ESS Event Record Examples
The following examples show the ESS event records from a single Copy Process. The examples show the records produced from Process submittal until normal Process termination. The examples assume that no IBM® Connect:Direct® commands affecting the Process [including the SELect PROCess command] are issued between Process submittal and termination.
ESS Event Records Example 1 (No Retries)
In this example, the Process does not undergo a Process retry for any reason. The sequence of ESS event records produced by this Process are listed in the following table:
Record Type | Record Description |
PS | Process submit |
QE | Process moved to EXEC queue |
PI | Process initiation |
CI | COPY step statement start |
CE | COPY step I/O start |
CT | COPY termination |
NL | Last statement (null step 1) |
PT | Process termination |
ESS Event Records Example 2 (One Retry)
This example shows the sequence of ESS records that are produced if the same Process undergoes a single Process retry. IBM Connect:Direct commands are deliberately issued to suspend the Process and then release it for retry. As a result, the following record sequence includes the various operator commands required. The events are in sequential order.
Record Type | Record Description |
PS | Process submit |
QE | Process moved to EXEC queue |
PI | Process initiation |
CI | COPY step statement start |
CE | COPY step I/O start |
FS | Suspend Process command issued |
CT | COPY termination (as a result of requested SUSPEND) |
QH | Process moved to HOLD queue |
CH | Change Process command issued with RELEASE=Yes |
QE | Process moved to EXEC queue |
PI | Process initiation |
CI | COPY step start |
CE | COPY I/O start |
CT | COPY termination |
NL | Last statement in Process end |
PT | Process termination |