PUT Update Trace settings API

The Update Trace settings API is used to alter tracing settings.

Method URI



Table 1. Input Parameters
Parameter Name Required/Optional Description Valid values



Capture process execution/communication actions traces

inter, basic, full
communicationResponse Optional

To trace the data sent to and received from a remote IBM Sterling Connect:Direct system within the Session Manager. You can set this trace independently from or in conjunction with the session manager trace.

If you run both the communication response and session manager traces, trace output for both traces is directed to the file name of the trace last specified.

inter, basic, full
filename Optional Specify the trace filename for session manager and communication response  
sessionManagerNode Optional

Specify pnode, snode or both for session manager traces

snode, pnode, both
wrapSetting Optional

If the trace file is to wrap

yes, no
maximumFileSize Optional

Specify maximum size of the trace file (windows specific)

processName Optional Specify up to 4 Process names to be traced. If multiple Process names are traced, they should be specified as (proc1,proc2,proc3,proc4)  
processNumber Optional Specify up to 4 Process numbers to be traced. If multiple Process numbers are traced, they should be specified as (1,2,3,4)  
secondaryNode Optional Specifies the secondary node of the records desired. If a list is specified, the list must be enclosed in parentheses  
configurationReport Optional

Specify to get configuration report

true or false
The following example shows the Command:
curl -X 'PUT' \
  '' \
  -H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYuMTMxOjEzNjM6YWVkZGJkOTYtYTNjNS00MTkxLThlMmMtZDMyMWI5NjUzNDIxIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE0NDk0MDc2fQ.ebmBRyVZunwqtrhLCpanv_nzjZrc-ec2rmcpa4pDKcU4eCOd0BQujJnapTJiwIwfEkNGJOhiV9LV-SeV4y_T8Q' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: 9b0057ee-5b86-44b8-9e0b-a0de0a2475f6' \
  -d '{
 "sessionManager": "",
 "communicationResponse": "",
 "fileName": "",
 "sessionManagerNode": "both",
 "wrapSetting": "",
 "maximumFileSize": "",
 "processName": "",
 "processNumber": "",
 "secondaryNode": "",
 "configurationReport": ""
The following example shows the HTTP User Request:
 "sessionManager": "",
 "communicationResponse": "",
 "fileName": "",
 "sessionManagerNode": "both",
 "wrapSetting": "",
 "maximumFileSize": "",
 "processName": "",
 "processNumber": "",
 "secondaryNode": "",
 "configurationReport": ""
The following example shows the Sample Response:
    "mainTrace": "off",
    "fileName": "C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\Connect Direct v6.3.0\\Server\\CDTRACE.CDT",
    "primaryNode": "FALSE",
    "communicationResponse": "off",
    "processManager": "off",
    "processNumber": "",
    "commandManager": "off",
    "maximumFileSize": "10MB",
    "wrapSetting": "Yes",
    "processName": "",
    "statTrace": "off",
    "sNodeDestination": "",
    "sessionManager": "off",
    "secondaryNode": "FALSE"