POST Add Secure Plus Node

The Add Secure Plus Node API used to add node or alias in secure plus parmfile.

Method URI



The following example shows the Command:
curl -X 'POST' \
  '' \
  -H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYuMTMxOjEzNjM6Mzg0MjM0YWUtNzIxYy00ZDRhLTg3NGEtNjY1MjI1M2RkYjAzIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE0NzAzMTEzfQ.F_qhs1oEl6SFitjw282RLUqPbiDY_9E-K1asvng7GHAraO1mmxSwtzHzjbFNllx6sAmivaFJD4kkh2EW4ZCsdQ' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: 158cbede-4199-46f9-b213-e5b60e8c3466' \
  -d '{"secureNodeName":"cdsecnode","baseName":"","override":"n","securePlusProtocol":"TLS1.2","authenticationTimeout":"20","externalAuthCertificateValidationDefinition":"",
"enableDataEncryption":"n","clientAuthentication":"n","certificateLabel":"cd demo id 1","securityModes":"n","commonName":"","cipherSuites":"","showValidationResults":"yes"}'
Table 1. Input Parameters
Parameter Name Required/Optional Description Valid values



Specifies the name of the node.

baseName Optional Specifies the base node name that the node alias points to. Ensure that the secure node name already exists.
Note: Except for the secure node name, other fields are not applicable.
override Optional

Specifies options for override in Secure Plus node

Valid values : y, n, DefaultToLN

securePlusProtocol Optional

Specifies protocol options for Secure Plus node

Valid values from CD v6.3 : TLS1.2 or TLS1.3 or DISABLE or DefaultToLN.

authenticationTimeout Optional Specifies the authentication timeout  
externalAuthCertificateValidationDefinition Optional Specifies external authentication certificate validation defined  
enableExternalAuthentication Optional

Specifies options to enable external authentication

y, n, DefaultToLN

enableDataEncryption Optional

Specifies options to enable data encryption

y, n, DefaultToLN

clientAuthentication Optional

Specifies whether or not client authentication is requested

y, n, DefaultToLN

certificateLabel Optional Specifies the label to be given to the key certificate  
securityModes Optional

Specifies security modes available

y, n, DefaultToLN, SP800-131A_TRANSITION, SP800-131A_STRICT, SUITE_B-128, SUITE_B-192, FIPS140-2

commonName Optional Specifies the common name to be checked in the client's certificate  
cipherSuites Optional Specifies a cipher suites for protocol defined in Secure Plus node  
showValidationResults Optional

Specify to get validation result in the response.

Valid values : yes, no

Default value : no

The following example shows the Request payload:
 "secureNodeName": "cdsecnode",
 "baseName": "",
 "override": "n",
 "securePlusProtocol": "TLS1.2",
 "authenticationTimeout": "20",
 "externalAuthCertificateValidationDefinition": "",
 "enableExternalAuthentication": "n",
 "enableDataEncryption": "n",
 "clientAuthentication": "n",
 "certificateLabel": "cd demo id 1",
 "securityModes": "n",
 "commonName": " cddemo ",
 "cipherSuites": "TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384",
 "showValidationResults": "no"
The following example shows the Sample Response:
    "messageCode": 201,
    "message": "The Secure Plus node has been successfully added"