The logging for the basic object store plugin in Connect:Direct SMGR will be captured in the Connect:Direct SMGR trace when it is enabled. See Running System Diagnostics for instructions to enable this trace.
The object store plugin will also create its own log file via the following properties
specified in the initparm.cfg file.ioexit record(s):
- -Ds3ioexit.trace_level=level \
- Default level is INFO
- Debug level is activated with level=DEBUG
- -Dcdioexit_trace_destination=file
- file is the word ‘file’ and not a file path
- log file will be created in cduser home directory
- log file name is objectstorepluginlogs.log
:options=-Xmx640m -Ds3ioexit.trace_level=DEBUG \
-Dcdioexit_trace_destination=file \
Enhancing logging
If a file with name log4j2.properties is stored in /opt/cdunix/ndm/ioexit-plugins/s3, logging will use this properties file. Connect Direct installation creates a default log4j2.properties file with logging level set to INFO. There are more loggers than the basic configuration. These loggers should be enabled at the DEBUG level on support request.