Global Run Task record

The Global Run Task record called runtask.parms is used if the pnode and snode cannot resynchronize during a restart.

If a Process is interrupted when a run task on an SNODE step is executing, IBM® Connect:Direct® attempts to synchronize the previous run task step on the SNODE with the current run task step. If synchronization fails, IBM Connect:Direct reads the restart parameter to determine whether to perform the run task step again. The following parameter is available for this record:

Parameter Description Value Restart Required
restart If processing is interrupted when a run task on an SNODE step is executing and if synchronization fails after a restart, IBM Connect:Direct reads the restart parameter to determine whether to perform the run task step again. Set this parameter in the initialization parameters file of the SNODE.
Note: When a load balancing cluster is used and the is specified, the restart parameter takes effect only when resynchronization fails.
y | n

y—The run task program runs again. The default is y.

n—The Process skips the run task step.
