Using SWAP NODE through the IUI

You can use the Swap/Display User Sessions screen to swap to another node or delete (signoff) another node.


  1. Select option SW from the Primary Options Menu to access the SWAP/DISPLAY User Sessions screen. The screen displays all user sessions for this ISPF/PDF session.
     ----------------------SWAP/DISPLAY USER SESSIONS------- Row 1 to 2 of 2
     ==>                                                   SCROLL ===>  PAGE
       NODE               COMMUNICATION ID      CURRENT    STATUS
       node.name1                    applid0    *ACTIVE*   *MASTER* **LOCAL*
       node.name3                    applid1
    ****************************** Bottom of data *************************
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To swap sessions, type S in the input field to the left of the node name and press Enter. ACTIVE is displayed next to the node name you just selected. To determine which node is currently signed on when this field is not displayed, look to the upper left corner of most panels for the display of the node name.
    • To delete or sign off a session, type D in the input field to the left of the node name and press Enter.
    Note: If you sign off the master session, the first node you signed on, all sessions are lost.