SELECT STATISTICS has the following format and parameters. The required parameters and keywords are in bold print. Default values for parameters and subparameters are underlined.

Label Command Parameters subparameters
(optional) SELect STATistics WHERE (subparameters)
ARCHDSN = dsname | (list)
CCODE = (condition,completion code)
EXCLUDE = (MEMber | MCR) | (WTO) | (NOTWTO) | (list)
FNAME = dsname | (list) | *
MSGID = ID | (list)
PNAME = name | (list)
PNUMber = number | (list)
SERVER = server name | (list)
SNODE = name | (list)
STARTT = ([date|day][,hh:mm:ssXM])
STOPT = ([date | day][,hh:mm:ssXM])
TYPE = ID | (list) | *
USER = name | (list)
    FILE | PRint | TABle | SUMmary
Note: These parameters are mutually exclusive - only one of them must be specified.
(optional) SELect STATistics WHERE2 (subparameters)
ANODE = name | (list)
ARCHDSN = dsname | (list)
CCODE = (condition , completion code)
EXCLUDE = (MEMBer) | (MCR) | (WTO) | (NOTWTO) | (list)
FNAME = dsname | (list)
FNODE = name | (list)
LNODE = name | (list)
MSGID = ID | (list)
PNAME = name | (list)
PNODE = name | (list)
PNUMber = number | (list)
RNODE = name | (list)
SERVER = server name | (list)
SNODE = name | (list)
STARTT = ([date | day][,hh:mm:ssXM])
STOPT = ([date | day][,hh:mm:ssXM])
TNODE = name | (list)
TYPE = ID | (list)
UNODE = name | (list)
USER = name | (list)
    FILE | PRint | TABle | SUMmary
Note: These parameters are mutually exclusive - only one of them must be specified.

The following table describes the SELECT STATISTICS command parameters:

Parameter Description

Specifies which statistics records to examine. This parameter or WHERE2 is required. The subparameters, such as PNAME, PNUMBER, and STARTT, are optional, but you must include at least one subparameter. WHERE name subparameters only support the generic character asterisk (*) and it is limited to the end of the name.


Specifies which statistics records to examine. This parameter or WHERE is required. WHERE2 supports the same subparameters as WHERE, in addition to the following sub-parameters: ANODE, FNODE, LNODE, PNODE, RNODE, TNODE and UNODE. When these subparameters are specified, they can use extended generics support. Also, when specified as a WHERE2 subparameter, SNODE can use extended generics support. Ex-tended generics support allows one or more asterisks (*) and/or percent signs (%) anywhere in the name. An asterisk stands for any number of characters. A percent sign stands for one character. The default record types selected by WHERE2 are the same as those for WHERE.

FILE | PRint | TABle | SUMmary Specifies the output format. Indicate only one. TABLE is the default. This parameter is optional.

See Indicating Output Destination for an explanation of the output produced by the selection of the FILE, PRINT, and TABLE parameters. The SUMMARY parameter produces a 3-line summary per statistics record, similar to the example on Statistics Log Records.

The reports from Connect:Enterprise® are retrievable only through the FILE option for batch and the DISPLAY option for the IUI.

The following table describes the SELECT STATISTICS command sub-parameters:

Parameter Description
ANODE=name | (list)

Limits the selected statistics records to those that are written for processes where the specified node name is any of the following: PNODE, SNODE or UNODE. You can specify a list of names by enclosing them in parentheses. ANODE names can contain lowercase characters and supports extended generics.

ANODE supports extended generics. For example, if you specify ANODE=CD.TEST%.NODE, then records with CD.TEST1.NODE in the PNODE, SNODE or UNODE field are selected. To select CD.TEST12.NODE, specify ANODE=CD.TEST%%.NODE or ANODE=CD.TEST*.NODE or CD.TEST* or any of other extended generic specification.
Note: ANODE is only allowed as a WHERE2 subparameter.
ARCHDSN=dsname | (list) Specifies that IBM Connect:Direct is to search the archived statistics files named, instead of the statistics log currently in use by the DTF. Archived statistics files store old statistics data that is no longer active in the statistics log. See your system administrator for information about the availability of archived statistics at your site, and for the data set names you can specify with the ARCHDSN subparameter.
CASE=YES | NO Specifies whether lowercase or mixed-case data is permitted for the USER, ANODE, FNODE, LNODE, PNODE, RNODE, SNODE, TNODE, UNODE, and FNAME subparameters. The CASE subparameter overrides the global CASE option defined at signon for the purpose of the SELECT STATISTICS command.

YES folds the data in USER, ANODE, FNODE, LNODE, PNODE, RNODE, SNODE, TNODE, UNODE, and FNAME to uppercase regardless of the actual data specified.

NO preserves the actual case typed for the USER, ANODE, FNODE, LNODE, PNODE, RNODE, SNODE, TNODE, UNODE, and FNAME subparameters. The CASE defaults to the setting defined within the session defaults if nothing is specified.

CCODE = (condition, completion code)

Specifies selection by completion code.

condition specifies a relationship to the completion code given in the subsequent positional parameter.

The options for specifying condition include:

GT for greater than
LT for less than
EQ for equal to
NE for not equal to
GE for greater than or equal to
LE for less than or equal to
completion specifies a decimal value 1 to 2,147,483,647 to allow for all completion codes that the RUN TASK statement can pass. This last value represents a maximum 31-bit binary number.

For example, if CCODE = (EQ,12) is specified, records that have a Comp Code of 0000000C are selected.

For another example, if CCODE = (GT,0) is specified, you see statistics records in which the step completion code is greater than zero, as long as the records also meet other specified criteria.

EXCLUDE = (MEMBer | MCR) | (WTO) | (NOTWTO) | (list)

Specifies to exclude certain statistics from selection. Specify a list of excluded options by enclosing them in parentheses and separating them by a space or a comma. To select all statistics, omit the EXCLUDE parameter from the SELECT STATISTICS command. The TYPE parameter overrides the EXCLUDE specifications.

MEMBer | MCR specifies whether or not to exclude the PDS member copy record for PDS copies on the statistics report.

WTO specifies that Connect:Direct write-to-operator (WTO) messages are excluded from the SELECT STATISTICS command. Dynamic allocation messages are represented as WTOs in the statistics file.

NOTWTO specifies that only WTO records are displayed that is, exclude everything that is NOT a WTO record.

FNAME=dsname | (list) Limits the selected statistics records to those that contain the specified file name. The FNAME subparameter is meaningful for the following record types:
CT Copy Termination
RJ Run Job
SD Start IBM Connect:Direct
SW Submit within Process

The meaning of the file name within these records is unique for each record type. For example, the Run Job record contains the file name of the submitted JCL. Filenames can be up to 254 characters in length and can contain lowercase characters.

FNAME supports use of limited generic specification using an asterisk (*) at the end of the dsname. For example, if you specify TEST.F1*, then all dsnames with first seven characters as TEST.F1 are selected.

FNODE =name | (list)
Limits the selected statistics records to those that are written for processes where the specified node name was the FROM (sending) node (CI, CT, FA, MC records), or was the execution node (RJ, RT records). You can specify a list of names by enclosing them in parentheses. FNODE names can contain lowercase characters and supports extended generics.
Note: FNODE is only allowed as a WHERE2 subparameter.
LNODE=name | (list)
Limits the selected statistics records to those that are written for processes where the specified node name was the LOCAL (or this) node. You can specify a list of names by enclosing them in parentheses. LNODE names can contain lowercase characters and supports extended generics.
Note: LNODE is only allowed as a WHERE2 subparameter.
MSGID = ID | (list)

Specifies selection by message ID. You can specify a list of message IDs by enclosing them in parentheses. You can use a generic specification in the MSGID parameter using an asterisk (*) at the end of the ID. For example, if you specify SCPA*, then MSGIDs with SCPA in the first four characters of the message ID are selected.

PNAME=name | (list)

Specifies selection by Process name. You can specify a list of Processes by enclosing them in parentheses. You can use a generic specification in the PNAME parameter by using an asterisk (*) at the end of the name. For example, if you specify PNAME=TEST*,then records with TEST in the first four characters of the Process name field are selected regardless of the contents of the remaining characters. Records having TEST, TEST123, and TESTX all satisfy this selection criterion.

PNODE=name | (list)
Limits the selected statistics records to those that are written for processes where the specified node name was PNODE. You can specify a list of names by enclosing them in parentheses. PNODE names can contain lowercase characters and supports extended generics.
Note: PNODE is only allowed as a WHERE2 subparameter
PNUMber = number | (list)

Specifies selection by Process number. You can specify a list of Processes by enclosing them in parentheses. The range is 1–199999.

RNODE=name | (list)

Limits the selected statistics records to those that are written for processes where the specified node name was a REMOTE (or the other) node. You can specify a list of names by enclosing them in parentheses. RNODE names can contain lowercase characters and support extended generics.

Note: RNODE is only allowed as a WHERE2 subparameter.
SERVER = server name

Specifies the name of the IBM Connect:Direct member where the statistics are generated. The server name is a 1–8 character name assigned to each IBM Connect:Direct Server through the CDPLEX.SERVER initialization parameter. This parameter is required in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex.

SNODE = name | (list)

Limits the selected statistics records to those that are written for processes where the specified node name was the SNODE. You can specify a list of names by enclosing them in parentheses. SNODE names can contain lowercase characters and supports extended generics when specified as a WHERE2 subparameter.

SNODE supports limited generics when specified as a WHERE subparameter. Use limited generic specifications by placing an asterisk (*) at the end of the name. For example, if you specify SNODE=DALLAS*, then records with DALLAS in the first six characters of the SNODE field are selected regardless of the contents of the remaining characters. Records having DALLAS.PROD, DALLAS.TEST, and DALLAS all satisfy this selection criterion.

STARTT = ([date | day] [,hh:mm:ssXM]) Specifies selection by designated starting date and time. The date or day and time are positional parameters. If you do not specify the date or day, precede the time with a comma.

date specifies the date to execute the Process. You can specify the day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy for 2-digit year and yyyy for 4-digit year). You can use periods or backslashes (/) to separate the components of a date value. You can omit the separators only for transfers between mainframe nodes. Use separators to guarantee transfers between all platforms.You can use the following date formats, according to which date order is specified in the DATEFORM initialization parameter:

  • DATEFORM=MDY specifies the date format as mm/dd/yy, mm/dd/yyyy, mm.dd.yy, or mm.dd.yyyy
  • DATEFORM=DMY specifies the date format as dd/mm/yy, dd/mm/yyyy,, or
  • DATEFORM=YMD specifies the date format as yy/mm/dd, yyyy/mm/dd,, or
  • DATEFORM=YDM specifies the date format as yy/dd/mm, yyyy/dd/mm,, or

Valid Julian dates formats are yyddd, yyyyddd, yy/ddd, yyyy/ddd, yy.ddd, or yyyy.ddd.

If you do not specify the DATEFORM parameter, IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® defaults to MDY date format.

day specifies the day of the week to select. Valid names include MOnday, TUesday, WEdnesday, THursday, FRiday, SAturday, and SUnday. You can also specify YESTER to search for statistics records created yesterday or TODAY to start the search at records created today.

hh:mm:ssXM indicates the time of day in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss) to select. Set XM to AM or PM. You can use the 24-hour clock or the 12-hour clock. If you use the 24-hour clock, valid times are 00:00-24:00. If you use the 12-hour clock, 1:00 hours are expressed as 1:00AM, and 13:00 hours are expressed as 1PM. If you use neither AM or PM, IBM Connect:Direct assumes the 24-hour clock. You do not have to specify minutes and seconds.

You can also specify NOON, which searches for the statistics records at noon, or MIDNIGHT, which searches for the statistics records at midnight.

If you do not specify a start date, the start date will be Jan 0, 0000. If you do not specify a start time, the start time will be 00:00:00. If you specify neither, the start date and time will be Jan 0, 0000 00:00:00. If the start date and time is after the current system date and time, searching will be bypassed, and so nothing will be selected. If you specify a day of the week, it is always resolved to the current date or a prior date, never a future date.

STOPT = ([date | day] [,hh:mm:ssXM]) Specifies a search for statistics records up to and including the designated date, day, and time positional parameters. If you do not specify the date or day, place a comma before the time.

The date and time formats are the same as the STARTT parameter. The time default is 24:00:00, the end of the day.

If you do not specify a stop time, it will be 23:59:59.99. Otherwise, it will be the time specified. Either way, this time is only provisional.

If you do not specify a stop date, it will be the current system date. Otherwise it will be the date specified. Either way, this date is only provisional.

If the provisional stop date and time is after the current system date and time, latter is used. Otherwise, the provisional date and time are used.

If you specify a day of the week, it is always resolved to the current date or a prior date, never a future date.

TNODE =name | (list)

Limits the selected statistics records to those that are written for processes where the specified node name was the TO (receiving) node (CI, CT, FA, MC records), or was the non-execution node (RJ, RT records). You can specify a list of names by enclosing them in parentheses. TNODE names can contain lowercase characters and supports extended generics.

Note: TNODE is only allowed as a WHERE2 subparameter.
TYPE = ID | (list) | * Specifies the statistics record types to select. Every statistics record IBM Connect:Direct generates has an associated record-type identifier. Each identifier is two characters long and indicates the event or function that generated the record. The identifier also indicates the record format and contents. Use TYPE= * to view all record types. The TYPE subparameter specifies which record types to select, and overrides the EXCLUDE parameter. When you do not specify a TYPE, the record types selected are determined by the output option chosen, and can be affected by the EXCLUDE subparameter. When you specify the PRINT or TABLE output option, the types in the following table are selected. Specify FILE for the output option to select all available types. Use the EXCLUDE subparameter to exclude certain types that the output option included.

For a list of statistics record type identifiers, search on Statistics Records in the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide.

UNODE = name | (list)

Limits the selected statistics records to those that are written for processes where the specified node name was the UNODE. You can specify a list of names by enclosing them in parentheses. UNODE names can contain lowercase characters and supports extended generics.
Note: UNODE is only allowed as a WHERE2 subparameter.
Note: For Process oriented records, UNODE is the Submitter’s node and for command oriented records, UNODE is the node where the command was issued.
USER = name | (list)

Limits the selected statistics records to those that are written for users with the specified name. You can specify a list of names by enclosing them in parentheses. Use generic specifications by placing an asterisk (*) at the end of the name. For example, if you specify USER = SYS$*, then records with SYS$in the first four characters of the USER field are selected regardless of the contents of the remaining characters. Records having SYS$BOB, SYS$ADM, and SYS$0001 all satisfy this selection criterion. USER names can be up to 64 characters in length and can contain lowercase characters.