VSAM Files DASD Requirement and Description

Use IBM® Connect:Direct® VSAM files during testing, and migrate previous versions of the files as part of the product release implementation.

Note: If you use VSAM cache utilities, remove IBM Connect:Direct VSAM files from their control or unpredictable results may occur.

IBM Connect:Direct uses VSAM files to control and monitor execution. The following table describes the files and space requirements built during the configuration process. These values represent the minimum space requirement for each VSAM file.

dataset DSORG Approx. Install Supplied Size Number of Entries Approx. Minimum Size Minimum Primary Entries BLK SIZE (CI)
AUTH KSDS 132 KB 100 88 KB 5 4096
CKPT KSDS 600 KB 40 44 KB 5 4096
MSG KSDS 3 MB 12000 3 MB 12000 4096
NETMAP KSDS 88 KB 50 88 KB 2 4096
STATS archive directory1 ESDS 88 KB 500 88 KB 500 4096
STATS index1 KSDS 222 KB 5000 88 KB 750 4096
STATS index22 KSDS 222 KB 5000 88 KB 750 4096
STATS log1 ESDS 1.8 MB 6750 197 KB 1000 4096
STATS log22 ESDS 1.8 MB 6750 197 KB 1000 4096
TCQ RRDS 200 KB 100 44 KB 21 1536
TCX RRDS 44 KB 1 44 KB 1 1024
TYPE KSDS 88 KB 20 88 KB 5 4096
CONFIG3 KSDS 44 KB 1 44 KB 1 2048
USRPROF3 KSDS 144 KB 1 144 KB 1 4096
EVENT3 KSDS 44 KB 1 44 KB 1 2048
TOTAL   8.6 MB   4.4 MB    
  1. Optional dataset.
  2. The default configuration for the Statistics facility uses two statistics file pairs, which requires four VSAM files. Refer to Statistics Files below for details about the VSAM files.
  3. Optional IBM Connect:Direct-CICS IUI facility file.