GET Netmap Node Details

The Get Netmap Node API is used to retrieve the specifications for a node details including node name, ip address, fasp, communication path, max snode/pnode connections etc.

Method URI



The following example shows the Command:
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYuMTMxOjEzNjM6NmIxODg5ODItZjA5Yy00NTI1LWI4OWItZDJiZTc2M2Q4YzNlIiwiZXhwIjoxNzE0Mjg0NzgyfQ.SrfL8V4Lw2-q9HGevSgNeY8ELbV0Da9Zhz4RSDd9KUGbS6cAQc2GPJIvE80X14UP8Vjkdmv9993qwqsVZ-9HxQ' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: 03ad6361-71ae-4336-9dfd-add5e1b63c0c'
Table 1. Input Parameters
Parameter Name Required/Optional Description Valid values



Specifies the detail.

Valid values (either in lower case or upper case or mixed case): y or n or yes or no.
sortColumn Optional

Specifies the column on which sorting should be applied.

Valid value for windows and unix are: nodeName or ipAddress or osType.

Valid value for zos is: nodeName.

sortOrder Optional

Specifies the Sort Order. This sort depends on the sortColumn field.

Valid Values are: ASC, DESC

Offset Optional

Specifies the Start Index.

It should be greater than or equal to 0
Limit Optional Specifies the number of records to be returned. Default limit is 10.
nodeName Optional Specifies the name of the node. Either in lower case or upper case or mixed case
The following example shows the Sample Response:
    "netmapNodeDescription": "",
    "nodeName": "CDWBM-01",
    "maxConcurrentConnectionPNode": 1,
    "udt33Mode": "",
    "communicationPath": "TCPCommPath",
    "shortTermRetryInterval": 10,
    "appcMode": "",
    "networkName": "",
    "ipAddress": ";1364",
    "partnerLu": "",
    "alternateOutboundAddress": "",
    "faspFilesizeThreshold": "",
    "remoteNodeOperatingSystem": "Windows",
    "faspPolicy": "",
    "faspBandwidth": "",
    "udt33Address": "",
    "tcpMode": "Mode1",
    "shortTermFailRetryAttempt": 10,
    "fasp": "",
    "longTermRetryInterval": 180,
    "longTermFailRetryAttempt": 10,
    "defaultSessionClass": 1,
    "alternateAddress": "",
    "maxConcurrentConnectionSNode": 1
    "totalNodes": 1