Silent Install and Silent Upgrade for Connect:Direct Web Services

Connect:Direct Web Services administrators can use procedures defined in the following sections to run an unattended install with minimal user interaction. Silent installs can be used for repetitive installs in your deployment.

Installation and Upgrade Considerations

  • Ensure that the installation executable file, script, and file are placed in the same directory. Also, do not rename these files.

  • The same file that was used to perform silent installation must be used to upgrade Connect:Direct Web Services to a different version.
  • When you upgrade from version < the user must update database properties that is, Redis properties (REDIS_PORT) must be replaced with changed PostgreSQL properties (POSTGRES_PORT and POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD) in the file.

    Attention: CDWS onwards steps related to Postgres are not applicable
A Silent install is implemented in two steps:
  1. Supply values in the file included in software package, Fix Pack 3 (v6.0.0.3) and above. file defines the installation configuration that you would normally enter during an interactive installation process (console-mode installation). The file is subsequently used to silently install Connect:Direct Web Services.

    Before you begin

    The following Connect:Direct Web Services minimum version levels are required to perform silent installation:

    Table 1.
    Product Minimum Version
    IBM Connect:Direct Web Services Fix Pack 3 (v6.0.0.3)
    The following table lists script files to be used by Operating Systems to perform unattended installation.
    Table 2. Silent Installer script name by OS
    Operating System Silent installation script name
    Windows MFTWebServicesInstall.bat
  2. To perform silent installation see the following examples:

    UNIX environment (RHEL)

    When executing the, pass the argument silent to the script.

    [user@SolQA-02 CDWS_6.1.0.1]$ ./ silent
    Installing Webservices...
    Installer installed/upgraded correctly.
    Please refer INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY/README.txt for getting started with MFTWebservices.
    Press any key to continue.....

    WINDOWS environment

    To install in a Windows environment, execute the MFTWebservicesInstall.bat file available in the download folder.
    Installing Webservices...
    "Exit Code: 0"
    Installer installed/upgraded correctly.
    Please refer INSTALLTION_DIRECTORY/README.txt for getting started with MFTWebservices.
    Press any key to continue . . .

    Error Handling during Silent Install

    • If you encounter problems when performing a silent installation review the log file, failure.txt, available inside the logs directory at the same location where you have installed Connect:Direct Web Services.
    • If silent installation does not begin:
      • Cleanup the registry settings in the

        In UNIX environment, this file is located in /var for Root users and $HOME/for non-root users. In Windows, this file is located in C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry.

      • Edit the Zero G registry file to remove entries that begin with MFTWebServices and delete any entries beginning with the following tag:
        <product name="MFTWebServices">...</product>
      • Attempt silent installation again.