Connect:Direct Secure Plus Statistics Record Information

IBM Connect:Direct® logs statistics for IBM Connect:Direct Process activity. IBM Connect:Direct statistics includeConnect:Direct Secure Plus information for a Process.

Fields are included in Connect:Direct Process statistics records to provide Connect:Direct Secure Plus information about the Process. Connect:Direct Secure Plus information is included in the Process statistics information only when you attach to aConnect:Direct Secure Plus server. For information on viewing statistics, refer to the SterlingSterling™ Connect:Direct Browser User Interface User Guide. When you use the select statistics function to view information about a IBM Connect:Direct Process, statistics information about a particular Process is displayed. If Connect:Direct Secure Plus is enabled,Connect:Direct Secure Plus fields are also displayed.

The Connect:Direct Secure Plus fields and values available using the select statistics function are shown in the following table:

Field Name Field Description Values
Connect:Direct Secure Plus Enabled Specifies whether Connect:Direct Secure Plus is enabled. Y | N
Connect:Direct Secure Plus Protocol Specifies which protocol is enabled. TLS 1.2 | TLS 1.3

SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0, and TLS 1.1 protocols are deprecated and should not be used. It is recommended that trading partners using deprecated protocols migrate to TLS 1.3 or TLS1.2.

Cipher Suite Displays the cipher suite used during a session. cipher suite name

For example:

PNode Cipher List Specifies the encryption algorithms available for the PNODE during the session. IDEACBC128 | TDESCBC112 | DESCBC56
PNode Cipher Specifies the preferred data encryption as specified in the Secure+ parameters file of the PNODE. Y | N | algorithm name
SNode Cipher List Specifies the encryption algorithms available for the SNODE during the session as specified in the Secure+ parameters file of the SNODE. IDEACBC128 | TDESCBC112 | DESCBC56
SNode Cipher Specifies the preferred data encryption algorithm as defined in the Secure+ parameters file of the SNODE. Y | N | algorithm name
Control Block Cipher Specifies the algorithm used for encrypting control blocks. This value is determined during authentication when the PNODE and SNODE are merged. IDEACBC128 | TDESCBC112 | DESCBC56
Copy Data Cipher Specifies the encryption method used for encrypting data. The value is determined after the values in the SNODE and the PNODE are merged. IDEACBC128 | TDESCBC112 | DESCBC56
PNODE Signature Enabled Indicates whether digital signatures are enabled for the PNODE. This value is obtained from the Secure+ parameters file settings. If the COPY statement overrides the Secure+ parameters file, the value from the COPY statement is used. Y | N
SNODE Signature Enabled Indicates whether digital signatures are enabled for the SNODE. This value is obtained from the Secure+ parameters file settings. Y | N
Signature Enabled Identifies the digital signature value used for a copy operation.

In the Session Start record, this value is the result of the merged value between the PNODE and SNODE. In the Copy Termination record, if the COPY statement overrides the Secure+ parameters file value, the merged value depends on the value supplied in the COPY statement.

(The unprocessed value from the COPY statement is recorded in the Signature Enabled field of the PNODE).

Y | N
Current Signature Verified Indicates whether the current digital signature was verified. Y | N
Previous Signature Verified Indicates whether the previous digital signature was verified. Y | N