Post-installation tasks
The post deployment configuration steps can be performed via:
- Connect Direct Web services
- Login to the Connect Direct Web services using the master Load Balancer IP/External IP address and the port to which container API port (1363) is mapped. For configuration steps, see Connect:Direct Web Services Help Videos.
Issue the following command to get the external IP address
kubectl get svc
- Attaching to the containerFollow the steps given below:
- Issue the following command to get the pod
kubectl get pods -n <namespace>
- Issue the following command to attach to the
kubectl exec -it <pod name> bash
- Issue the following command to get the pod
Restarting Connect:Direct services inside container
- Sometime, few configurations of IBM®
Connect:Direct® for UNIX needs its services to be
restarted. To restart the Connect:Direct service in container, access container terminal either from
the command line or OCP dashboard. Inside the container run the below
touch /cdinstall/.cdrecycle
- After creating this file in the container, CDPMGR services can be stopped by login to direct
prompt using the below command:
- Then type
; and press enter key. Connect:Direct service will be stopped inside container. - Verify the changes and then restart CDPMGR process using the below
/opt/cdunix/ndm/bin/cdpmgr -i /opt/cdunix/ndm/cfg/<nodename>/initparm.cfg
Note: Pass Connect:Direct Nodename of the container in the above command. - Consider, liveness and readiness probes configuration before stopping CDPMGR service. If Connect:Direct service remains unavailable beyond liveness and readiness configuration then it would result in pod restart.
After Connect:Direct service is restarted, delete the created file using the below command:
rm -f /cdinstall/.cdrecycle
- Sometime, few configurations of IBM®
Connect:Direct® for UNIX needs its services to be
restarted. To restart the Connect:Direct service in container, access container terminal either from
the command line or OCP dashboard. Inside the container run the below