Inserting and Updating Type Files through the IUI
About this task
To access the Type Record Selection List to perform this procedure, follow these steps.
- Select option IT from the Administrative Options Menu.
The Insert/Update Type Record screen is displayed.
The Insert/Update Type Record screen prompts you for the action to perform (Insert or Update) and the Type key.
- Type the requested information and press ENTER. IBM® Connect:Direct® displays an error message if you attempt to insert an existing record or update a nonexistent record.
- From the Type Record Selection List screen, select either
the General Dataset Attributes, IOEXIT Parameters, or the SMS/VSAM
Attributes option by typing an S next to the appropriate entry and
pressing Enter. Type Record Selection List hh:mm CMD ==> Operation ==> UPDATE Type Key ==> X _ General Dataset Attributes _ IOEXIT Parameters _ SMS/VSAM Attributes Select the entries above to view and/or update the respective parameters. Enter the END command to perform the updates. -or- Enter the CANcel command to abandon your changes.
- Type END from the Type Record Selection List or select another option to perform the update.
- From the Type Record General Dataset Attributes screen,
define or update the file attributes for the Type record. See INSERT TYPE and UPDATE TYPE Commands for a
description of the fields on this screen you can update. Type the END command to return to the Type Record Selection List. Type Record General Dataset Attributes hh:mm CMD ==> (DISP=) Initial file status ==> ___ (SHR,NEW,OLD,MOD,RPL) Normal step termination ==> ______ (KEEP,CATLG,DELETE) Abend step termination ==> ______ (KEEP,CATLG,DELETE) (DCB=) DSORG ==> ____ LRECL ==> _____ BLKSIZE ==> _____ RECFM ==> ____ (SPACE=) Allocation type ==> __________ (CYL,TRK,Average blksize) Primary extent ==> __________ (Required with CYL,TRK,BLK) Secondary extent ==> ________ (Optional) Directory storage ==> ________ (Optional) RLSE,CONTIG,ROUND ==> ( _ , _ , _ ) ('Y'-Yes, 'N'-No) (UNIT=) Unitname ==> ________ (VOL=SER=) Volume serial ==> ______
- The Type Record IOEXIT Parameters screen (a TSO edit screen)
enables you to define or update the IOEXIT parameters associated with
the Type record. Refer to the IOEXIT parameter description for valid
values. After defining or updating the IOEXIT specifications, type the END command to return to the Type Record Selection List. Type Record IOEXIT Parameters hh:mm Cmd ==> Scroll ===> PAGE IOEXIT Specifications (exitname,{parameter,parameter,...}) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************* RIOEX01,(C'MAXLEN',X'0120') ****** **************************** Bottom of Data ******************************
- The Type Record SMS/VSAM Parameters screen enables you
to define or update parameters related to SMS controlled data sets
and VSAM files. After defining or updating the SMS/VSAM attributes, type the END command to return to the Type Record Selection List.
CD.ART Type Record SMS/VSAM Attributes 16:20 CMD ==> Operation ==> UPDATE Type Key ==> PDSEV2 (SMS=) Data Class ==> ________ Management Class ==> ________ Storage Class ==> ________ (Other=) EATTR ==> OPT (OPT or NO) DSNTYPE ==> LIBRARY (BASIC, EXTREQ, EX-TPREF, LARGE, LIBRARY, PDS) Version ==> 2 (1 - PDSE V1, 2 - PDSE V2) MAXGENS ==> 1234567890 (0-2000000000) (MODEL=) Like Data Set Name ==> ____________________________________________ Security Profile ==> ____________________________________________ Generic Profile ==> ___ (YES or NO) (SPACE=) Average Record Value ==> _ (U, K or M) (VSAM=) Organization ==> __ (ES - ESDS, KS - KSDS, RR - RRDS, LS - LDS) Key Offset ==> _____ (0 - 32760) Key Length ==> ___ (1 - 255)