Upgrading Guidelines

Observe the following guidelines for upgrading IBM® Connect:Direct® Web Service from an earlier version.

  • Before you perform any upgrade procedure, create backup copies of the following IBM Connect:Direct Web Service database and system files. Taking a backing of the following files will helps you preserve your data and restore the previous set up in case of a failed upgrade.
    Note: The file path given below are relative to the installation directory.
  • If in any case upgrade installation is corrupted, you have the option to re-install the earlier version, replace the backup files and restart the services manually.
Table 1. Connect:Direct Web Services system files
File Name Path
application.properties mftws/BOOT-INF/classes
hiddenFile mftws/BOOT-INF/classes
ssl-server.jks mftws/BOOT-INF/classes
trustedKeystore.jks mftws/BOOT-INF/classes
script utilities bin directory
uninstall.sh UninstallerData
Note: For users upgrading from a version <v6.1.0.3 backup log4j.properties file.

** for users upgrading from a version <= v6.0.0.4

Table 2. Connect:Direct Web Services database files upgrading from a version <v6.0.0.4
File Name Path
Redis redis

* for users upgrading from v6.0.0.5 and above

Table 3. Connect:Direct Web Services database files for users upgrading from v6.0.0.5 and above users
File Name Path
PostgreSQL PostgreSQL

Upgrading Connect:Direct Web Services on zLinux and AIX systems

Observe the following guidelines only when you upgrade from version or later.
Note: Do not log into the Connect:Direct Web Services application until the database backup and restore scripts complete all of its processes as described below.
  1. Ensure that the following two scripts are placed inside the same directory other than the installation directory. These scripts come bundled in installer .tar.gz file.
  2. Issue the following command to initiate database backup.
    Note: Ensure that the PostgreSQL database password, hostname, and port entries match the database connection details provided at v6.1.0.0 or later version install.
    bash-5.0# ./backup.sh
    Enter absolute path of PostgreSQL bin directory:
    Enter PostgreSQL Password:
    Enter PostgreSQL Hostname:
    Enter PostgreSQL Port:
  3. Initiate the upgrade process as described in Upgrading Web Services on AIX and Upgrading Web Services on zLinux.
  4. Execute the following command to initiate database restore.
    Note: From release CDWS 6.2.10, execution of restore.sh is not needed, as data backup and restore will be done automatically during upgrade.
    bash-5.0# ./restore.sh
    Enter absolute path of PostgreSQL bin directory:
    Enter PostgreSQL Password:
    Enter PostgreSQL Hostname:
    Enter PostgreSQL Port:
  5. The upgrade process is complete. You can now login to the application via. Web Console or RESTful API interface.