Configuring Connect:Direct for Unix for New Install Task

You can initiate fresh installation of Connect:Direct servers from Control Center Director. To automate new installation of Connect:Direct server for UNIX from Control Center Director, set the following parameters (initparms) in the install.agent record of the initparm.cfg file:

Table 1. Initialization Parameters
Parameter (initparm) Definition Possible Values


Use to enable/disable the agent

  • y (Default)
  • n

Use to connect Connect:Direct Agent with Control Center Director.
  • blank (Default)
  • URL


Allows disabling OSA without deleting
  • blank (Default)
  • y
  • n


Identifies the Connect:Direct installation package installed by Control Center Director Informational only, managed by CCD.

For more information on how to install new Connect: Direct server for UNIX from Control Center Dir , see Installing new Connect:Direct server for UNIX.