Displaying the Statistics Archive File Directory
The INQUIRE STATDIR command displays the IBM® Connect:Direct® statistics archive file directory.
The INQUIRE STATDIR command has the following format and associated parameters.
Label | Command | Parameters |
(optional) | INQuire STATDIR | STARTT = ([date | day][,hh:mm:ssXM]) |
No parameters are required for the INQUIRE STATDIR command.
The following table describes the optional parameters used with the INQUIRE STATDIR command:
Parameter | Description |
STARTT = ([date | day] [,hh:mm:ssXM]) | This parameter specifies that the directory display
is to begin with the first archive file created after the designated
starting date and time. The date or day and time are positional parameters.
If you do not specify the date or day, a comma must precede the time.
If you omit this parameter, the display begins with the first directory
entry. date This parameter specifies that the directory display is to start with this specific date. You can specify the day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy). You can specify the day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy for 2-digit year and yyyy for 4-digit year). You can use periods or back slashes (/) to separate the components of a date value. You can omit the separators only for transfers between mainframe nodes. However, you must use separators for transfers between mainframes and all other platforms. After you designate the date order in your initialization parameters, you can use the following date formats: DATEFORM=MDY specifies the date format as:
DATEFORM=DMY specifies the date format as:
DATEFORM=YMD specifies the date format as:
DATEFORM=YDM specifies the date format as:
The following Julian date formats are valid:
If only date is specified, the time defaults to 00:00. |
STARTT = ([date | day] [,hh:mm:ssXM]) (continued) | day This parameter specifies to display the first archive file created after this day of the week. Valid names include MOnday, TUesday, WEdnesday, THursday, FRiday, SAturday, and SUnday. You can also specify YESTER to search for archive files created after yesterday or TODAY to search for the archive files created after today. hh:mm:ssXM Requests the first archive file created after this time of day, specified in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss). XM can be AM or PM. You can express the time of day using the 24-hour clock or the 12-hour clock. If you use the 24-hour clock, valid times are 00:00–24:00. If you use the 12-hour clock, you can express 1:00 hours as 1:00AM, and you can express 13:00 hours as 1PM. If you do not use either AM or PM, IBM Connect:Direct assumes the 24-hour clock. You do not need to specify minutes and seconds. You can also specify NOON, which displays files created after noon, or MIDNIGHT, which displays archive files created after midnight. The default for the time is 00:00:00, the beginning of the day. If you specify time of day but not date, the output shows the first available entry in the archive directory for files created after that time of day. Archive files from all later times and dates display up to and including the stop time. |