Start IBM Connect:Direct

The $CD.SDGAJCL(DGAJCONN) member contains the sample startup job stream to run the IBM® Connect:Direct® DTF as a batch job. It can run as a batch job or as a started task.

Important: If you generated the Test Configuration JOB, DGAJNETL, use that JOB instead of the DGAJCONN JOB or modify the DGAJCONN JOB to perform the same as DGAJNETL.

If you use Program Access to datasets (PADS) functionality in your security system, include all datasets in the IBM Connect:Direct JCL STEPLIB DD concatenation in your Program Control List (PCL). See Implementing Security in the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Administration Guide for more information.

To start IBM Connect:Direct:

  1. Execute IBM Connect:Direct from an authorized library. The installation makes the DTF load module (DGADINIT) APF-authorized with AC(1).
  2. Submit the startup job stream. While Connect:Direct for z/OS is initializing, a series of messages display the sequence of events during initialization. If an initialization error occurs, note the last message issued. The problem most likely occurred during the step indicated by the last message or on the step indicated by the next message that should have been issued. For more information on specific error messages, see Initialization Errors

    Following is an example of messages you may see. The specific startup messages generated when you start Connect:Direct for z/OS depend on the following factors:

    • What communication protocols are used in your system
    • Whether Connect:Direct Secure Plus is part of your system and the version
    • Whether any initialization parameters are being overridden in the startup JCL
    • Whether any certificates have expired or will soon expire
    Note: The SITA460I and SITA462I messages related to the Strong Password Encryption (SPE) feature are displayed even if no encryption is possible. To determine if this feature is in effect, go to the Secure+ Create/Update Panel - SPE Parameters panel where SPE is enabled.
    SITA001I IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS initialization has begun.
    SITA002I Connect:Direct parameter file allocated and open.
    SITA618I CD zIIP support is enabled.
    SITA617I zIIP processor online.
    SITA658I CD zFBA support is enabled.
    SITA120I Keyword INITPARM Value Overridden: TCQ
    SITA120I Keyword INITPARM Value Overridden: STAT.INIT
    SITA120I Keyword INITPARM Value Overridden: DEBUG
    SITA740I Connect:Direct DGAOPLS Found.
    SITA022I Loading Connect:Direct modules.
    SITA601I The TCP server modules are loaded.
    SITA067I MESSAGE file is open.
    SITA628I SNMP Trap Agent Initialization Complete.
    SITA023I Initializing Connect:Direct storage.
    SITA024I Building the TCA chain.
    SITA026I Creating the system tasks (master and timer).
    SITA025I Building the ECB address list.
    SITA027I Building the DDN table.
    SITA069I NETWORK MAP file is open
    SITA028I SECURE+ Initialization complete
    SITA029I Statistics facility being initiated.
    SITA996I STATS WARM Start being performed.
    SITA998I Acquiring storage for STAT.QUEUE.ELEMENTS.
    SSTL026I Statistics File Pair 01 is now active.
    SSTL019I Statistics facility successfully initialized.
    SITA068I AUTHORIZATION file is open.
    SITA460I Strong Password Encryption Initiated; $CDZ.AUTH
    SITA462I Strong Password Encryption Completed; $CDZ.AUTH
    SITA134I TYPE DEFAULTS file is open.
    SITA074I CHECKPOINT file is open.
    SITA030I PCQ/TCQ being built.
    SITA400I Enqueuing TCX from NETMAP for ESF processing.
    SITA996I TCQ WARM Start being performed.
    SITA460I Strong Password Encryption Initiated; $CDZ.TCQ
    SITA462I Strong Password Encryption Completed; $CDZ.CDXTST.TCQ
    SITA401I Dequeuing TCX from NETMAP for ESF processing.
    SITA034I VTAM services being initiated  APPLID =  M1DEVMW0.
    SVTJ019I SNA Support is Now Available.
    SITA439I Global INITPARM member successfully backed up to $BACKUP
    SITA977I Product Registration was Successful
    SITA899I Connect:Direct Node : MY_LOCAL_CDZ
    SITA370I ZLIB version : 1.2.7
    SITA374I zEDC Express Accelerator status is AVAILABLE
    SITA036I Connect:Direct 6.00.00 5655-X11 Initialization Complete.
    SITA195I Secure+ TLS FIPS Mode initialization complete.
    SITA146I TCQ automatic update has been initiated.
    SITA147I TCQ automatic update has deleted 0 queue entries.
    STCO109I TCP/IP Server Subtask Attached
    STCO110I TCP/IP Interface Initializing
    STCO140I TCP/IP IPV6 Support Initializing
    STCO102I TCP/IP Issuing BIND Call for address   4199;
    STCO103I TCP/IP Issuing LISTEN Call:   4199;
    STCA102I TCP/IP API Issuing BIND Call for address   4198;
    STCA103I TCP/IP API Issuing LISTEN Call:   4198;
    STCO111I TCP/IP Interface Initializing Complete
    STCP104I TCP Support is Available.
    SNOI000I Operator Interface - initialized, MCS.CLIST open
    CSPA601E ERROR Cert: CDZCERTA expired on: 01/01/2010-05:59:59
    CSPA601E ERROR Cert: CDCertB expired on: 12/09/2010-20:41:43

    The IEC161I, 062-086, or 056-084 messages can also display at OPEN of the VSAM files. These messages indicate that the files were not closed properly the last time IBM Connect:Direct was brought down. These are normal VSAM verification messages.

  3. Log on to TSO again.

    After the TSO IUI is installed, log on to TSO again so that your new logon procedure or signon CLIST is in effect. You can then sign on to IBM Connect:Direct through the IUI, Operator Interface, or Batch Interface.

    Remember: You can initialize IBM Connect:Direct if SNA support is not available. See Configuring IBM Connect:Direct without SNA Support.