Process Execution Example

In the following example, IBM® Connect:Direct® is running. Seven Processes are submitted to the TCQ on NODE.A to execute on NODE.B. All of the submitted Processes are ready to run. In addition, all Processes have a user-specified class value and the same priority. (Class determines which session IBM Connect:Direct selects to run. Class values allow a Process to execute on a session with a matching class value or on sessions with higher class values.)

This site configuration enables up to four sessions to run between NODE.A and NODE.B. Each session between NODE.A and NODE.B has its own unique class number. IBM Connect:Direct executes in the following order:

  1. NODE.A simultaneously starts four sessions, as in the following figure. Processes are displayed in the same order they appear in the queue. Because the user-specified class of PROCA and PROCB is 1, they can run on the class 2, 3, or 4 sessions, if needed.
  2. PROCB completes execution, making a session available. IBM Connect:Direct looks through the TCQ for the first eligible Process for that session. PROCG is the next Process available to run on the class 2 session because all other Processes have a class value higher than 2.
  3. PROCA, PROCG, and PROCD complete execution. PROCE begins executing in the class 3 session and PROCC begins executing in the class 4 session. The class 1 and class 2 sessions cannot be used because the only Process remaining in the queue (PROCF) is class 4. PROCF must wait for an available class 4 session.
  4. PROCH and PROCI are submitted. PROCF continues to wait, because it can only run in a class 4 session.
  5. PROCE completes. PROCF is still waiting for PROCC to complete. If another Process is submitted for class 1, 2, or 3, it can use the available class 3 session.
