Supported commands

The following table lists IBM® Connect:Direct® commands, which perform various administrative and user functions.

Command IUI Function
CHANGE PROCESS CP Modify a Process in the TCQ
DELETE PROCESS DP Remove a Process from the TCQ
DELETE TYPE DT Delete a record from the Type file (both a user and administrative task)
DELETE USER DU Delete a user from the Authorization file (administrative task)
FLUSH PROCESS FP Terminate an Executing Process (both a user and administrative task)
FLUSH TASK TF Remove a task from the Execution queue (administrative task)
INQUIRE INQ View information about IBM Connect:Direct DTF status
INSERT TYPE IT Insert a record in the Type file (both a user and administrative task)
INSERT USER IU Add a user to the Authorization file (administrative task)
MODIFY MD Run diagnostics and modify initialization parameters (administrative task)
SELECT MESSAGE SEL MSG Display message detail using message ID
SELECT NETMAP NM Display node from the network map file
SELECT PROCESS SP Examine a Process in the TCQ
SELECT STATISTICS SS, S2 Examine records in the Statistics Log
SELECT TASK TS Display IBM Connect:Direct system tasks status (administrative task)
SELECT TCPXLAT NM Translate TCP/IP host names - addresses
SELECT TYPE ST Examine the records in the Type file (both a user and administrative task)
SELECT USER SU Examine user authorization (administrative task)
SIGNON   Connect to IBM Connect:Direct DTF
SIGNOFF X Terminate a connection to the IBM Connect:Direct DTF
STATISTICS STAT Perform statistics functions (administrative task)
STOP CD SN Stop IBM Connect:Direct operation (administrative task)
SUBMIT SB Submit a Process for execution
SUSPEND PROCESS SUS Suspend Process execution
SWAP NODE SW Swap to another IBM Connect:Direct node
UPDATE NETMAP UNM Update the network map file (administrative task)
UPDATE TYPE IT Update a record in the Type file (both a user and administrative task)
UPDATE USER IU Change user privileges (administrative task)