Specifying IBM Connect:Direct Signon Parameters

Four parameters in the IBM® Connect:Direct® SIGNON command explicitly support the CICS® IUI as follows:

Parameter Description
TYPE=CICS Enables a SIGNON command to be embedded in the middle of an API session. This parameter serves no other function and is invalid for a normal signon.
TDEXIT=modname Enables specification of the exit to receive control for temporary data set I/O. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the TMPDD, TMPDSN, UNIT, and VOLSER parameters. This exit is called for OPENs, CLOSEs, and WRITEs to the temporary data set.
TDLIMIT=nnnnn Restricts the number of IBM Connect:Direct statistics. Data is returned from the DTF for the IUI Select Statistics (SS) function. The IBM Connect:Direct API SIGNON (used by CICS WSTs to connect to a IBM Connect:Direct DTF) includes a LIMIT= PARAMETER RECORDS returned by the DTF. The DTF truncates data sent to the IBM Connect:Direct WST API and appends a final record indicating that excessive output is truncated.
NETDD=ddname Enables a SIGNON command to specify the DDNAME of a IBM Connect:Direct Netmap data set which is already allocated.