install.agent record

The install.agent record contains IBM Sterling Connect:Direct parameters to control the Connect:Direct Install Agent, used by Control Center Director to manage applying upgrades and maintenance.

Parameter Description Value Restart Required
agent.port Configures the Agent listening port that Control Center Director will use to communicate with the Agent. Port number Default Value: 1365 Yes Configures the Control Center Director Open Server Architecture (OSA) URL, the target location where Agent posts all the events to Control Center Director. Valid URL
Note: Ensure that you insert a ';' and not a ':' between hostname and port and after https.
Default Value: blank
osa.disable Allows disabling OSA without deleting Y | N No
agent.enable Specifies whether the agent is enabled to run, or disabled and will be stopped. Y | N No
agent.installation_id Identifies the Connect:Direct installation package installed by Control Center Director. Informational only, managed by CCD. No
installer.location Specifies the location of installer download during upgrade via Control Center Director. Valid path on system
Note: The path should be an absolute path.