IBM Connect:Direct COPY Process
The IBM® Connect:Direct® COPY Process controls the printing of the output data set by specifying key values within the new Process keyword SYSOUT=(...) or by using the SYSOPTS=(SYSOUT=(...)) for platforms other than z/OS.
COPY Process Examples
The following sample Process shows the simplest COPY Process. SYSOUT=A is not a valid value in this example. Put all subparameters in parentheses, and set CLASS to the output class assigned to the print file.
The next example is an alternative way to write the same Process. In this example, the CLASS= parameter is not required because of the additional parentheses in the first parenthetical group of the SYSOUT keyword. This example corresponds to the syntax of the SYSOUT DD statement.
The following example uses the SYSOUT= keyword and its subparameters within the SYSOPTS keyword.
Carriage Control
The input file DCB RECFM specification determines carriage control. If RECFM is VA, VBA, FA, FBA, or UA, ASA carriage control is assigned (ASA is also the default). If RECFM is VM, VBM, FM, FBM, or UM, then machine carriage control is assigned.
You can optionally override the specification by defining the NOCC, LINECT, and TOF parameters in the SYSOUT keyword CC=. Keyword and parameter definitions are in the following section, COPY TO Syntax to Support Spool Transfer.
The following example shows how to override carriage control specifications.