POST Submit Process API

Submit Process API is used to submit the process to Connect:Direct Server. This API also supports Symbolic Variables, which needs to be explicitly added by EndUser in the JSON.

Method URI



The following example shows the Command:
curl -X 'POST' \
                                     '' \
                                     -H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYuMjAzOjEzNjM6MTU0NzRkOGItYTRjZC00ZDVjLTg5NzMtZTIzYTZiYjA1YmM5IiwiZXhwIjoxNzE1MDAwNTE0fQ.028GAKiMpFaauKYkd7VDA1iC-IbcHgD_OWsuO_A0RLARyiQizOrHKhGBsttmadmiwUUE4OsL9VOddOC3MCj8uQ' \
                                     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
                                     -H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: f124e232-0cdd-4a61-b882-63c1a45c8df8' \
                                     -d '{"processFile":"TF25 PROCESS\\n\\t HOLD=no\\n\\t SNODE=CD2151W\\n COPY \\n FROM  ( \\n\\t FILE=\\\"C:\\\\AIJ.log\\\"\\n\\t PNODE\\n ) \\n TO ( \\n\\t FILE=\\\"C:\\\\Dummy\\\\AIJ.log\\\"\\n\\t DISP=rpl\\n\\t SNODE\\n )\\n PEND","maxDelay":"","fasp":"","faspBandwidth":"","faspFileSizeThreshold":"","faspPolicy":"","newName":"","secondaryNode":"","className":"","hold":"","notify":"","newPNodeAccountInfo":"","newSNodeAccountInfo":"","pnodeid":"","snodeid":"","newPriority":"","retain":"","startTime":""}'
Table 1. Input Parameters
Parameter Name Required/Optional Description Valid values



(Mandatory for CDW and CDU) (For CDZ, Either processFile or file is Mandatory) Specifies the fully qualified filename of the process to be submitted. The file must be accessible on the file system where the AIJ is running, and must reside in an allowed directory

maxDelay Optional

Specifies a value of UNLIMITED causes the command to wait until the specified Process completes.Valid values are :unlimited ,hh:mm:ss – wait for a specific length of time & 0 – the process must be placed on the Exec queue immediately.

Valid values for CDZ: unlimited, hh:mm:ss, 0 and queued – waits until the Process completes or 30 minutes, whichever occurs first.

fasp Optional

Controls whether or not fasp is used for file transfers.

Valid values for windows and unix (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case): y or n or yes or no.

Valid values for zos (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case): no or ssp

faspBandwidth Optional

Specifies the bandwidth for fasp file transfers.

For Windows and Unix specify value (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case) as n or nK or nKB or nM or nMB or nG or nGB (where n is numeric) (For example, 1 or 1K or 1KB or 1M or 1MB or 1G or 1GB).

For z/OS specify value (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case) as n or nK or nM or nG (where is n is numeric) (For example, 1 or 1K or 1M or 1G).

faspFileSizeThreshold Optional

Specifies the file size threshold for fasp file transfers.

For Windows and Unix specify value (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case) as n or nK or nKB or nM or nMB or nG or nGB (where n is numeric) (For example, 1 or 1K or 1KB or 1M or 1MB or 1G or 1GB).

For z/OS specify value (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case) as n or nK or nM or nG (where is n is numeric) (For example, 1 or 1K or 1M or 1G).

faspPolicy Optional Specifies the Process name. May be a single Process name, or a list separated by commas  
newname Optional Specifies the new Process name  
secondaryNode Optional Specifies the secondary node of the records desired. If a list is specified, the list must be enclosed in parentheses  
className Optional

Specifies the new class of the Process

hold Optional

Specifies the new hold specification

yes, no, call
notify Optional Specifies the userid to notify about Process progress. Valid value is correct email id of the user.
newPNodeAccountInfo Optional Specifies the new pnode accounting information  
newSNodeAccountInfo Optional Specifies the new snode accounting information  
pnodeid Optional Specifies the new pnode userid  
snodeid Optional Specifies the new snode userid  
newPriority Optional

Specifies the new priority of the Process

Valid values for Windows and Wnix : 1-15

Valid values for z/OS : 0-15

retain Optional

Specifies the new retain characteristics of the Process

Valid values :

yes, no, initial
startTime Optional Specifies the start date and time of the records desired.Valid format is Date (mm/dd/yyyy) followed by Time (hh:mm:ss am/pm).Time has following format, hh:mm:ss XM for 24 hour and hh:mm:ss for 12 hour.For example - 05/14/2019,00:01:00 am or today, 02:00:00 am. (For CDZ Valid format is ([Date or Day][,Time|]).Day can be specify using following values Today,Tomorrow,Sunday,Monday,etc. You can also specify Time has noon and midnight. Day or Date is mandatory. For example - today,02:00:00 or Monday,08:00:00 am or 04/03/2023,noon or Monday.)  
The following example shows the Sample Request:
  "processFile": "TF10 PROCESS\n\t HOLD=no\n\t SNODE=CD2151W\n COPY \n FROM  ( \n\t FILE=\"C:\\AIJ.log\"\n\t PNODE\n ) \n TO ( \n\t FILE=\"C:\\Dummy\\AIJ.log\"\n\t DISP=rpl\n\t SNODE\n )\n PEND "
The following example shows the Sample Response:
                     "messageCode": 201,
                     "message": "The process has been successfully submitted with       processNumber '2906'"