Other Tools/Options to Extend Capabilities

There are several tools/options that extend the functionality available in IBM® Connect:Direct®.

Below are the supported tools and options that expand the functionality provided in IBM Connect:Direct:
  • Amazon S3 Cloud Storage support
  • Connect:Direct Web Services
  • IBM® Aspera® High-Speed Add-on for Connect:Direct®
  • Connect:Direct Application Interface for Java
  • Microsoft Windows SDK
  • Clustering Solutions

Microsoft Windows SDK

The Software Development Kit can be used to integrate IBM Connect:Direct operations into your company's applications. The SDK uses a 32-bit interface for C and C++ as well as an OLE automation server for Visual Basic applications. The SDK also provides ActiveX controls for Submit Process and Select Statistics commands. The tools available in the SDK include: C API functions, C++ Class interface, ActiveX control interface, direct automation servers, and user exits.

Clustering Solutions

IBM provides support for clustered environments such as IBM Sysplex, Symantic Veritas, Sun Solaris Cluster, and Microsoft Cluster Server.

RESTful API Interface

The IBM Connect:Direct Web Service also extends a RESTful API interface to Connect:Direct.

You can use the Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API) to make HTTPS queries and integrate IBM Connect:Direct with other solutions.

RESTful APIs users can issue commands via. browser interface, REST client (Postman), CLI interface (cURL), and scripts that run automatically from a remote client - making scripting common actions easier.

For more information on using IBM Connect:Direct RESTful APIs refer, Using RESTful APIs with IBM Connect:Direct.