Uninstalling on UNIX

To uninstall the IBM® Connect:Direct® Web Service follow the steps given below.

Before you initiate the uninstall process, create backup copies of the IBM Connect:Direct Web Service database and system files listed here.

  1. Change the IBM Connect:Direct Web Service installation directory and issue the following at command line:
    % cd your_Installation_directory/UninstallerData/
  2. Run the uninstall.sh script .
    • There is an option to backup configuration data during uninstallation, based on user input [yes/no]. Backup location of data is Installation_directory/backupFiles.


    ConnectDirectWebServices (created with InstallAnywhere)


    Preparing CONSOLE Mode Uninstallation...



    Get User Input


    Do you want to save your data(yes/no)

    User Choice (Default: yes): yes


    Uninstall MFTWebServices


    About to uninstall...


    This will remove features installed by InstallAnywhere.

    PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: [Hit The Enter Key]




    Uninstall Complete


    All items were successfully uninstalled.
