IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Run Job Report

The IBM® Connect:Direct® for z/OS® Run Job Report lists the jobs submitted for execution using the IBM Connect:Direct RUN JOB statement. Jobs are listed for a specified time period. Following is an example of the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Run Job Report.

1                IBM  Connect:Direct for z/OS RUNJOB Report
                       NODE = SC.DUB.MWATL1
   ******     ******   *********    *********    *********************************************************
    MWATL1      6        MWCOPY       RJ         02/25/2011 PNODE = SC.DUB.MWATL1   SNODE = SC.DUB.MWATL1
                                                 COMPLETION CODE = 00000000          MSG ID = SRJA000I
                                                 C:D RUN JOB FUNCTION COMPLETED SUCCESSFULLY.
                                                 DSNAME ==> MWATL1.JCL.LIB(NDMBAT1)
                                                 JOB #  ==> 93960
                                                 JOB SUBMITTED ON SC.DUB.MWATL1

The ARS software sorts all RUN JOB steps for each SNODE by userid and then in ascending order by Process number.

The following table contains a description of the report fields.

Report Field Description
NODE IBM Connect:Direct node where the statistics file is being examined
USERID IBM Connect:Direct user ID
PROC # IBM Connect:Direct Process number
PROC NAME IBM Connect:Direct Process name
STEP NAME Name (or label) assigned to a RUN JOB step
mm/dd/yyyy Date RUN JOB step submitted to run
PNODE IBM Connect:Direct primary node
REPORT FIELD Description of report
SNODE IBM Connect:Direct secondary node
COMPLETION CODE IBM Connect:Direct completion code in hexadecimal format
MSG ID IBM Connect:Direct message ID
message Short message for IBM Connect:Direct message ID
DSNAME Data set name containing job stream to be submitted
JOB # Number assigned to job by operating system
JOB SUBMITTED ON IBM Connect:Direct node where the job is submitted to run