External record
From version 6.2 onwards, Connect:Direct supports logging of statistics records from
external sources. User can write statistics records from external sources via command WRITE EXSTATS.
Following 40 statistics record identifiers (say Y-series) are reserved for external
External records are retrievable through the SELECT STATISTICS command option for batch, and
the DISPLAY option for the IUI.
YA |
YB |
YC |
YD | YE | YF (reserved for File Agent) | YG | YH | YI | YJ |
YK |
YL |
YM |
YN | YO | YP | YQ | YR | YS | YT |
YU |
YV |
YW |
YX | YY | YZ | Y0 | Y1 | Y2 | Y3 |
Y4 |
Y5 |
Y6 |
Y7 | Y8 | Y9 | Y@ | Y# | Y$ | Y% |