Global Copy record
The Global Copy record called copy.parms provides default information for the IBM® Connect:Direct® copy operation.
The ecz parameters are only used when extended compression is defined in a Process. The following parameters are available for this record:
Record | Description | Value | Restart Required |
ckpt.interval |
The default number of bytes transmitted in a copy operation before a
checkpoint is taken. Following is a list of the maximum number of digits for each byte
interval: no—No checkpointing nnnnnnnn—Up to an 8-digit decimal nnnnnnnnK—Up to an 8-digit decimal, where K denotes 1024 bytes nnnnnnnnM—Up to an 7-digit decimal, where M denotes 1048576 bytes nnnnG—Up to an 4-digit decimal, where G denotes 1073741824 bytes |
The maximum possible value is 1 terabyte (TB). The normal value is 64KB. | No |
ulimit |
The action taken when the limit on a user output file size is exceeded during a copy operation. | n—Ignores the limit. n is the default value. y—Recognizes the user file size limit. If this limit is exceeded during a copy operation, the operation fails. |
No |
xlate.dir |
The name of the directory containing the translation tables. | Any valid directory. The default path is d_dir/ndm/xlate. |
No |
xlate.send |
The default translation table used when sending data to a remote node. | Any valid directory. The default file name is def_send.xlt. |
No |
xlate.recv |
The name of the default translation table used when copying data from a remote node. | The default file name is def_recv.xlt in the directory defined in the xlate.dir parameter. | No |
continue.on.exception |
The method to use to handle an exception condition in a Process. If a step fails due to a STOP IMMEDIATE or FLUSH exception issued on the remote node, the Process is placed in the Hold HE queue, regardless of the value of this parameter. | y—Continues Processing with the next step. n—Places a Process in the Hold queue with a value of HE. The default is n. |
No |
ecz.compression.level |
Sets the compression level. | 1–9. The default is 1. 1—The fastest but offers the least degree of compression. 9—Provides the greatest degree of compression but is the slowest. |
No |
ecz.memory.level |
How much virtual memory to allocate to maintaining the internal compression state. | 1–9. The default is 4. 1—Uses the least memory and 9 uses the most memory. |
No |
ecz.windowsize |
The size of the compression window and history buffer. The larger the window, the greater the compression. However, increasing the window uses more virtual memory. | Valid values are 9–15. The default is 13. | No | |
The codes to recognize as a file allocation retry attempt. File allocation
retry enables a Process with a file allocation or open error on either the local or remote
node to run the Process again, beginning at the copy step where the error occurred. This
feature supports the ability to retry a Process that failed when a file is already in
use. When a file allocation or open error occurs on either the local or remote node, the PNODE searches for the error or message ID in the and retry.msgids parameters. If the error code or message ID is found, the Process is retried. Since error codes can vary from one operating system to another and the same error code can have different meanings, use message IDs to identify retry conditions when communicating between two different platforms. You can perform retry attempts based on codes only, IDs only, or a combination of the two. When a retry condition is detected, the session is
terminated cleanly and the Process is placed in the Timer queue.
Note: If you are using the
file allocation retry function when communicating with a remote node on an operating system
that is not UNIX, identify operating system retry codes using formats and code values
defined by the remote node.
Any valid error code | No |
retry.msgids |
Identifies the message IDs to use to support a file allocation retry
attempt. Since error codes can vary from one operating system to another and the same error code can have different meanings, use message IDs to identify retry conditions when communicating between two different platforms. When a file allocation or open error occurs on either the local or remote node, the PNODE searches for the message ID in the retry.msgids parameters. If the message ID is found, the Process is retried. You can perform retry attempts based on codes only, message IDs only, or a combination of the two. When a retry condition is detected, the session is terminated cleanly and the Process is placed in the Timer queue. |
Any of the valid file allocation retry messages. | No |
tcp.crc |
Globally turn on or off the CRC function for TCP/IP Processes. | y | n y—Turns on the CRC function globally. n—Turns off the CRC function globally. The default is n. |
No |
tcp.crc.override |
Determines whether netmap remote node and Process statement overrides for CRC checking are allowed. If this value is set to n, setting overrides for CRC checking will be ignored. | y | n y—Allows netmap remote node and Process statement overrides for CRC checking. n—Prevents netmap remote node and Process statement overrides for CRC checking. The default is n. |
No |
strip.blanks |
Determines whether trailing blank characters are stripped from the end of a record. If strip.blanks is not defined in the initialization parameter, the default value of i is used. | y | n | i y—Strips blanks from the end of a record n—Does not strip blanks from the end of a record i—Setting for strip.blanks is determined by the default value of the remote node type as follows:
No |
insert.newline |
Arbitrarily appends an LF character at the end of each record when receiving a datatype=text file. By default, an LF character is not appended if one already exists at the end of a record. | y | n y—Arbitrarily appends an LF character n—Appends an LF character if needed |
No | | , where nnn is an octal integer
describing the desired default permissions for new files received.It is the same as the
value documented for the copy |
Octal Integer | No | | , where x is one of the following three values:
y | n | p | No |
fsync.after.receive |
Files received and closed by C:D to an NFS destination may not be immediately ready for processing due to NFS cached writes. This parameter optionally calls fsync function to attempt to flush all data to disk before closing the file. | [y|n]. Default is y. | No |