Match Criteria

A Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent rule includes one or more match criteria and operators that specify how Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent evaluates a compare value against a detected file. The Process specified for a rule is submitted to the Sterling Control Center server only when the evaluation results in a match.

Operators define how Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent tests for the match criteria using the compare value to evaluate properties of a detected file. Operators like Matches or Does not match do support the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and question mark (*?) in the compare string. The following table describes the different types of Match Criteria that can be added to a Rule.
Parameters Description
Watch Directory Select one or more entries from the list of Watch Directories defined in the configuration. The detected file must be in one of these directories.
File Name Select a compare operator (Matches, Does not match or Contains) and specify a string value. Wildcards (*) are supported. The fully qualified path of the detected file will be compared against the specified value.
File Size Select a compare operator (Greater than, Less than or Equals) and specify a numeric value. The size of the detected file will be compared against the specified value.