H2 and HW Statistic Record layout
The H2 and HW statistics record is generated and written to the Connect:Direct Statistics file at the same interval the SMF record is generated. This H2 and HW statistics record can be formatted as a report with the Select Statistics command or the SS or S2 selection from the Connect:Direct IUI.
Offset Decimal | Offset Hexadecimal | Name | Length | Format | Description |
00 | 00 | H2RECLN | 2 | Binary | H2 Record length |
02 | 02 | H2RTYPE | 2 | EBCDIC | H2 Record Id |
04 | 04 | H2TIME | 4 | Binary | Time when STAT record is written |
08 | 08 | H2DATE | 4 | Binary | Julian Date when STAT record written |
12 | 0C | H2HSNAM | 8 | EBCDIC | zOS System Name |
20 | 14 | H2HJOB | 8 | EBCDIC | Server JOB Name |
28 | 1C | H2HITME | 4 | Binary | Server Initialization Time |
32 | 20 | H2HIDTE | 4 | Packed | Server Initialization Date |
36 | 24 | H2HJID | 8 | EBCDIC | Server JOB Number |
44 | 2C | H2HPLX | 8 | EBCDIC | CD Plex XCF Group Name |
52 | 34 | H2HSRV | 8 | EBCDIC | CD Plex Member Name |
60 | 3C | H2SNOD | 16 | EBCDIC | Server Nodename (LNODE) |
78 | 4E | H2HRINT | 2 | Binary | HW Recording Interval |
80 | 50 | H2HMAXP | 2 | Binary | Maximum Process (MAXPROCESS) |
82 | 52 | H2HSHWM | 2 | Binary | High Session value |
84 | 54 | H2HHTME | 4 | Binary | Time Reached in this Interval |
88 | 58 | H2HHDTE | 4 | Packed | Date Reached in this Interval |
92 | 5C | H2HPRCT | 2 | Binary | Primary Session Count |
94 | 5E | H2HSECT | 2 | Binary | Secondary Session Count |
96 | 60 | H2HOS | 4 | EBCDIC | OS Type |
100 | 64 | H2HOSVR | 4 | EBCDIC | OS Version |
104 | 68 | H2HCDVR | 4 | Binary | CD Server Version |
108 | 6C | H2HLIC | 8 | EBCDIC | License Edition |
116 | 74 | H2HTYP | 4 | EBCDIC | License Sub-Type PROD/TEST |
120 | 78 | H2HMSU | 4 | Binary | MSU Value |
124 | 7C | H2HGMT | 4 | Binary | GMT Offset |
128 | 80 | H2HNUMN | 4 | Binary | Number of Nodes |
134 | 86 | H2HHSTL | 2 | Binary | Length of Hostname |
136 | 88 | H2HHOST | 255 | EBCDIC | Hostname |
391 | 187 | 1 | Reserved | ||
392 | 188 | H2SEQ | 2 | Binary | Sequence number of Date/Time |
394 | 18A | 6 | Reserved | ||
400 | 190 | H2TOTP | 8 | Binary | Total number of Process Executed |
408 | 198 | H2HWCNT | 8 | Binary | Number of times HW Count reached |