GET statistical data for a file transfer process

The Get statistical data for a file transfer process API is used to retrieve one or more statistics of processes. This API is also used to export statistics records of processes.

Method URI



The following example shows the Command:
curl -X 'GET' \
           '' \
           -H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYuMjAzOjEzNjM6MTU0NzRkOGItYTRjZC00ZDVjLTg5NzMtZTIzYTZiYjA1YmM5IiwiZXhwIjoxNzE1MDAwNTE0fQ.028GAKiMpFaauKYkd7VDA1iC-IbcHgD_OWsuO_A0RLARyiQizOrHKhGBsttmadmiwUUE4OsL9VOddOC3MCj8uQ' \
           -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
           -H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: f124e232-0cdd-4a61-b882-63c1a45c8df8'
Table 1. Input Parameters
Parameter Name Required/Optional Description Valid values



Specifies the Process number (or a list or Process numbers) for which the statistical information is to be retrieved

processName Optional Specifies the Process name (or a list or Process names) for which the statistical information is to be retrieved  
recordCategory Optional Specifies the record categories of the records desired  
recordId Optional Specifies the record ids of the records desired  
secondaryNode Optional Specifies the secondary node of the records desired. If a list is specified, the list must be enclosed in parentheses  
startTime Optional Specifies the start date and time of the records desired.Valid format is Date(mm/dd/yyyy) followed by Time(hh:mm:ss am/pm).Time has following format, hh:mm:ss XM for 24 hour and hh:mm:ss for 12 hour.For example - 05/14/2019,00:01:00 am or today, 02:00:00 am  
stopTime Optional Specifies the stop date and time of the records desired.Valid format is Date(mm/dd/yyyy) followed by Time(hh:mm:ss am/pm).For example - 05/16/2019,00:01:00 am or today, 02:00:00 am  
submitter Optional Specifies the node and userid of the submitter in the form of node,userId or a list of node and userid separated by semicolon  
sourceFile Optional Specifies the source file of the statistics records desired  
destinationFile Optional Specifies the destination file of the statistics records desired  
conditionCode Optional Specifies the Condition Code. Expected values are >,<,<=,>=,==,<>,!= along with numeric digits[0,4,8,16] only.  
sortOrder Optional

sortOrder Optional Specifies the Sort Order. The sorting will be based upon Log Date/Time field.

exportStats Optional

Specifies the export option on statistics data.

yes, no, ""
The following example shows the Sample Response:
      "stopTime":"Tue Apr 16 16:35:41 IST 2024",
      "startTime":"Tue Apr 16 16:35:41 IST 2024",
      "logDateTime":"Tue Apr 16 16:35:41 IST 2024",
      "stopTime":"Tue Apr 16 16:35:41 IST 2024",
      "startTime":"Tue Apr 16 16:35:41 IST 2024",
      "logDateTime":"Tue Apr 16 16:35:41 IST 2024",