Converting an Existing Stand-Alone Server to a Plex Environment

You can convert an existing production IBM® Connect:Direct® Stand-alone Server into a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment with two servers. This configuration takes advantage of the IBM Connect:Direct/Plex single image and workload balancing capability for Processes initiated by this IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment. This configuration also supports external IBM Connect:Direct systems without requiring any changes to the external systems.

The following illustration shows how the network map and initialization parameter values from the existing stand-alone IBM Connect:Direct system map to the new IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment for this configuration.

The setup example assumes the following:

  • You are currently running a production IBM Connect:Direct Stand-alone Server.
  • The global and local initialization parameter files for the IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment are located in $CD.PLEX.INITPARM (a PDS that you set up for this purpose). The JCL to bring up the IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment is located in $CD.PLEX.JCL (a PDS that you set up for this purpose).

    You can either allocate these data sets or use existing data sets in their place.

  • The IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment identifies itself to external systems with the same node name as the production IBM Connect:Direct Stand-alone Server.