctly in the initialization parameters file. Also, verify that the file is a correctly defined VSAM dataset and loaded. Refer to VSAM Files DASD Requirement and Description and Define the IBM Connect:Direct VSAM Files . |
Condition: VTAM Initialization Errors
IBM Connect:Direct does not initialize because of errors with VTAM initialization.
Error Messages | |||||
SITA004I | SITA005I | SITA048I | SITA051I | SITA052I | SITA053I |
SITA054I | SITA090I | user ABEND U0075 |
Use the following table to troubleshoot the VTAM initialization error.
Cause | Action | Data to Collect |
The IBM Connect:Direct DTF APPLID is defined incorrectly, the APPLID logmode table is incorrect or is not found, the DTF APPLID has a VTAM password associated with it, or the IBM Connect:Direct DTF APPLID is not active. | Review the short and long text messages. Ensure that the DTF APPLID is active. Ensure that the APPLID specified in the LOCAL.NODE entry of the network map is correctly specified and is defined to VTAM. Check the ESTAE output for additional error information. If a VTAM password is associated with the IBM Connect:Direct APPLID, remove it, and do not refer to it in the network map. |
Condition: Invalid Security Environment (SITA997I)
Use the following table to troubleshoot the security environment error.
Cause | Action | Data to Collect |
The thread-level security is not valid between IBM Connect:Direct and z/OS UNIX System Services. | If your installation implemented Program Access to Datasets (PADS) functionality within your security system (such as RACF, TSS, ACF2), include the IBM Connect:Direct datasets in your Program Control List (PCL). |
Condition: Statistics Log Error
IBM Connect:Direct does not initialize because of an error in the statistics log.
Error Messages | |||||
SSTI004I | SSTI005I | SSTI006I | SSTI007I | SSTI008I | SSTI009I |
SSTI010I | SSTI011I | SSTI012I | SSTI013I | SSTI014I | SSTI015I |
SSTI016I | SSTI017I | SSTI018I | SSTI019I | SSTI020I | SSTI021I |
SSTI022I |
SITA059I and user ABEND U0070 follow one of the previous error messages. The cause and necessary action to take depend on the SSTIxxxI message as explained in the following sections.
File pair ESDS dataset has invalid CI SIZE.
Cause | Action |
The ESDS CI SIZE is less than 2048. The minimum acceptable CI SIZE for this dataset is 2048. | Review short and long text messages. Delete and redefine the file pair ESDS dataset and ensure a CI SIZE that is greater than or equal to 2048. |
Invalid KSDS dataset type in file pair.
Cause | Action |
Review both the short text and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages. While verifying the dataset, it was found that the dataset type was not KSDS. | Verify that the statistics file pair KSDS dataset is correctly allocated. If no allocation is correct, delete and redefine the KSDS dataset. |
Invalid KSDS dataset key length.
Cause | Action |
The key length of the file pair KSDS dataset is invalid. | Review short and long text messages. Refer to the platform-specific IBM Connect:Direct installation and administration guide for the correct length. |
Invalid file pair KSDS dataset key offset.
Cause | Action |
The key offset for the KSDS dataset is not 0. | Review short and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages. Delete and redefine the KSDS with the correct key offset. |
File pair has empty ESDS but non-empty KSDS.
Cause | Action |
The ESDS dataset is empty, but the KSDS dataset has data in it. One possible reason is that the ESDS dataset was reset, but the KSDS was not. | Review both short and long text messages. The ESDS and KSDS datasets must both be empty or must both contain data. Either delete and redefine the KSDS dataset, restore the ESDS dataset, or specify STAT.INIT=COLD. IBM Connect:Direct opens both datasets with RESET at initialization time. |
File pair has empty KSDS but non-empty ESDS.
Cause | Action |
The KSDS dataset is empty, but the ESDS dataset has data in it. One possible reason is that the KSDS dataset was reset, but the ESDS was not. | Review both short and long text messages. Both KSDS and ESDS datasets must be empty or contain data. Either delete and redefine the ESDS dataset, restore the KSDS dataset, run batch utility DMSTBKEY to rebuild the KSDS dataset, or specify STAT.INIT=COLD. IBM Connect:Direct then opens both datasets with RESET at initialization time. |
Error reading the file pair KSDS control record.
Cause | Action |
While attempting to read the KSDS control record, an error code was returned. | Review both short and long text messages. Verify that the KSDS dataset is correctly defined. Register 15 contains the VSAM GET return code. To reuse the dataset, specify STAT.INIT=COLD in the initialization parameters and restart IBM Connect:Direct. |
KSDS control record ESDS name does not match.
Cause | Action |
The KSDS control record contains the name of the matching or paired ESDS dataset. When the KSDS and ESDS dataset names are built by IBM Connect:Direct at initialization time based on STAT.DSN.BASE, the ESDS dataset name that the system built did not match the ESDS dataset name in the KSDS control record. | Review both the short text and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages.
Do one of the following:
KSDS control record ESDS CI SIZE do not match.
Cause | Action |
The KSDS control record contains the CI SIZE of the matching or paired ESDS dataset. The CI SIZE from the KSDS control record is not equal to the CI SIZE of the paired ESDS dataset that is opened. | Review the short and long text messages. Verify that the statistics file pair is identified with the STAT.DSN.BASE and STAT.FILE.PAIRS initialization parameters. If the CI SIZE of the ESDS file has changed, you must run the DMSTBKEY batch utility to rebuild the information in the key-sequenced cluster. |
Error reading the ESDS control record.
Cause | Action |
While attempting to read the ESDS control record, an error code was returned. | Review both the short and long text messages. Verify that the ESDS dataset is correctly defined. Register 15 contains the VSAM GET return code. To reuse the dataset, specify STAT.INIT=COLD in the initialization parameters and restart IBM Connect:Direct. |
Invalid ESDS control record.
Cause | Action |
IBM Connect:Direct read the first record in the ESDS dataset; however, it was not the control record. Either the file is not a IBM Connect:Direct statistics file, or the file was corrupted after being written. | Review both the short text and long text messages. Verify that the statistics file pair is correctly defined using the STAT.DSN.BASE and STAT.FILE.PAIRS initialization parameters. If the file was corrupted and it is the KSDS cluster of the pair, then the information can be rebuilt by running the DMSTBKEY batch utility for the file pair. If the file was corrupted and it is the ESDS cluster of the pair, then the statistics information in the file pair is lost. In this case, both files of the pair must be empty before IBM Connect:Direct initializes successfully. Specify STAT.INIT=COLD in the initialization parameters to initialize successfully. |
Invalid file pair sequence.
Cause | Action |
The files that comprise the statistics file pair
list are not arranged in chronological order. IBM Connect:Direct requires
that all non-empty statistics file pairs be ordered chronologically
based on the date and time of the oldest data in each pair. Note:
Review the short and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages. Verify that the statistics file pair list is correctly defined using the STAT.DSN.BASE and STAT.FILE.PAIRS initialization parameters. If the reason for the problem is not apparent, it might be necessary to archive or copy all ESDS file pairs to preserve the current statistics data. Then delete and redefine all statistics file pair clusters. |
IBM Connect:Direct verifies the order using the following steps:
- IBM Connect:Direct locates the file pair containing the oldest data.
- From that point, IBM Connect:Direct examines
each non-empty file pair in the list. If the oldest data is not located
in the first file pair, when the search reaches the last file pair
in the list, it wraps to the beginning of the list. Each successive
non-empty file pair must have a later date than the previous pair.
IBM Connect:Direct always maintains statistics records in strict chronological order. If the records are not in chronological order at initialization, IBM Connect:Direct assumes that the list or the files are incorrectly altered since IBM Connect:Direct last wrote them.
WARNING: KSDS of file pair may be too small.
Cause | Action |
The size of the key-sequenced cluster of the file pair named is less than 10% of the size of the associated entry sequenced cluster. This condition can lead to premature filling of the key-sequenced cluster and wasted space in the entry-sequenced cluster. | Review the short and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages. Examine the SSTS005I message issued when the file pair fills to determine the amount of the file IBM Connect:Direct was able to use. Set the key-sequenced cluster to 15% of the size of the entry-sequenced cluster. |
WARNING: KSDS of file pair may be too large.
Cause | Action |
The size of the key-sequenced cluster of the file pair named is more than 30% of the size of the associated entry-sequenced cluster. This condition can lead to premature filling of the entry-sequenced cluster and wasted space in the key-sequenced cluster. | Review both the short text and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages. Examine the SSTS005I message issued when the file pair fills to determine the amount of the file IBM Connect:Direct was able to use. Set the key-sequenced cluster to 15% of the size of the entry-sequenced cluster. |
File pair WHERE condition found.
Cause | Action |
During statistics initialization, a warning may have been issued specifying the KSDS dataset is either too small or too large. This message contains the FILE PAIR where this situation occurred | None |
No active file pair found.
Cause | Action |
Statistics initialization could not determine which of the statistics file pairs was the active pair. The ESDS of each pair contains a status flag that indicates which pair is active. The active flag was not found in any of the ESDS clusters. | Review both the short text and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages. Archive or copy all ESDS file pairs to preserve the current statistics data. Then delete and redefine all statistics file pair clusters. |
More than one file pair active.
Cause | Action |
For any given sequence of statistics file pairs, only one set can be active at a time. During IBM Connect:Direct statistics initialization, more than one set was found to be active. This condition occurs when mixing old file pairs with current ones | Review both the short text and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages. Empty the files by deleting and redefining the file pairs. None of the file pairs are active. Another alternative is to set STAT.INIT=COLD forcing IBM Connect:Direct to open each set of file pairs with RESET at initialization time. If you are interested in retaining the data in the files, archive them first, then continue with one of the previous two methods. |
More than one file pair is both not complete and not empty.
Cause | Action |
The mixing of old file pair datasets with current file pairs can cause this result. Another cause is incorrect modification of file pairs between executions of IBM Connect:Direct. | Review both the short text and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages. Verify that the statistics file pair list is correctly defined using the STAT.DSN.BASE and STAT.FILE.PAIRS initialization parameters, and restart IBM Connect:Direct. You can also use the STAT.INIT=COLD startup parameter. |
Invalid ESDS dataset type in file pair.
Cause | Action |
While verifying the ESDS dataset, it was determined that the dataset type was not ESDS | Review both the short text and long text IBM Connect:Direct messages. Verify that the statistics file pair ESDS dataset is correctly allocated. If the dataset is not correctly allocated, delete and redefine the ESDS dataset. |
Cause | Action |
A KSDS is not at the current level. IBM Connect:Direct was started with Stat.INIT=WARM and is using a Stat File Pair that was last reset by a different level of IBM Connect:Direct. |
See accompanying message SSTI029I. |
Cause | Action |
See accompanying message SSTI028I. |
SELECT STATISTICS search by SNODE results are unpredictable until one of the
following options is performed:
Condition: TCQ.THRESHOLD Parameter Error (SITA186I)
Use the following table to troubleshoot when the TCQ.THRESHOLD parameter has not been properly defined.
Cause | Action | Data to Collect |
If you receive these messages during initialization, the TCQ.THRESHOLD parameter is not specified. | Specify the TCQ.THRESHOLD parameter as YES, NO, or a defined percentage value in the range 0-99. | None |
Condition: Propagate initialization Parameter Errors:
IBM Connect:Direct does not initialize because of Propagate initialization parameter errors.
Error Messages | |||||
SITA561E | SITA562E | SITA563E | SITA564E | SITA565E | SITA566E |
SITA567E | SITA568E | SITA569E | SITA570E | SITA571E | SITA572E |
SITA573E | SITA574E | SITA575E | SITA577E | SITA578E | SITA579I |
SITA434E |
Use the following table to troubleshoot the propagate initialization parameters problem.
Cause | Action | Data to Collect |
Syntax errors or errors in the values specified exist for one or more initialization parameters. |
Review the short and long text mes-sages. Note the messages that you see on the console during initialization to determine the reason for the error. Correct the parameter in the initialization parameters file, and restart IBM Connect:Direct. |