Maintaining an Archive File Directory

IBM® Connect:Direct® also provides the capability of maintaining a directory of statistics archive files. The directory is a VSAM key-sequenced file that contains a record for each archive file. Information in the record includes the data set name of the archive file and the range of dates and times covered by the archived records. Refer to VSAM Files DASD Requirement and Description in the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Configuration Guide for estimating space requirements when allocating the directory file.

To use the directory feature, you must allocate the directory file and specify its name in the STAT.ARCH.DIR initialization parameter. IBM Connect:Direct provides a means of viewing the directory contents using the INQUIRE STATDIR command.

The archive notification utilities, DGADARRT and DGADARBT, write the directory records. If you want to use the directory feature, you must execute one of these utilities from the Process or batch job that archives the records. This condition is true even if you do not specify STAT.ARCH.CONFIRM=YES in the DTF initialization parameters. You must also use these utilities to send archive notification when you are not using the directory feature, but specify STAT.ARCH.CONFIRM=YES in the Initialization Parameters file.