Configuring IBM Connect:Direct without SNA Support

To configure IBM® Connect:Direct® without SNA support:

  1. Define the following initialization parameters, which allow IBM Connect:Direct to function in a TCP-only environment:
    • SNA=NO
    • TCP=OES
    • TCP.LISTEN=((addr , port) , (addrn , portn))
    • TCP.API.LISTEN=((addr , port) , (addrn , portn))
    • MAXUSER=nnn

      See Global Initializaton Parameters for detailed information on these parameters.

      When SNA=NO, you must specify the TCP parameters, and define a TCP port to accept API signons and commands. The MAXUSER parameter controls the number of concurrent API signons. The following screen shows an example:


      This sample configuration allows IBM Connect:Direct to initialize without SNA, support only TCP connections, and authorize up to 10 concurrent API signons using TCP/IP.

  2. Define the network map entries. See Maintaining the Network Map for information.

    Define LOCAL node with the second positional parameter as NO-VTAM. The LOCAL node definition is used to define the SNA ACBNAME that IBM Connect:Direct opens in an SNA environment. When you specify NO-VTAM, IBM Connect:Direct does not attempt to open the VTAM ACB. See the example below.

    Define the PNODE=SNODE adjacent node entry as TCP and specify a TCPAPI parameter. The PNODE=SNODE adjacent node entry is required to enable API signons. This node definition enables IBM Connect:Direct to run Processes that loop back to this primary node and allows for API signon without the API specifying the transport protocol. Use the LDNS parameter to assign the domain name or define the IP address within the adjacent node entry. The following screen shows an example:

      LOCAL.NODE=(( CD.OS390 , NO-VTAM    , SUPERUSR) -
                  TCQ=( CD.TCX   -
                        CD.TCQ) )
    /*                                        */
    /* Pnode=Snode Adjacent node entry        */
    /*  Allows for Pnode=Snode processes and  */
    /*  allows for API signons thru TCP/IP    */
    /*                                        */
       ADJACENT.NODE=(( CD.OS390, 4199,, TCP) -
        PARSESS=(53 2)  -
        TCPAPI=(4198, )
       ADJACENT.NODE=(( CD.OS390, 4199, , TCP) -
        PARSESS=(53 2)  -   -
        TCPAPI=(4198,) )
  3. From $CD.SDGAJCL, execute DGAJLOAD, the network map installation job, to load the network map.

    If IBM Connect:Direct uses SNA, you can initialize IBM Connect:Direct even if SNA is not available. This task is accomplished by setting the SNA= initialization parameter to YES.

    If the SNA= initialization parameter is YES and you try to start IBM Connect:Direct when SNA is not available, or if SNA becomes unavailable during a session, the system displays the following message:

    VTAM or Connect:Direct inactive, Type CANCEL, CONTINUE, RETRY or NOVTAM

    The following table describes each option:

    Option Description
    Cancel IBM Connect:Direct does not initialize.
    Continue IBM Connect:Direct continues initializing without SNA and keeps trying to establish the SNA session. IBM Connect:Direct sends a message to the operator every 20 minutes indicating that it is trying to start the SNA session, until the session is established.

    Any SNA Processes that are queued or submitted during this time period are placed in the Wait queue. These Processes can execute after the SNA session is established.

    Retry IBM Connect:Direct tries to establish the SNA session before continuing initialization. After 20 attempts, it displays the “VTAM or IBM Connect:Direct inactive” message again. You can again choose one of the options in this table.
    NoVTAM IBM Connect:Direct continues initializing without SNA support and does not try to establish the SNA session. Any SNA Processes that are queued or submitted are placed in the Wait queue, where they remain until an SNA session is later established.