POST Add Netmap Nodes

The Add Netmap Node API is used to add a new node setting for the netmap.

Method URI



The following example shows the Command:
curl -X 'POST' \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYuMTMxOjEzNjM6NmIxODg5ODItZjA5Yy00NTI1LWI4OWItZDJiZTc2M2Q4YzNlIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE0Mjg0NzgyfQ.SrfL8V4Lw2-q9HGevSgNeY8ELbV0Da9Zhz4RSDd9KUGbS6cAQc2GPJIvE80X14UP8Vjkdmv9993qwqsVZ-9HxQ' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: 03ad6361-71ae-4336-9dfd-add5e1b63c0c' \
-d '{"nodeName":"CDWNODE-01","defaultSessionClass":"34","ipAddress":";1364","alternateOutboundAddress":";1363","alternateAddress":",CDNODE,","fasp":"no,ssp","faspBandwidth":"2MB","faspFilesizeThreshold":"5MB","faspPolicy":"fair","longTermFailRetryAttempt":"234","longTermRetryInterval":"43564","maxConcurrentConnectionPNode":"121","maxConcurrentConnectionSNode":"35","shortTermFailRetryAttempt":"69","shortTermRetryInterval":"34522","communicationPath":"TCPCommPath","appcMode":"Mode1","networkName":"NTWRKNODE","partnerLu":"CDU201","tcpMode":"Mode1","udt33Address":"","udt33Mode":"Mode1","remoteNodeOperatingSystem":"Windows"}'
Table 1. Input Parameters
Parameter Name Required/Optional Description Valid values



Specifies the name of the node.

ipAddress Required

Specifies ip address for the netmap entry.

For Windows and unix must be in <ipaddress/hostname;port> format.

For z/OS, for snuf or lu62 session types mention the remote library name.

For CTCA session type mention the number(count) of ctca addresses.

For TCP or UDT33 session types mention the ip address or host name.

alternateOutboundAddress Optional

Specifies alternate address used for outbound Processes.

Note: Applicable for Windows and Unix

Must be in <ipaddress/hostname;port> format.

alternateAddress Optional

Specifies alternate communication information for the netmap entry.

Note: Applicable for Windows and Unix

Must be in hostname1/IP_address,hostname2/IP_address,hostname3/IP_address format.

fasp Optional

Controls whether or not fasp is used for file transfers.

Valid values from Windows 6.3 (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case): no,no or ssp,ssp or ssp,no or no,ssp.

Valid values till Windows 6.2 (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case): y or n or yes or no.

Valid values for Unix (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case): y or n or yes or no.

Valid values for z/OS (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case): no,no or ssp,ssp or ssp,no or no,ssp.

faspBandwidth Optional

Specifies the bandwidth for fasp file transfers.

For Windows and Unix specify value (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case) as n or nK or nKB or nM or nMB or nG or nGB (where n is numeric) (For example, 1 or 1K or 1KB or 1M or 1MB or 1G or 1GB).

For z/OS specify value (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case)

faspFilesizeThreshold Optional

Specifies the file size threshold for fasp file transfers.

For Windows and Unix specify value (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case) as n or nK or nKB or nM or nMB or nG or nGB (where n is numeric) (For example, 1 or 1K or 1KB or 1M or 1MB or 1G or 1GB).

For z/OS specify value (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case)

faspPolicy Optional

Specifies fasp policy for file transfers.

Valid values (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case): fair or fixed

longTermFailRetryAttempt Optional

Specifies long term retry number to attempt a connection after all short-term retry attempts are used.

Note: Applicable for Windows and Unix

Valid values for windows : 0-255. The default value is 10.

Valid values for unix : 0-9999. The default value is 6.

longTermRetryInterval Optional

Specifies long term retry interval to wait between long-term retry attempts after all short-term retry attempts are use.

Note: Applicable for Windows and Unix

Valid values: 0-86399 (seconds).

The default value is 180 (seconds) for Windows.

The default value is 600 (seconds) for Unix.

maxConcurrentConnectionPNode Optional

Specifies maximum concurrent pnode sessions.

Note: Applicable for Windows and Unix

Valid values for Windows : 0-255. The default value is : 1.

Valid values for Unix : 0-999. The default value is : 255.

maxConcurrentConnectionSNode Optional

Specifies maximum concurrent snode sessions.

Valid values for Windows : 0-255. The default value is : 1.

Valid values for Unix : 0-999. The default value is : 255.

Valid values for z/OS : 1-255. The default value is : 255.

shortTermFailRetryAttempt Optional

Specifies the short term retry number to attempt connection after a connection failure occurs.

Note: Applicable for Windows and Unix

Valid values for Windows : 0-255. The default value is 10.

Valid values for Unix : 0-9999. The default value is 6.

shortTermRetryInterval Optional

Specifies the short term retry interval to wait between retries immediately after a connection failure occurs.

Note: Applicable for Windows and Unix

Valid values: 0-86399 (seconds).

The default value is 10 (seconds) for Windows.

The default value is 30 (seconds) for Unix.

communicationPath Required Specifies already existing path name for this netmap
Note: Applicable for Windows.
appcMode Optional Specifies the already existing appc mode name for this entry.
Note: Applicable for Windows.
networkName Optional Specifies the network name for this netmap entry.
Note: Applicable for Windows.
partnerLu Optional Specifies the partner lu name.
Note: Applicable for Windows.
tcpMode Optional Specifies already existing tcp mode name
Note: Applicable for Windows.
udt33Address Optional Specifies the udt33 address for the netmap entry.
Note: Applicable for Windows.
udt33Mode Optional Specifies the already existing udt33 mode name for the netmap entry.
Note: Applicable for Windows.
remoteNodeOperatingSystem Required Specifies operating system type for this netmap entry.
Note: Applicable for Windows and Unix.
The following example shows the HTTP User Request Payload:
 "nodeName": "CDWNODE-01",
 "defaultSessionClass": "34",
 "ipAddress": ";1364",
 "alternateOutboundAddress": ";1363",
 "alternateAddress": ",CDNODE,",
 "fasp": "no,ssp",
 "faspBandwidth": "2MB",
 "faspFilesizeThreshold": "5MB",
 "faspPolicy": "fair",
 "longTermFailRetryAttempt": "234",
 "longTermRetryInterval": "43564",
 "maxConcurrentConnectionPNode": "121",
 "maxConcurrentConnectionSNode": "35",
 "shortTermFailRetryAttempt": "69",
 "shortTermRetryInterval": "34522",
 "communicationPath": "TCPCommPath",
 "appcMode": "Mode1",
 "networkName": "NTWRKNODE",
 "partnerLu": "CDU201",
 "tcpMode": "Mode1",
 "udt33Address": "",
 "udt33Mode": "Mode1",
 "remoteNodeOperatingSystem": "Windows"
The following example shows the Sample Response:
    "messageCode": 201,
    "message": "The Netmap Node has been successfully added"