Suspending, Flushing, and Deleting Processes
The SUSPEND PROCESS, FLUSH PROCESS, and DELETE PROCESS commands have similar formats and parameters. The following table describes each command:
Process | Description |
SUSPEND PROCESS | Terminates execution and puts an executing Process in the Hold queue. IBM® Connect:Direct® places the Process in HOLD status. You can restart the Process through the RELEASE parameter of the CHANGE PROCESS command, or by using the R option on the Operator Table screen or the Selected Process screen. |
FLUSH PROCESS | Terminates an executing Process. Note that if you specify RETAIN=YES, the flushed Process remains in the TCQ for execution at the next scheduled time. If you specify RETAIN=NO, IBM Connect:Direct removes the Process from the TCQ, and you must resubmit it if you want it to execute. |
DELETE PROCESS | Enables you to specify a nonexecuting Process and remove it from the
TCQ. Note: FLUSH PROCESS stops an executing Process.
If you do not specify FORCE for the FLUSH or SUSPEND command, an indicator notifies the program executing on behalf of the Process that a FLUSH or SUSPEND command was issued for the Process. If that program is not in control (for example, if it is waiting on a request outside of IBM Connect:Direct code to complete), then it does not see the FLUSH or SUSPEND indicator and the Process is not flushed or suspended; otherwise, the program looks for the FLUSH or SUSPEND indicator and takes the appropriate action.
When you specify FORCE, the action taken depends on the STATE and SUBSTATE of the Process for which you issued the FORCE FLUSH or FORCE SUSPEND. Determine the STATE and SUBSTATE of the Process by doing a SELECT PROCESS or SELECT TASK command.