GET File Agent Rule On Matching Criteria
The Get File Agent Rule On Matching Criteria used to Get File Agent Rule On Matching Criteria.
Method | URI |
/cdwebconsole/svc/fileagentrule/matchcriteria |
The following example shows the Command:
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODUuOTU6MTM2Mzo1MTI5NzljMi01ZGU5LTQxZjgtYTg5Ni1mZWMzMmIyNWVlYmYiLCJleHAiOjE3MTQ1MDQwOTV9.S3Wv2GCpL4hV1CXMpRAH5Ij59e2jhZMLw7nIN4VVW1tziINTwofyNpFcTU3cJNnnDjPJsH8dNwt_jQqFni0-ow' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: ef0c5ea5-3afa-4a0e-83d1-e24fb395957e'
Parameter Name | Required/Optional | Description | Valid values |
fileSize |
Optional |
Specify file size |
fileName | Optional | Specify file name |
The following example shows the Sample Response:
"totalRecords": 3,
"rules": [
"comments": "",
"fileSizeEnabled": true,
"filePathKeyvalues": "",
"procName": "",
"ruleStatus": "Enabled",
"priority": 1,
"filePathEnabled": false,
"altFileName": "",
"procArgs": "",
"notifyUid": "",
"name": "Test7",
"fileSizeKeyvalues": "GREATER_THAN|1000",
"lastModified": "Wed Apr 24 11:33:25 IST 2024",
"procPriority": "",
"fileNameKeyvalues": "MATCH|abcd",
"procClass": "",
"fileNameEnabled": true
"comments": "",
"fileSizeEnabled": false,
"filePathKeyvalues": "",
"procName": "",
"ruleStatus": "Disabled",
"priority": 2,
"filePathEnabled": false,
"altFileName": "",
"procArgs": "",
"notifyUid": "",
"name": "Test3",
"fileSizeKeyvalues": "",
"lastModified": "Wed Apr 24 11:33:44 IST 2024",
"procPriority": "",
"fileNameKeyvalues": "MATCH|abcd",
"procClass": "",
"fileNameEnabled": true
"comments": "",
"fileSizeEnabled": true,
"filePathKeyvalues": "",
"procName": "",
"ruleStatus": "Disabled",
"priority": 3,
"filePathEnabled": false,
"altFileName": "",
"procArgs": "",
"notifyUid": "",
"name": "Test4",
"fileSizeKeyvalues": "GREATER_THAN|1000",
"lastModified": "Wed Apr 24 11:34:03 IST 2024",
"procPriority": "",
"fileNameKeyvalues": "",
"procClass": "",
"fileNameEnabled": false